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Detailed air compressor maintenance process from A to Z

Detailed air compressor maintenance process from A to Z

Air compressors are industrial equipment widely applied in almost all manufacturing industries today, from inflatable, tire making, mining to medical and food. Due to the demand for use and the expanding market, many brands of air compressors were born. However, regardless of which brand of air compressor the business is using, the most important thing is to perform a routine and standard compressor maintenance process, helping the machine always operate efficiently, ensuring safety and extending the life of the equipment. In the article below, RX Tradex will talk more about  the most standard air compressor maintenance process to ensure your equipment is always at high efficiency and safest operation.

1. Harm when not maintaining air compressors

Air compressors play an important role in many industries, providing an abundant source of compressed air for production. However, if not maintained periodically, the compressor will pose many risks:

Fast wear and tear machine

If users do not regularly pay attention to cleaning, checking and replacing machine parts, the internal details of the compressor will be seriously affected over time. Dirt and excess oil gradually accumulate on the machine parts, causing the lubricating oil to lose its effectiveness, causing the active parts to wear out. This will reduce the working efficiency of the machine, negatively affecting the quality of compressed air.

Effects on compressed air quality

Ignoring routine maintenance and not cleaning the screw compressor will cause dirt and excess oil to be mixed into the outlet compressed air. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of compressed air, which directly affects production processes and product quality.

Risk of sudden outages

Failure to perform routine maintenance of the screw compressor will cause the machine to operate in a suboptimal condition. The internal parts gradually wear out and fail. During operation, if not given proper attention, the machine is prone to sudden failures, which endanger the production process and can lead to large damages.

Increased power consumption

Another serious consequence of neglecting maintenance of screw compressors is increased energy consumption. When parts underperform, machines have to work harder to meet production demands. This not only increases the cost of electricity but also accelerates the wear process of machine parts, leading to higher maintenance and repair costs in the future.

2. Why is it necessary to maintain the air compressor?

The periodic maintenance and maintenance of air compressors brings many important benefits. First of all, it helps to detect malfunctions and damages in the air compressor early, allowing timely repairs and preventing heavy damage, avoiding the high costs caused by equipment replacement.

When the air compressor is not maintained regularly, the components and internal components will wear out and collect dust, reducing the performance of the machine, affecting the work schedule. Periodic maintenance helps the machine always operate stably and efficiently, ensuring production progress and product quality.

In addition, periodic maintenance also helps maintain the life of the air compressor, minimizing the risk of sudden downtime, thereby ensuring the safety of the production process and saving operating costs. By timely detection and correction of minor problems, you can avoid serious failures and extend the service life of your compressor.

3. Air compressor maintenance plan and time

Regular maintenance of the compressor not only helps the equipment operate better, but also enhances the service life and saves energy efficiently. To ensure that the compressor is always in top working condition, it is necessary to perform the following daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual maintenance tasks:

Daily machine maintenance

  • Observe machine operation: Pay attention to abnormal shock and noise when the machine is operating.
  • Check the oil level: Make sure the oil level is always within the oil glass range.
  • Valve drain: Drain the valve on the bottom of the container every 4 or 8 hours depending on air humidity to remove condensate.

Weekly machine maintenance

  • Air filter cleaning: Clean the air filter to avoid clogging, help maintain machine performance and extend lubricant life.
  • Clean external components: Make sure the cooling hoses are always clean and free from dirt.
  • Check the exhaust valve: Make sure the exhaust valve is working properly to maintain the performance of the system.

Monthly machine maintenance

  • Check and change the oil: Check the oil level and change the new oil if necessary to ensure effective lubrication.
  • Leak test: Check the entire air compression system to detect and fix leakage locations in time.
  • Check the straps: Check the tension of the straps and adjust if necessary. Replace the straps with new ones if signs of wear are detected.

Quarterly machine maintenance

  • Periodic oil change: Change the recommended oil every 3 months to ensure smooth operation of the machine.
  • Check and clean valves: Clean the soot at the top of the machine and check all valves.
  • Tighten the screws: Check and tighten the screws, bolts, and joints to ensure firmness.
  • Idle test: Make sure the machine works well even at idle.
  • Check the oil tank: Replace the new oil filter after about 1000 hours (about 6 months of use).

Annual machine maintenance

  • Overall inspection: Check the entire machine and tighten the bolts to make sure none of the parts are loose.
  • Replace filters: Replace air filters and oil separation filters to ensure compressed air quality.
  • Additional grease pump: Inject grease into bearings and motors to ensure smooth operation of these components.
  • Check self-shut-off mode: Make sure the self-shut-off mode of the machine is working properly to protect the machine and save energy.

Performing routine maintenance not only helps the compressor operate efficiently but also extends equipment life, minimizes breakdowns and saves operating costs. Follow a service schedule to ensure your compressor is always in top condition.

4. Guide specific maintenance procedures for each type of air compressor

Currently, there are 2 main types of air compressors on the market: piston compressors and screw compressors. Depending on the type of machine and  different compressor structure, we can apply specific processes to the maintenance process. Below are instructions for specific maintenance procedures for each type of compressor:

4.1 Piston compressor maintenance process

Step 1: Change the new oil for the machine

The oil change should be done after about 1000 hours of operation to ensure stable operation of the machine. The specific steps are as follows:

  • Start the machine briefly and then turn it off to warm up the engine oil.
  • Screw the oil drain screw on the bottom of the tank and use the tray to catch the oil flowing out. Wait until the oil runs out, then screw the screw back into its original position.
  • Open the lid on top of the drill and slowly pour new oil into the storage compartment.
  • Observe the oil level until it is satisfactory, then stop. After that, tightly close the lid of the oil cavity.

