VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Discover innovations in the 2023 Technology Expo

Discover innovations in the 2023 Technology Expo

Technological innovation in production is an important key for businesses to promptly grasp market trends, thereby optimizing time and operating costs in the production process.

The Industrial Machinery and Manufacturing Technology Exhibition (VME) is one of the largest organized events in Vietnam. Coming to VME 2023, attendees will have the opportunity to experience the latest products from hundreds of Asia’s leading brands in the manufacturing industry.

1. The role of technological innovation in production

One of the factors that plays an important role in the production operation process is machinery equipment. Therefore, the modernization – industrialization of machinery and equipment, or more innovatively, technological innovation in production will help enterprises achieve better product quality. A manufacturing enterprise that wants to develop in the long term will need to develop an effective technological innovation plan.

Innovating by applying scientific and technological advances will help businesses improve production quality, improve product quantity and quality, labor productivity, save costs and materials,…

These positive impacts will help businesses expand markets, increase competitiveness, promote growth and enhance business performance. This is exactly the right direction for the business to become a potential developer in the industrial market.

1.1 How fast has technology innovated in production?

Innovative technology has been applied by businesses to the production process quickly. The main reason is the fierce competition in the industrial market. Enterprises continuously plan to improve and enhance production quality, and seek to reduce input production costs to compete with competitors in the same industry.

Another important factor is customer demand, which creates innovation in production technology. In the era of Industry 4.0, customers increasingly place higher requirements on the process and production time of products, along with quality standards that need to be achieved at the accurate level.

The breakthrough development in the field of science and information technology also creates conditions to promote innovation in production. Thanks to new innovations and outstanding inventions, the operating process of the plant works more smoothly, which increases productivity and saves costs, and significantly improved product quality. Optimized production technologies help minimize the detrimental impacts on environment and increase the sustainability of production of enterprises.

Manufacturing units have focused on developing a number of new trends such as: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (Machine Learning), Clean Production Technology, Blockchain, … Products applying this new technology can be clearly presented and showcased through major industry and technology exhibition events.


1.2 Four examples of technological innovation in production

Innovative technologies have been successfully applied in many areas of manufacturing industry. The following are 4 typical examples of production technology innovation:

Power generation industry

  • Renewable electricity generation technology increases productivity and reduces production costs.
  • Electronic network technology helps optimize power distribution processes and limit disruptions.
  • Green and solar energy technologies help increase renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on fossil energy sources.

Physical Solutions Industry

  • Nanomaterial manufacturing technology creates new physical equipment, enhancing the performance of existing equipment.
  • 3D printing technology creates physical molds and saves production time.
  • Automation technology and AI help optimize production processes.

Chemical industry

  • Renewable energy technology reduces costs and adverse environmental impacts.
  • Advanced chemical production technology enhances performance and minimizes hazardous substances.
  • Automation technology helps improve product quality.

Construction industry

  • 3D printing technology creates models pre construction, helping to control the quality of works and save time and costs.
  • Unmanned aerial vehicle technology helps monitor and manage the construction process of the building. Thereby, experts can update the progress and quality of the project easily and quickly.

1.3 What are the effects and benefits of these innovations?

The outstanding progress in production technology is the process of constantly improving and successfully developing methods and techniques. The reason is that this helps improve efficiency, quality and optimize production processes.

  • Increase product quality: Create a better quality product in a faster time period and meet the needs of the target market.
  • Increase production efficiency: The new technologies in manufacturing help reduce costs and increase operational productivity.
  • Optimize and switch production lines: Maximum production time is saved, the steps in the process are shortened, more products are produced and quickly sold to the market.
  • Reduce environmental impact: Help minimize the impact on the environment, by using resources and energy more economically.
  • Opening up job opportunities: The new production technologies will require more labor to operate, creating job opportunities and improving the life standards for workers.
  • Increase competitiveness for businesses: When enterprises apply modern production technologies, they will enhance competitiveness and expand development markets.
  • Change production models and methods: The advancement in production technology will bring new solutions to the production process, helping to increase the quantity and quality of products.

2. About VME 2023

Vietnam Manufacturing Expo (VME) is known as one of the largest technology exhibition events in Vietnam organized by RX Tradex – a leading exhibition organizer with 38 years of experience operating on a global scale. VME 2023 is considered as a bridge between businesses and potential distributors, suppliers and business partners.

2.1 Vietnam’s leading exhibition on machinery and technology for manufacturing and supporting industries

Vietnam Manufacturing Expo (VME) is a technology fair for individuals, organizations and experts in the field of machinery and production technology, including: Manufacturing tools and tools, automobile manufacturing, engine technology, pump and valve technology, electricity and electronics, metallurgy and metals, F&B, construction, automation, aerospace, shipbuilding, medical, … and many other diverse fields.

VME Science and Technology Exhibition focuses on the theme of the Future Factory to offer effective solutions for transforming production lines and optimizing productivity. With the participation of more than 10,000 industrialists with expertise in the manufacturing industry, VME will provide the value of exploring the most outstanding technology trends in the midst of the 4.0 era.

