WRV – Waste and Recycling Expo Việt Nam

Eco-friendly Products – Stimulating a New Consumer Industry

Eco-friendly Products – Stimulating a New Consumer Industry

Environmentally friendly products such as biodegradable food bags, bamboo toothbrushes, and paper straws are making a positive impact on the environment, leading to their growing popularity and emerging as a trend. In the following article, join RX Tradex as we explore how these eco-friendly products stimulate the new consumer sector and help businesses achieve sustainable growth.

1. Biodegradable food bags

Biodegradable food bags offer a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic bags. Made from plant-based materials such as corn starch, plant fibers, or cellulose, these bags decompose completely in natural environments without leaving harmful residues. The introduction of biodegradable food bags not only reduces plastic pollution but also allows businesses to demonstrate their commitment to environmental protection to customers and the community. Companies can leverage this trend to attract sustainability-conscious consumers and enhance their brand value.

2. Bamboo toothbrushes

Bamboo toothbrushes are becoming a popular choice as an alternative to plastic toothbrushes. With handles made from bamboo—a fast-growing, easily renewable plant—these toothbrushes are eco-friendly and fully biodegradable. Bamboo toothbrushes help reduce plastic waste, as they need to be discarded periodically. Moreover, they offer consumers a high-quality and durable product. Businesses in the personal care sector can capitalize on this trend by incorporating bamboo toothbrushes into their product lineup, appealing to environmentally conscious customers.

3. Loofah bath sponges

Loofah bath sponges are made from the fibrous part of the loofah gourd, a fast-growing and easily cultivated plant. Unlike plastic bath sponges, loofah sponges are entirely plant-based and biodegradable. They are praised for their effectiveness in cleansing, exfoliating dead skin cells, and softening the skin, offering a sustainable alternative that reduces plastic waste. For companies in the body care and beauty industry, loofah sponges represent an excellent addition to their green product offerings, enhancing their commitment to environmental protection.

4. Biodegradable gloves

Biodegradable gloves are essential in various industries, from food processing to healthcare. Made from plant-based materials such as cornstarch or plant fibers, these gloves fully decompose after use. This product helps reduce plastic waste and provides a hygienic, safe solution for users. Businesses can utilize biodegradable gloves to enhance their environmental credentials and meet the increasing demand for eco-friendly solutions.

5. Paper straws

Paper straws represent a significant shift in the food and beverage industry. Made from recycled or kraft paper, paper straws are biodegradable and can be used once without causing environmental pollution. This product meets the demand for eco-friendly solutions, reducing the negative impact of the food service industry on the environment and providing customers with a greener drinking experience. As a result, paper straws help foster environmental awareness within the community.

6. Beeswax wraps

Beeswax wraps offer a sustainable alternative to plastic food wraps. Made from cotton fabric coated with natural beeswax, these wraps effectively preserve food while being reusable and easy to clean. Beeswax wraps are durable and can be used multiple times, reducing the need for single-use plastic products. They promote the use of environmentally friendly materials in food storage, supporting the shift towards greener consumer habits.

7. Seed paper

Seed paper is a special type of paper embedded with seeds. After use, it can be planted in soil and watered to grow into plants. This product not only reduces waste but also encourages planting, raising awareness about creating green environments. Businesses can use seed paper in promotional materials or gifts to engage customers and demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability.

8. Biodegradable cutlery sets

Biodegradable cutlery sets offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic utensils. Made from plant-based materials, these utensils decompose naturally and help reduce plastic waste. Biodegradable cutlery provides a sustainable option for events, picnics, and other occasions, offering consumers a greener choice for dining.


The shift towards environmentally friendly products helps businesses meet sustainability standards and opens up new opportunities within the consumer sector. From biodegradable food bags to biodegradable cutlery sets, these products are driving a new consumer trend, reducing environmental impact, and creating a positive wave of consumer awareness. By adopting green products, businesses not only enhance their brand image but also contribute to building a sustainable and resilient environment.

Join the WASTE AND RECYCLING VIETNAM EXPO 2024 to learn more about green solutions and how they can support businesses in developing efficient, sustainable, and eco-friendly practices in line with global trends.