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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Supporting industry in the electronics industry: Great prospects for Vietnamese businesses

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In recent years, the electronics industry and the supporting industry in the electronics industry have become one of the important drivers of Vietnam’s economic growth and exports. With a contribution of more than 30% of the country’s total export turnover in 2021 and 2022,  The electronics industry is not only the pillar of the economy […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Some notes when performing aluminum welding by rod welding machine

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Welding aluminum with a rod welding machine is considered one of the difficult welding techniques due to the special characteristics of aluminum, along with the strict requirements for welding machines and welding rods. The implementation of aluminum welding requires welders to master the techniques and have thorough preparation. To help you perform the welding process […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Do welding machines consume electricity? How to choose the most suitable electronic welding machine capacity

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In the manufacturing industry, welding machines are an indispensable tool. However, with the diversity of welding machines today, many businesses wonder whether welding machines consume a lot of electricity and how to choose a welding machine with the right capacity. The answer lies in understanding the factors that affect electricity consumption and applying advanced technologies […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

How to use the most standard rod welding machine in 2024

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Rod welding machines are important tools in industry and construction. In order to use rod welding machines effectively and safely, this article will provide detailed instructions from how to use the welding machine and some notes when using electronic welding machines, safety principles, and introduce the common types of rod welding machines today. 1. Instructions […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

What is a Welding Machine? Common types of welding machines on the market today

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Metal welding is an important technique in many industries, playing an essential role in bonding two or more metal materials by fusing them and creating a strong weld. In this article, RX Tradex will provide you with detailed information about what a welding machine is and the common types of welding machines on the market […]

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VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Types of electric motors that are commonly used today in industry

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In the current era of industrialization, electric motors have become an integral part of many different industries. From operating production lines to home appliances, electric motors play a key role in improving efficiency and minimizing operating costs. In order to choose and use electric motors effectively, it is essential to have a good understanding of […]

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