VME Technology Fair is an ideal place for visitors to exchange and connect with more than 200 leading manufacturing brands from more than 20 Asian countries. The exhibition booths are a place for manufacturers to promote a series of products and equipment applying the latest technology. VME Information Technology and Manufacturing Exhibition will be a great event for representatives of businesses to seek partners and potential customers through quality product introduction activities.

2.2 Impressive numbers of VME 2022

In the past, the exhibition of manufacturing technology and industrial machinery has been successfully held, continuously receiving a lot of attention and positive reviews from hundreds of businesses and thousands of visitors. According to the data reported in 2022, VME has attracted the participation of a large number of business units and suppliers in the manufacturing industry.

VME was warmly welcomed by 6,373 manufacturers from both domestic (94%) and international (6%) markets. In addition, 362 participating enterprises also found leading technologies, automation solutions (assembly), measurement, metalworking and supporting industries.

Especially, the appearance of 100 leading technology brands from 9 countries, along with 6 international booths are also present to promote the most unique technology products.

According to the 2022 statistical report, more than 6,000 participants of VME exhibition come from various fields, specifically:

  • Electrical and electronics: 28% of attendees.
  • Machinery manufacturing: 17% of attendees.
  • Food and beverage: 13% of attendees.
  • Automobiles and auto parts: 12% of attendees.
  • Aerospace: 7% of attendees.
  • Metallurgy: 7% of attendees.
  • Chemical industry: 6% of attendees.
  • Mold industry: 4% of attendees.
  • Plastic and rubber industry: 3% of attendees.
  • Packaging: 3% of attendees.

2.3 Highlights of VME 2023

Industrial Machinery and Manufacturing Technology Exhibition – VME 2023 promises to bring visitors a series of attractive exhibition activities designed and implemented in a well-designed and methodical way. Enterprises registering for exhibition booth locations will display and promote products, including practical technology production solutions that businesses provide. The hottest technology trends today will be shown on LED screens according to each limited time frame.

In addition, seminars and seminars are held at technology exhibitions to provide viewers with outstanding technology knowledge. Attendees will be facilitated to access and learn details about information related to new production trends.

In addition, industry professionals and business representatives, individuals and organizations can use these programs to discover many useful values, such as effective business and marketing strategies tailored to the needs of the brand.

As in previous years, VME 2023 will also host a Factory Visit Trip program to enable exhibitors and attendees to have special experiences when visiting factories in Thailand (May 6) and Vietnam (May 7). The trip is committed to bringing customers great benefits:

  • Learn about the cutting-edge technology trends applied at the factory and innovations in the field of industrial production.
  • Connect and exchange with businesses and customers in Vietnam, Thailand, and some visitors to VME industrial exhibitions in 20 other countries.
  • Explore operating processes and infrastructure, observe how production lines are operated in the factory.
  • Refer to your competitors’ production and business strategies.
  • Reach out to potential business partners in domestic and foreign markets.
  • Opportunities to promote brands and products in Vietnam and Thailand and many other useful experiences.

3. 5 benefits of participating in VME exhibition

When registering to attend this “one-of-a-kind” science and technology exhibition, visitors will experience interesting activities and receive the following values:

3.1 Access to innovations in production technology

Businesses and manufacturers are constantly innovating to keep up with the modern trends of the industry 4.0 era. If you are a student, lecturer or business representative wishing to learn about innovations in the field of machinery manufacturing, VME 2023 will be a great choice for you. The exhibition booths will showcase and introduce a variety of products applied through many different technologies, making it easy for you to access and collect more useful and new information.

3.2 New experience of advanced machines and equipment

Machinery and components for the factory’s production process will be the main theme for VME 2023. Therefore, you have enough opportunities to participate and experience the advanced equipment displayed in the exhibition booths. Through the introduction and extremely attractive product promotion activities, you can update more useful information such as how to operate, operating procedures, structure and features, cost, production unit,…


3.3 Learn to grow your personal business

Current businesses in Vietnam mostly face difficulties when accessing international markets. In addition to the process of developing products and services, many businesses also face problems in building brand recognition, promoting products to both domesstic and international target audiences, building business strategies, connecting with investors, distributors. Therefore, VME 2023 will be the ideal event for you to register to learn more about competitors and grow your individual business effectively.

3.4 Access to in-depth solutions to existing problems in production

If your business is looking for in-depth solutions to help tackle unsolved problems in the factory production process, VME 2023 will give you the opportunity to access them. Here, you can visit the exhibition booths to find a reasonable solution, thereby connecting more potential partners to support businesses in the production process. In addition, seminars and seminars will also provide you with a lot of useful information related to optimizing and converting production lines.

3.5 Look for novel innovations and creativity

You don’t have to try to find technological innovations through the Internet or elsewhere, because they may be outdated. At VME 2023, the latest trends and innovations in the most modern production technology will be shown to visitors. Hundreds of entrepreneurs and industry experts will present and answer your questions on a wide range of technology topics. This will be a great opportunity for you to participate and update creative trends in the field of machinery and equipment manufacturing. Register for the event today!