VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Air compressor construction? Some common types of air compressors

Air compressor construction? Some common types of air compressors

Air compressor is a popular device, not only widely applied in the field of production but also in daily life. Join RX Tradex to learn about compressor structure and some common types of air compressors today through this article.

1. What is an air compressor?

An air compressor is a mechanical system with many parts designed to increase the pressure on a gas or power a moving air flow. They draw air from the external environment and store it in a steam tank capable of withstanding high pressure. The compressed air is then distributed through the nozzle system to the target devices.

For most equipment of air compressors, there is a small steam turbine actuated by a high-pressure air flow, which drives the turbine blade to rotate and operate the parts according to the designed function.

2. Uses of air compressors

Air compressors play an important role in many sectors, not only increasing the pressure to operate equipment, but also offering a wide variety of applications in industries and services, including:

  • Motorcycle and automobile maintenance and repair industry: Used to create high pressure to wash and clean vehicles, remove dirt, inflating into wheels, and drying vehicles.
  • Medical industry: Applied in supplying oxygen to patients, drying medical materials and materials, as well as in other medical devices.
  • Industry: Used to operate equipment such as depth detectors and other equipment that requires compressed air.
  • Mechanical engineering: Used for cargo handling, electrostatic automatic paint gun operation, and other automation equipment.

3. Air compressor structure and operating principle

An air compressor is a system with a complex structure, structured and operating according to the following principle:

3.1. Air compressor structure

The structure of the air compressor includes:

  • Compressed air tank: The important task is to store air with high pressure and large energy inside, thereby supplying the system when it needs to be used.
  • Compressed Air Handling Equipment: Ensure the quality of compressed air before it is used by removing dirt and impurities from the air. Pneumatic treatment methods include coarse filtration, fine filtration, and drying.
  • Automatic discharge unit: Installed in an air compression pipeline to remove steam accumulated in the system.
  • Pressure gauge: Used to measure and monitor the pressure and amount of air inside the container, helping to maintain a stable and safe pressure for the system.
  • Pre Cooling unit for compressed air: It is responsible for cooling the air before it is further processed, which increases the efficiency and durability of the system.

3.2. The principle of operation of the air compressor

Air compressors work by converting mechanical energy from an internal combustion engine or electric motor into thermal energy and compressed air. There are three basic principles of operation of an air compressor:

  • Principle of volume change: The gas is directed into the chamber and the chamber then shrinks, increasing the pressure in the chamber. Air compressors operating on this principle include piston compressors, vanes, and gears.
  • Kinetic energy principle: The gas is driven into the storage chamber and accelerated by a high-speed rotating unit. The velocity difference creates an increased compressed air pressure. A centrifugal compressor is a machine that works according to this principle.
  • Matching principle: The machine consists of two female and male screws. The gas is sucked into the housing through the intake and transferred to the air chamber between the screws. Here, air is compressed between the gears and then delivered to the outlet.

4. Classification of popular air compressors on the market

With many popular air compressors on the market today, air compressors are classified based on 2 main factors: operating principle and coolant, which are specifically classified as follows:

4.1. Classification based on the principle of operation

  • Centrifugal air compressor: This type of machine is commonly used in heavy industrial environments with large capacity, using rotating discs or pushers to compress air and create pressure.
  • Piston compressor: The most common type, commonly used in motorcycle and automobile repair. They compress air quickly and stably, are highly mobile and affordable.
  • Screw compressor: This type of machine works by using screw wheels to compress air, suitable for industrial applications and provides a source of compressed air for transportation systems and automation equipment.

4.2. Classification based on coolant

  • Oil-based air compressor (also called oil-immersion steam compressor): the machine uses oil to cool, lubricate and seal the screw gap, helping the machine maintain a stable temperature, ensuring smoother operation and limiting failure.
  • Oil-free air compressor: The type of machine commonly used in medical, dental, pharmaceutical, food,… requires the use of clean and safe compressed air sources for health. Oil-free air compressors use oil for lubrication, with the crankshaft design of the machine without oil or water-cooled, the machine must ensure the output is not mixed with impurities, the amount of compressed air must be 100% clean.

5. Summary

With the above information, hopefully you can better understand the structure of air compressors and some common types of air compressors today. To discover more modern machines and advanced technologies in supporting industries, you can register to participate in the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo organized by RX Tradex Vietnam. In addition, businesses can also attend other top events organized by RX Tradex in 2024 such as NEPCON Vietnam, Metalex Vietnam and Waste and Recycling Vietnam.