VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Industrial compressed air systems – Notes to know before installation

Industrial compressed air systems – Notes to know before installation

Industrial compressed air systems are becoming increasingly popular, playing an important role in supporting the production and providing a stable source of compressed air for equipment and machinery. However, in order to optimize work efficiency, it is extremely important to choose the right equipment and master the principles of the same consideration when installing. Join RX Tradex to find out the notes you need to know before installing a compressed air system in industry in the article below.

1. What equipment does the compressed air system in industry include?

Industrial compressed air systems include many synchronous working equipment, in order to provide a continuous, stable and high-pressure compressed air supply, serving production, manufacturing and repair activities in medium to large-scale factories and workshops.

The main components of this system include: screw compressor, air dryer, compressed air tank, compressed air filter and pneumatic piping system.

1.1. Screw compressor – The core equipment of compressed air systems in industry

A screw compressor is the most important piece of equipment in a compressed air system, supplying compressed air inlet to the entire system. The task of the machine is to suck air from the outside environment, compress it and supply compressed air with high pressure to serve other equipment in the system.

Screw compressor
Screw compressor

Reasons to use screw compressors in industry

Screw compressors are often preferred in compressed air systems over piston compressors because of their ability to provide outstanding flow and capacity. This helps to meet the demands of continuous and demanding work in production and repair workshops.

Distinctive features of screw compressors

  • The screw compressor has a compact, boxy design that is easy to install permanently in one place.
  • Equipped with an electronic control panel makes it easy for users to monitor and adjust compressed air flow and pressure according to needs.
  • Unlike piston compressors, screw compressors do not come with a compressed air tank, so the system needs to be retrofitted with a reservoir.
  • The machine is capable of providing large compressed air flows, with a power that can be up to 400 kW.
  • The machine is capable of stable and continuous operation for a long time, suitable for highly demanding industrial environments.

Screw compressors, with their outstanding strength, design and adjustability, are ideal for compressed air systems in modern industries.

1.2. Compressed air tank – Essential component, providing stable compressed air for the system

Compressed air tanks are an integral part of every industrial compressor system. Given the large scale of these systems, the use of large-capacity compressed air tanks is necessary. Since screw compressors do not have built-in containers, retrofitting compressed air tanks becomes a must.

Compressed air tank
Compressed air tank

The role of compressed air tanks

Compressed air tanks play an important role in storing and providing a stable source of compressed air. When the compressor creates sufficient pressure, the compressed air reservoir receives, stores and delivers high-pressure compressed air to the entire system while the compressor stops running. This ensures that compressed air is always available and stable, helping the system operate efficiently and continuously.

Characteristics and specifications

  • Capacity: Compressed air tanks in industrial systems range in capacity from 120 liters to 10,000 liters, depending on the size of the system.
  • Material: Most containers are made from high-grade steel or stainless steel, capable of withstanding pressure from 8 – 10 kg / cm², ensuring durability and safety during use.
  • Included accessories: For efficient operation, the compressed air reservoir requires accessories such as a bottom relief valve, safety valve and pneumatic pressure gauge. These accessories help manage and monitor the pressure in the tank, ensuring the safety and performance of the system.

Compressed air tanks, with their outstanding role and features, are an important factor in maintaining a stable and efficient source of compressed air for industrial production activities.

1.3. Air dryer – Improve compressed air quality for compressed air systems in industry

During compression, the air fed into the compressor usually contains moisture resulting in the outlet compressed air also containing water vapor. If left untreated, this steam can cause rust to equipment, reducing service life and performance, especially seriously affecting production processes that require clean and dry compressed air. To solve this problem, air dryers are used to dry compressed air, ensuring the quality of the finished compressed air.

There are two common types of air dryers, refrigeration-type dryers and absorption dryers. Depending on the specific requirements of the job, we will choose the right type of dryer.

Air dryer
Air dryer

Refrigeration type air dryer

Refrigeration-type dryers are widely used in industrial compressor systems. The principle of operation of the machine is based on temperature changes, which condense water vapor when exposed to low temperatures, thereby providing clean and dry compressed air. The characteristics of refrigeration-type dryers include:

  • Drying efficiency: The finished compressed air is dried from 80 – 90%, suitable for jobs that do not require too high the cleanliness of compressed air.
  • Cost: Affordable, easily accessible and popular across industries.

Desiccant air dryer

Absorption air dryers use specialized super-hygroscopic particles that are self-recyclable to dry compressed air. The outstanding features of the desiccant air dryer include:

  • High drying efficiency: The finished compressed air dries almost completely, meeting the strict requirements of absolute clean compressed air sources, such as in healthcare, food, and electronic components manufacturing.
  • Cost: The price is relatively high compared to refrigerated air dryers, but in return, the compressed air quality achieved is optimal.

Air dryers, with their important role in drying compressed air, not only help to improve the service life of the equipment but also ensure product quality and working performance. The choice of the right dryer will depend on the specific requirements of each industry and application.

1.4. Industrial compressed air filter

In industrial compressed air systems, filters play an indispensable role. They are used to clean and dry compressed air, thereby improving production and business performance.

Pneumatic filters typically consist of three different filtration levels, corresponding to three filter cups: coarse filtration, fine filtration and superfine filtration. Some specialized filters have additional activated carbon filter cups for maximum purification and ensure that compressed air is perfectly clean.

