WRV – Waste and Recycling Expo Việt Nam

3+ Simple Ways to Compost Organic Waste Without Odor

3+ Simple Ways to Compost Organic Waste Without Odor

Organic waste compost is a valuable source of nutrients for plants and the environment, but if not composted properly, it can produce unwanted odors. In the article below, RX Tradex will guide you through 3 simple ways to compost organic waste without causing bad smells.

1. Benefits of Composting Organic Waste

Composting organic waste is a valuable source of nutrients for plants and soil, providing numerous positive effects such as:

  • Providing Nutrients for Plants: Organic compost contains nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other essential minerals that help plants grow strong and healthy.
  • Improving Soil Structure: Using organic compost helps improve soil structure, increases soil aeration, reduces the risk of soil compaction, and prevents soil pollution.
  • Retaining Moisture in the Soil: Organic compost helps retain moisture in the soil, enhancing water retention and providing water to plants over a long period, especially during dry seasons.
  • Increasing Plant Resistance: The microorganisms in organic compost also help improve plant resistance, allowing them to fight off diseases more effectively.
  • Reducing Dependence on Chemical Fertilizers: Using organic compost reduces the cost of buying chemical fertilizers and decreases the consumption of harmful chemicals for the environment.

2. Tips for Composting Organic Waste Without Odor

2.1 Selecting the Right Materials

When choosing materials for composting, it’s important to select suitable brown and green waste and avoid certain materials. Some appropriate materials include:

  • Brown Waste:
    • Household Waste: Waste paper, dry grass clippings, dry branches, straw, dry leaves, nut shells, rice bran, onion skins, garlic skins, coconut shells, rice husks, wheat husks, rice husks, etc.
    • Plant Waste: Fruit peels, bark, leaves, dry grass, etc.
    • Other Waste: Recycled paper, paper packaging without printing or using natural ink.
  • Green Waste:
    • Vegetation: Fresh grass, fresh leaves, fruit peels, spoiled fruits, banana peels, coconut shells, damaged vegetables, etc.
    • Kitchen Waste: Fruit peels, vegetable scraps, soybean pulp, coffee grounds, eggshells, wet manure, fresh grass clippings, etc.
    • Plant Waste: Various types of plants, pruned leaves.
  • Materials to Avoid:
    • Animal Products: Meat, bones, skin, fish, oily foods, etc.
    • Oily Substances: Cooking oil, vegetable oil, fats from food, animal fats, etc.
    • Non-biodegradable Materials: Plastics, rubber, metals, glass, banned substances in organic fertilizer production.

2.2 Simple Odor-Free Composting with Microbial Preparations

When choosing microbial preparations to compost organic waste without odor, some recommended types can stimulate the natural decomposition process without creating unpleasant odors. Here are some popular microbial preparations you can use:

  • Microbial Enzymes: This is a popular choice for composting organic waste. Microbial enzymes can include yeast, alcohol yeast, or lactic acid bacteria. They contain beneficial bacteria that stimulate the decomposition process and transform organic waste into compost.
  • Bokashi: A microbial preparation originating from Japan, produced from beneficial bacteria and lactic acid bacteria. Bokashi can decompose organic waste quickly and effectively without causing odors.
  • Bacillus Bacteria: Bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans can also be used for composting. They help enhance the decomposition process and promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms during composting.
  • Microbial Preparations with Balanced Carbon and Nitrogen: For odor-free composting, balancing the carbon and nitrogen content in the microbial preparation is crucial. A balanced carbon and nitrogen microbial preparation will help maintain ideal composting conditions without creating bad smells.

When selecting a microbial preparation, pay attention to the ingredients, usage instructions, and intended use to ensure you choose the most suitable type for your needs and ensure the composting process is efficient and odor-free.

3. Odor-Free Organic Waste Composting Process with Microbial Preparations

Step 1: Prepare the Bin and Lining

  • Select a Compost Bin: Choose a bin or container with sufficient capacity to hold the amount of organic waste you need to compost. Ensure the bin has a lid to retain moisture and prevent insect intrusion.
  • Line the Bottom: Line the bottom of the bin with a layer of organic material like straw or leaves to reduce impact and support initial decomposition.

Step 2: Add Prepared Materials to the Bin and Start Composting

  • Select organic waste types such as brown and green waste as mentioned above.
  • Prepare the microbial preparation according to the usage instructions on the package or recommended ratio.
  • Layer brown and green waste alternately in the compost bin. Then, spray the prepared microbial solution evenly on each layer of waste.
  • Continue the process of layering waste and spraying microbial preparation until the bin is full or reaches the desired capacity.

Step 3: Harvest the Finished Compost for Plants and Soil

  • Monitor the composting process daily to ensure the organic waste is evenly moist and not dry. Adjust the amount of water or microbial preparation if necessary.
  • Continue composting the organic waste for the necessary time, typically from 1 to 3 months, depending on temperature and humidity conditions.
  • Once the composting process is complete and the waste has fully decomposed, take the finished compost from the bin to use as fertilizer for plants and soil.

4. Conclusion

By following these steps, you can harness the valuable benefits of composting organic waste without producing unwanted odors. Scaling this up for businesses involved in production can bring economic benefits and contribute to environmental protection and sustainable brand image building. Businesses can also participate in the Exhibition Toward a Circular Economy organized by RX Tradex Vietnam, where they can network, share, and collaborate with major industry enterprises.