Note: Use a special compressor oil as recommended by the manufacturer.

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Step 2: Clean the air filter

The air filter has the role of protecting the compression head assembly, oil filter and internal details from dust and dirt from outside. When servicing piston compressors, this stage cannot be ignored. Here’s how:

  • Screw the connecting thread between the locomotive and the air filter.
  • Remove the air filter and clean the dirt and foreign objects inside. Operate gently to avoid damaging the air filter.
  • Reinstall the filter into the machine. If the air filter is too old and inefficient, it should be replaced.

Step 3: Replace the belt

Check the belt regularly to ensure tension and not fraying. If signs of damage are detected, replace the belt with the following steps:

  • Tighten the screws around the protective cage and remove the cage.
  • Check the condition of the belt.
  • To remove the old wire, firmly grasp the rope and pull it sharply towards the flywheel, and at the same time turn the wheel slightly so that the belt is disassembled.
  • Prepare a new belt, insert one end into the pulley, stretch the other end onto the flywheel and rotate the belt downward so that the belt is in place.

Step 4: Drain standing water regularly

Steam deposited in the container can reduce the operating capacity of the machine. Therefore, you need to regularly drain standing water:

  • Open the drain valve on the bottom of the tank to allow water to flow out.
  • When the water has been drained, close the drain valve again.

Step 5: Check the motor bearings

Regularly check and oil the bearings in the engine to ensure they operate smoothly. Use the right grease and replace bearings if signs of wear are detected.

Step 6: Clean the camera body

Use a dry cloth to wipe the entire outside of the machine. In particular, thoroughly clean the compression head and radiator blade to help the machine operate efficiently.

4.2 Screw compressor maintenance process

Step 1: Check the electronic board

Before starting maintenance, check the machine on the electronic board to see the operating time and fault history to help detect errors in time and fix them quickly, avoiding serious failures.

Step 2: Change the lubricant

Lubricating oil plays an important role in lubricating and cooling the internal components of the air compressor. Without regular maintenance, lubrication efficiency will decrease, causing engine failure. The procedure for changing lubricating oil is as follows:

  • Prepare new oil (specialized oil for air compressors, no other oil should be used).
  • Make sure the pressure inside the machine has reached 0 bar.
  • Drain out the old oil.
  • Pour new oil into the tank until it reaches the required level.

Step 3: Clean the air filter

After a period of use, the air filter will collect a lot of dirt, hinder the air flow and reduce the working efficiency of the machine. To clean the air filter:

  • Use low-pressure compressed air to blow into the inside and outside of the cartridge, keeping the blowing mouth about 10mm away from the cartridge surface.
  • Blow from top to bottom in turn.
  • Tap on the filter cartridge to check for dirt. If the filter element is too dirty, it should be replaced. Normally, the air filter should be replaced every 1000 hours of operation.

Step 4: Replace the oil filter

The oil filter needs to be replaced after 500 hours of operation for the first running compressor. From successive times, it should be changed every 1000 hours. If the machine works in a dusty and moldy environment, it should be replaced immediately when the front and rear pressure difference indicators are lit.

Step 5: Replace the oil separator

The oil separator should be replaced every 3000 hours of use. If the machine is not working in a bad environment, it can be replaced earlier. With small machines, just remove the oil separator and install a new one. With large machines, the oil separator is located inside the oil tank, it is necessary to use a specialized tool for disassembly. Before removing, drain all the pressure in the oil tank through the safety valve and check the rubber seal on the oil tank cap, replacing it if it deteriorates.

Step 6: Check the engine

The engine needs to be checked and cleaned periodically. Grease the engine every 2000 hours of operation and periodically check and replace bearings to ensure smooth engine operation.

Step 7: Clean the cooling rig

The cooling rig is clogged with dirt which is the main reason why the air compressor gets hot. Plan to clean the cooling rig periodically with specialized chemicals to keep this part always clean, maintain the performance of the machine.

Step 8: Check and record post-maintenance results

After completing the maintenance steps, restart the machine and check the control panel to ensure stable operation of the unit. Record machine operation results before and after service to monitor machine condition and performance.

5. Some notes when maintaining air compressors

In order for the air compressor to operate effectively, avoiding errors during compressor maintenance, we need to note a few points:

  • Turn off the machine, lock the air valve, release the pressure before servicing.
  • Use specialized tools to disassemble parts, avoid damage to the machine.
  • Clean the parts with a suitable solution, making sure there is no dirt, grease left.
  • Use spare parts recommended by the manufacturer to ensure quality and durability.
  • Record maintenance items, time taken to monitor machine condition.

6. Reputable compressor maintenance services

Currently, there are many reputable compressor maintenance service companies on the market. When choosing a service, businesses should consider the following factors:

  • Prestige of the company: Choose a company with many years of experience, a team of professional technicians.
  • Service quality: Ensure maintenance services are carried out according to standard procedures, using genuine parts.
  • Reasonable price: Compare the prices of different companies before choosing.
  • Warranty: Choose a company with a good warranty for maintenance services.

7. Summary

Regular compressor maintenance is essential to ensure efficient, durable and safe operation. Mastering the maintenance process for each type of air compressor and choosing a reputable service will help businesses save maximum costs and improve the life of the machine. Hopefully, with the above information, RX Tradex has helped you better understand the air compressor maintenance process and its importance. In addition, if you want to explore new production solutions in supporting industries, you can register to participate in Vietnam Manufacturing Expo organized by RX Tradex, to have the opportunity to connect and exchange with many leading experts in the industry, listen to valuable sharing,  From there, improve the production process of the enterprise more optimally and efficiently.