In order to use industrial compressed air filters effectively, it is common to equip an automatic discharge cup under each filter cup. These automatic flush cups are designed to automatically drain water when the filter cup is full, providing convenience and efficiency in maintaining system cleanliness.

2. The role and effect of the compressed air system

According to statistics, more than 80% of manufacturing plants use air compressor systems to create compressed air with high flow and pressure for the production process. This system is applied in many different manufacturing fields, with specific applications as follows:

2.1. Mechanical engineering

In the current mechanical engineering industry, pneumatic systems are widely used to provide drives for a variety of machinery and processing tools. Applications include spray washers, pumps (spray and blow air), vacuum compressors, polishers, tightening, drilling, stamping, and chisels,…

2.2. Food and beverages

In the food and beverage sector, compressed air is used for drives for production lines, liquid agitators, filtration and blowing, cleaning, material transportation, sprinkler systems and vacuum packaging. In particular, the quality of compressed air in this industry must be of a high standard because it directly affects the health of consumers.

2.3. Pharmaceuticals

Pneumatic systems in pharmaceutical manufacturing support activities such as liquid stirring, oxygen aeration, material mixing, blending spray, dry spraying, transportation, drying and vacuum evaporation.

2.4. Textiles

In the textile industry, compressed air is used in sanitary processes of humidification, machine control, as well as crane and lifting in factories and production lines.

2.5. Chemicals

Similar to the pharmaceutical industry, compressed air systems in chemical production also serve tasks such as agitation, mixing, cleaning, equipment control, liquid chemical transportation, combustion, vacuum filtration, misting, and pumping.

3. Some notes when installing an air compressor system

In addition to choosing the right equipment, knowing the important notes when installing compressed air systems will help ensure the highest accuracy and efficiency. Here are the points to pay attention to when installing an industrial compressed air system, along with a standard compressed air system diagram that businesses can refer to:

Installation location

  • Screw compressor: Placed in the first position in the system.
  • Compressed air tank: Placed directly behind the compressor to store and assist in maintaining compressed air pressure.
  • Compressed air dryer: Install behind the compressed air tank to minimize pressure consumption from the compressor.
  • Compressed air filter: Install behind the dryer. Coarse filters with filter sizes of 3 micrometers or more can be installed in front of the air dryer.
  • Additional compressed air tank: An additional tank can be installed behind the dryer to minimize pressure drop.

Other considerations when installing

  • Main piping: It is recommended to install overhead, avoid installation under or inside the wall for easy leak detection and repair. The auxiliary pipeline should draw air from the top of the main pipeline to avoid sucking in water.
  • Installation location: Choose a dry, cool and flat location to install the compressed air system.
  • Installation space: It is best to install the compressed air system in a separate room, not in the same production space to limit dust and dirt.
  • Distance between devices: Avoid installing devices too close to each other to avoid thermal resonance during long-term operation.
  • Drainage and ventilation system: Ensure the installation of sewage lines and ventilation systems for the entire compressed air system.

Adhering to the above guidelines and precautions will help ensure your compressed air system is more efficient and durable.

4. Select capacity and features of screw compressors accordingly

4.1. When choosing a screw compressor, the following factors should be considered

Compressor series: Oil-based or oil-free screw compressors can be selected, depending on the specific application. Screw compressors are usually applied when large flows from 1 m3 to 100 m3/min are required and the usual pressure range is from 7 bar to 13 bar.

4.2. Selection based on capacity and compressed air flow factors

  • An air compressor can be selected based on experience from previous compressor customers or based on the required capacity and compressed air flow.
  • Calculate the total flow of compressed air equipment, combined with the highest pressure needed by the equipment to select the right compressor.

4.3. Default Specifications from Vendors

Refer to the default specifications from the air compressor supplier for the optimal choice.

4.4. Screw compressor capacity and features

  • 7.5 kW screw compressor: Compressed air flow is about 1.2 m3/min at 7 bar.
  • 11 kW screw compressor: Compressed air flow is about 1.8 m3/min at 7 bar.
  • 15 kW screw compressor: Compressed air flow is about 2.5 m3/min at 7 bar.
  • 22 kW screw compressor: Compressed air flow is about 3.9 m3/min at 7 bar.
  • 37 kW screw compressor: Compressed air flow is about 6.5 m3/min at 7 bar.
  • 55 kW screw compressor: Compressed air flow is about 9.5 m3/min at 7 bar.
  • 75 kW screw compressor: Compressed air flow is about 13 m3/min at 7 bar.
  • 100 kW screw compressor: Compressed air flow is about 18 m3/min at 7 bar.

4.5. Selection of accessories

After choosing the right air compressor, it is necessary to select the right compressed air pipe, power cable and pressure cooler for each type of screw compressor.

5. Summary

Here is important information about compressed air systems in the industry and things to keep in mind before implementing them. It is hoped that businesses can apply this information to install compressed air systems effectively, avoiding unwanted errors.

In addition, if you want to access new advanced technologies and apply them in industry, you can register to participate in Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, organized by RX Tradex. This exhibition provides an opportunity to network and interact with leading experts in the industry, listen to valuable sharing. From there, businesses can improve the production process more optimally and efficiently.