VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Development trend of the packaging industry

Development trend of the packaging industry

On July 6, 2023, Vinamilk held a press conference to announce its new brand identity, focusing on packaging design with a strong, liberal handwritten logo with its own identity [1]. From there, in the consumer sector, the aspect of brand identity or packaging in particular is always considered an important factor. Because thereby, businesses express their personality, mission, vision, core values, thereby increasing the attractiveness of products in the increasingly competitive market as at present. And in today’s article, let’  s  find out with RX Tradex about 5 development trends of the packaging industry in  2023 as well as popular products in these trends.

1. Overview of Vietnam’s packaging industry in 2023.

Packaging is an important industry in the manufacturing sector in Vietnam, contributing great revenue to the national economy. According to Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Sang, Chairman of the Vietnam Packaging Association, in 2021, sales of the packaging industry reached 13.2 billion USD and more than 14.9 billion USD in 2022 [2]. Currently, the packaging industry  helps businesses improve product designs, aim to build a strong brand in the eyes of consumers, and promote sales ability.

According to a survey conducted by Vietnam Report in September 2022, the importance of packaging and packaging has become clearer in recent years [3]. Consumers are increasingly interested in the information about ingredients and dates of manufacture printed on products. According to the same survey, 100% of consumers when buying goods pay first attention to the information on the package to make sure that the goods are still within the expiry date and do not contain substances harmful to health. This clearly demonstrates the role of packaging in the consumer industry, not only in impressing but also in persuading customers to make purchasing decisions.

1.1. The development trend of easy packaging production.

This is the trend of producing packaging that can be used and handled easily for consumers and retailers. Typically, to reduce storage costs and operations, businesses will produce pre-packaged packaging for suppliers. From there, goods are shipped directly onto the shelves without having to be dismantled or repackaged.

In addition, many retailers are requiring packaging suppliers and manufacturers to comply with a number of criteria such as: Recognizable, easy to open, easy to display, easy to procure and easy to remove/recycle. This makes the development trend of packaging production easy to become a standard metric for many companies,  packaging manufacturing enterprises.

There are many packaging products that are easily used in the market, some typical examples such as:

  • Self-adhesive carton box.
  • Zip packaging.
  • Self-packing bag packaging.
  • Folding lid packaging.
  • Soft packaging.

1.2. Development trend of environmentally friendly packaging production.

Today, the world is facing a serious problem of environmental pollution. This makes consumers also gradually change the habit of using plastic bags produced from petroleum to more environmentally friendly packaging.

In addition, the Government also focuses on investment and encourages businesses towards the development trend of green packaging. Investment support policies, commitments to find output for packaging products are being implemented, greatly supporting the change  of green production model of enterprises. Therefore, in addition to product quality and price, enterprises also need to focus on developing  environmentally friendly packaging production.

Some typical green packaging products today:

  • Compostable bags are completely compostable.
  • Nonwoven bags.
  • Reusable bags.

1.3. Development trend of packaging production using new materials.

This is a packaging production trend that is often applied to specific products in fields such as construction, healthcare, electronics,… By using new materials in your packaging operations, you can create products with higher performance and performance, while reducing your negative impact on the environment. Typical in this trend is the application of antibacterial materials to create finished products for the medical industry.

Some packaging products using new materials are:

  • The bag contains recycled medical substances.
  • Antibacterial packaging.
  • Antistatic packaging.
  • Load-bearing packaging.
  • Waterproof packaging.

1.4. Development trend of packaging production customized designs and colors.

The trend of producing custom packaging design, color is the process of creating personalized and customized products according to the individual requirements of customers. In particular, the packaging production process starts with receiving customer opinions to understand design requirements. After that, the production team will create the required packaging design, including: Images, logos, product information and advertising messages. Above all, with an economy oriented to personalizing customer experience today, the development trend of custom-designed packaging production  will help businesses build competitive advantages, flexibly meet the needs of the market. Here are some  popular custom packaging production trends and colors today.

The trend of producing black and white style packaging.

The trend of designing products in black and white style is very popular in the field of packaging production. The use of these 2 contrasting colors helps to highlight information and make a strong impression on consumers. In addition, this type of packaging design also shows the attractiveness and unique characteristics of the product brand.

The trend of producing large typeface packaging.

The trend of using large typography in packaging production is a way to attract attention and create a highlight for products. Usually, the production unit will use unique graphic typefaces to create an impression at first sight. In particular, typefaces such as: Bold, handwriting, artistic lettering or symbols,… can be applied to create uniqueness for finished product packaging.

The trend of producing packaging in a minimalist style.

This is a packaging design trend with few decorative motifs, focusing on the outstanding features of the product or brand. Usually, the minimalist packaging unit will remove unnecessary colorful things, aiming at the central issue of the product customers want to mention.

1.5. Development trend of paper packaging production.

Currently, paper packaging is often used to pack, preserve and transport goods to customers. This is one of the  popular packaging production trends in the market.  The advantage of this type of packaging is environmental friendliness, safe for consumers’ health. Depending on the type of product, paper packaging is manufactured with different materials, designs and designs.

Some popular paper packaging products are:

  • Paper box.
  • Paper food packaging.
  • Paper bags.
  • Industrial paper packaging.
  • Paper gift box packaging.

2. Summary

Above is an article about 5 development trends of the packaging industry in 2023. Hopefully, through the article, RX Tradex has introduced to you new packaging production  trends, bringing many reference values to improve products and business models. Especially, this year, you want to learn more about industrial packaging production,  can register to participate in Vietnam Manufacturing Expo organized by RX Tradex Vietnam. In addition, in 2023, RX Tradex will also organize other leading exhibition events such as NEPCON Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam and Waste and Recycling Vietnam.


[1]: Vinamilk announces new brand identity logo

[2]: Ho Chi Minh City Law Online Newspaper

[3]: Vietnam Report.)