WRV – Waste and Recycling Expo Việt Nam

5 Trends in waste treatment technology applied in the world

5 Trends in waste treatment technology applied in the world

The world as a whole generates more than 2 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste annually, with at least 33% of it not managed in an environmentally safe way. It is expected that this figure will rise to 3.4 billion tons by 2050, more than double the population growth over the same period. [1] The figures are alarming and appropriate solutions are needed to control pollution and climate change produced by greenhouse gases from waste. In the article below, RX Tradex summarizes 5 waste treatment technology trends applied in the world to optimize waste management processes.

Top 5 trends of advanced waste treatment technology are applied in the world.

1. Internet rác thải IoW (Internet of Waste).

IoW is an application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in waste management, helping to significantly reduce inefficiencies in the collection and transportation of pollutants. IoW uses sensors that monitor fill levels in smart trash cans and notify when waste is nearly full, ensuring facilities come to collect them in a timely manner. This supports the optimization of human resources and garbage collection process from routine work to disposal when the garbage is full.

IoW also creates trash cans so smart that they can identify and sort waste into four categories: plastic, paper, glass and metal. Not to mention that IoT in waste management has developed further, creating an interconnected waste and recycling chain, allowing users to interact through applications, including: Self-driving cars, garbage containers, software,… In addition, IoW also allows tracking vehicles, travel routes, ensuring there are no errors, failures or traffic congestion at garbage collection hours, not to mention the addition of IoT-based temperature sensors to prevent fires and explosions. With these advances and beyond, IoT can be said to be a pillar for  a smart waste management system, a powerful support for building smart cities and moving towards a circular green economy.

2. The combination of AI artificial intelligence, machine learning and robots sorting and recycling garbage.

Manual waste sorting is a time-consuming, labor-intensive process that is inefficient and also increases the amount of waste reaching landfills. Therefore, waste management units have improved this process by using industrial robots, along with sensors, computer vision and  AI to automate and increase the efficiency of waste sorting activities, thoroughly treating each specific material. Computer vision and machine learning (ML) algorithms also facilitate intelligent classification by identifying different types and sizes of contaminants. As a result, it increases the accuracy and speed of sorting, greatly supporting plastic recycling companies.

AI-based solutions help create optimal routes for garbage trucks, save fuel costs and reduce traffic congestion. Moreover, AI-driven self-driving garbage trucks will also limit the risk of occupational accidents for drivers. In addition, coordinating with robots using arms that move faster and stronger than human hands, they pick up more trash and heavy objects, including plastic, from beaches and in the ocean. Not to mention that drones monitor landfills to detect if there are any toxic or radioactive leaks, and also monitor carbon emissions and pollution levels around them so they can proactively manage waste.

3. Turn waste into energy by Plasma gasification technology.

A common method of converting garbage into energy is waste incineration using normal temperatures, but is gradually obsolete because of the negative consequences for the environment when toxic by-product gases are not treated thoroughly. Therefore, the world is gradually shifting to progressive and efficient waste treatment technology trends such as plasma gasification.

With plasma gasification solution,  garbage is incinerated at temperatures higher than 2000 degrees Celsius thanks to hot gas from plasma burners or arcs, breaking the chemical bonds of dirt and converting them into synthesis gas. The main components of this output are CO and H2 – gases that are the basic raw materials for the production of fertilizers, chemicals, or are directed to gas turbines, which burn steam in the process of generating electricity. As a result, toxic garbage also becomes useful gaseous fuel, while inorganic matter is melted into non-toxic slag, which can be used as a material in construction. The rare downside here is that dioxins are still produced when syngas cools. However, they are nonetheless significantly less toxic than dioxins and furans formed at traditional incineration plants. And therefore, this is a future trend of waste treatment technology, because it is both efficient and less polluting.

4. Technology for decomposition of all types of waste.

Along with population growth and urbanization, garbage and greenhouse gas emissions,  mainly methane, have also increased dramatically, pushing global warming more seriously than ever. So what can be done to turn garbage into something useful instead of ending up in overcrowded landfills? Advanced compostage technology is one of the solutions  to turn waste into energy, towards circularizing production lines along with reducing negative impacts for traditional landfills, by turning gaseous, liquid, solid waste into heat or useful fuels.

Decomposition technologies use natural mechanisms to turn materials into useful products. The common method is controlled composting which converts organic waste into simpler forms using bacteria or fungi. The resulting fertilizer enriches the soil with beneficial nutrients and prevents soil erosion, ensures the reuse of organic matter, reduces the amount of solid waste at landfills. There are also methods of converting to bioplastics or compostable innovative materials to reduce plastic pollution, resulting in zero waste into the environment.

5. Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC).

HTC is the thermochemical process that turns organic waste into carbon similar in structure to fossil fuels – it takes millions of years to form naturally. This method processes wet feedstock, combined with an acid catalyst and pressure at a temperature of 180-250 degrees Celsius to produce hydrogen-char – a fossil fuel-like product with a high carbon content. Hydro-char can not only be used to make fuel, even replace coal, avoiding the negative effects of coal mining; or used for soil enrichment or gasification.

HTC’s big advantage over other thermochemical technologies is that it does not require drying raw materials before processing, making this process much faster. The ecological efficacy of hydrothermal carbonization technology is still being investigated in order to find more benefits and further applications for this advanced method.


Thus, RX Tradex has just shared the top 5 waste treatment technology trends applied in the world and  their advantages and positive impacts on the living environment and convenience for people. However, technology is not a panacea but needs awareness and coordinated actions of each person to support these tools to operate effectively and appropriately for each type of business. At  the Waste Treatment and Recycling Technology Exhibition to be held in 2024, businesses will have the opportunity to access many advanced waste treatment technology trends and be listened to, shared and consulted accordingly. In addition, more solutions, machinery and other technologies in the field of electronics, metalworking and supporting industries at the International Exhibitions Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, METALEX Vietnam, and NEPCON Vietnam organized  by RX Tradex Vietnam in 2023 will meet your expectations.