VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

What is Chain Drive? Application of Chain Drives in Industry

What is Chain Drive? Application of Chain Drives in Industry

With its strong force transmission and high performance, chain drive is regarded as an important and popular mechanical method in many industrial fields. Understanding the structure, advantages and disadvantages as well as specific applications of chain drives will help businesses apply chain drives effectively and optimize the operation process. Join RX Tradex to discover the structure, operating principle as well as the pros and cons of chain drive in the article below.

1. What is a chain drive?

A chain drive is a mechanical mechanism that uses a chain to transmit force from one shaft to another. This method is often used to transmit force to the wheels in vehicles such as bicycles and motorcycles, as well as in many types of industrial machinery. The chain actuator structure consists of a roller chain, also known as a drive chain, which moves on the chain gears, with the teeth of the gears engaged into the holes in the chain link to transmit force.

chain drive
What is a chain drive?

The chain drive system works by rotating gears that pull the chain, which applies a mechanical force to the structure. Sprockets are made up of multiple rigid links linked together by latch joints, which allow the drive wheel and the drive vehicle to rotate around each other. This structure not only ensures stability, but also optimizes power transmission performance, making the system operate smoothly and efficiently.

By using chains and gears, chain drives provide an efficient solution for force transmission in a wide range of applications, from mobile devices such as bicycles and motorcycles to complex industrial machinery systems. This makes chain drives a popular and reliable method in many fields

2. Chain drives on the market today

There are 3 popular chain drives on the market today: conveyor chain drives, pull and lift chain drives, and power transmission chain drives.

2.1. Conveyor chain drive

Conveyor chain drive is a type of chain that is commonly used in conveyor systems. This system consists of bearings that are connected to each other by bonding plates, which help to convey materials continuously and efficiently. There are two main types of conveyor chains: detachable chains and closed-joint-type chains.

2.2. Pull and lift chain drives

Pull and lift chain drives are used to lift or lower loads in systems such as elevators or cranes. This type of chain can be operated manually, electrically, or pneumatically, and is often used in systems that require precise and safe lifting.

2.3. Power transmission chain drive

Powertrain chain drives are designed to transmit mechanical energy between shafts with short distances. This system is usually lubricated to reduce friction and increase service life. There are three types of transmission chains including: block or dust chain, dust roller chain and silent chain. Each has its own advantages in terms of performance and durability.

3. Pros and cons of chain drives

Chain drives are considered an effective and flexible solution in many industrial applications to ensure stability and performance in complex drive systems. However, like other types of drives, chain drives also have different pros and cons. Here are some of the pros and cons of chain drives:

3.1. Advantages of chain drives

– The tolerance between the axle center distances in the chain drive is tightly controlled to ensure smooth operation.

– The size of the gears is precisely designed, making the system operate smoothly and efficiently for a variety of uses.

– The installation of the chain actuator is very simple, making it ideal for those who do not want to deal with complex installation techniques.

– Redesigning and configuring chain drives is easier than many other types of drives.

– The performance of chain drives is superior to other drive methods, especially under shock load conditions.

– The chain drive system is very effective in maintaining a stable speed when conveying multiple teeth at the same time.

– This significantly reduces bearing loads due to the absence of tension on the slack side as in belt drives.

– The production and maintenance costs of chain drives are much lower than other drive systems.

– The transmission efficiency of the chain actuator can reach 98%, ensuring the optimal velocity ratio without sliding problems like other methods.

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Advantages of chain drives

3.2. Disadvantages of chain drives

– During the use of the chain actuator, there is a possibility of velocity fluctuations and the chain being stretched under extreme conditions.

– One of the main causes of excessive vibration in chains is the chord effect.

– Although the cost of manufacturing chain drives is quite high compared to other drive options, the installation of chain drives is still very important.

– This system is highly maintenance-demanding, requiring constant lubrication and slack adjustment to ensure efficient operation.

– If not lubricated properly, the chains are prone to wear and damage quickly.

– Maintaining lubricating oil and performing routine maintenance is necessary to extend the life of the chain drive.

4. Application of chain drive

Thanks to its strong force transmission, high durability and low maintenance costs, chain drives are considered an effective power transmission solution and are widely used in many different industries, namely:

Manufacturing and processing industry

  • Conveyor Systems: Chain drives are used in conveyor systems to convey materials in manufacturing and processing plants. The chain conveyor system ensures continuous and stable material transportation, which increases productivity and production efficiency.
  • Industrial machinery: Machines such as presses, stamping machines, and rolling machines also use chain drives to transmit force, ensuring accurate and stable operation.

Construction Industry

  • Lifting Equipment: Chain drives are used in lifting equipment such as cranes, elevators, and overhead cranes to lift and lower large loads safely and efficiently.
  • Construction Machinery: Construction machinery such as excavators, bulldozers, and cranes use chain drives to transmit power, making these devices powerful and durable in harsh working environments.
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Application of chain drive

Automobile and motorcycle industry

  • Transmission system: Chain transmission is an important component in the transmission system of bicycles, motorcycles, and some cars. The drive chain ensures the transmission of force from the engine to the wheels, making the vehicle move smoothly and efficiently.
  • Cam system: In automobile engines, cam chains are used to synchronize the movement between the camshaft and crankshaft, ensuring the engine operates accurately and efficiently.


  • Agricultural machinery: Chain drives are used in agricultural machinery such as harvesters, plows, and harvesters to transmit force, making these devices efficient and durable in the harsh working conditions of the farm.

Transportation and logistics industry

  • Freight Systems: Chain drives are used in freight systems at ports, warehouses, and logistics centers. This system helps to transfer goods continuously and efficiently, minimizing transportation time and costs.
  • Conveyor belts: Conveyor belts in the logistics industry use chain drives to move goods from one point to another during handling and distribution.

5. Conclusion

Hopefully, the above article has helped you better understand the structure, advantages and disadvantages and common applications of chain drives in the industry today. In order to keep up to date with the latest trends and advanced machinery technologies in the manufacturing industry,  You can register to participate in the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo. The event will bring together hundreds of leading manufacturers and suppliers of industrial equipment, bringing the most innovative and modern solutions.

Vietnam Manufacturing Expo is not only a showcase for cutting-edge products and technologies, but also a great opportunity for you to meet industry experts, expand your business network and catch up on the latest trends in manufacturing and supporting industries.