VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

The 5 most popular green manufacturing trends today

The 5 most popular green manufacturing trends today

In an era when environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discussions, the manufacturing industry has realized the importance of adopting sustainable measures. Green production, or sustainable production, has become a key factor in shaping an environmentally friendly and socially responsible future. This is also the factor that businesses now need to aim to participate in the global economy, attract foreign direct investment capital and promote sustainable economic development. The application of green production strategies not only helps protect the environment but also creates favorable conditions for businesses to develop and compete in the international market.

In the article below, join RX Tradex to discover the 5 most popular green production trends that businesses should apply.

Understanding Green Manufacturing

Green production is a production method geared towards minimizing negative environmental and social impacts. The goal of green manufacturing is to create products and services without harming the environment, save resources, reduce emissions, and enhance the efficiency of raw material use.

The basic principles of green manufacturing include using renewable energy sources, optimizing production processes to save energy and raw materials, using recycled and environmentally friendly materials, developing products that have a long service life and are easy to recycle after use.

Green manufacturing also includes building sustainable supply chains, from choosing suppliers to shipping and storing products, in order to minimize negative environmental and social impacts. At the same time, green manufacturing also promotes the creation of new technologies and production processes to optimize performance and reduce environmental impact.

5 popular green production trends today

1. Energy optimization

One of the fundamental aspects of green manufacturing is optimizing energy use. Manufacturers are increasingly turning to renewable energy sources to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment. According to a report by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), it is expected that by 2030, renewable energy will account for about 27% of total energy consumption worldwide.

Businesses should invest in renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower. Installing solar panels on factory roofs or using wind energy not only reduces dependence on fossil fuels, but also reduces carbon emissions significantly.

In addition, energy-saving technologies and processes are being widely deployed in the manufacturing industry. Advanced machines and equipment with higher efficiency will help reduce energy consumption.

2. Minimize waste generation and waste recycling

Green production focuses on minimizing waste generation and promoting recycling, making an important contribution to environmental protection. This includes designing products from recyclable materials, implementing effective recycling programs, and adopting responsible waste disposal methods in the production facility. By reusing raw materials and minimizing waste, manufacturers not only reduce negative environmental impacts but also optimize resources, contribute to nature conservation and promote sustainable development.

3. Approach lean manufacturing

Adopting lean manufacturing methods is one of the key strategies in green manufacturing. Instead of continuing complex and wasteful manufacturing processes, this approach emphasizes optimizing processes to eliminate waste and enhance performance.

By minimizing the hoarding of excess inventory, refining product designs to make them more efficient, and eliminating unnecessary steps in the manufacturing process, businesses not only reduce costs but also minimize negative environmental impacts.

4. Producing products with sustainable elements

Green production always comes with sustainable elements. It’s easy for experienced manufacturers to realize that sustainability is virtually impossible to incorporate into existing products or production processes.

Instead of thinking about how to create sustainable products, businesses can focus on incorporating sustainability in the manufacturing process to create products. Today’s smart manufacturing technology allows R&D teams and designers to work on a single platform to develop sustainable products.

By analyzing data, simulating scenarios, and integrating feedback from customers, manufacturers can integrate essentials such as reducing packaging, simplifying design, and using recyclable materials into products and manufacturing processes.

5. Increase the use of smart technology in production

Using smart technology is an important step to optimize production processes and minimize waste. Advanced technology such as sensors, artificial intelligence, and data analytics allow manufacturers to monitor their operations in real-time and make smart decisions. This helps reduce energy and resource consumption, extend the life of machinery and equipment and minimize the amount of waste.

Specifically, the application of 4.0 technology helps manufacturers use resources more efficiently, reduce damage to the environment and optimize production processes. Technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and automation play an important role in driving the development of the green economy. 


In the face of the strong development trend of green consumption, the application of green production measures is becoming an undeniable trend in the industry. Given the importance of protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development, businesses need to master and apply these trends to adapt and compete in the global market. 

If businesses want to learn more about new trends in the manufacturing industry, especially updating more knowledge related to green production, they can register immediately to participate in Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2024 to access many new methods, have the opportunity to meet and connect with leading experts who have experience and success in bringing the business to the world level.