VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

What is Gear Transmission? Classification, process and practical application

What is Gear Transmission? Classification, process and practical application

The gear transmission is an important part that helps to transmit the rotational motion between the parts in the machine system, creating a tight and efficient chain of links. Thanks to its stable operation and high performance, gear transmissions are increasingly focused on and invested in development. With a wide range of gears and their own advantages and disadvantages, gear transmissions play a key role in improving the performance and flexibility of modern mechanical systems. In the article below, join RX Tradex to explore in more detail about gear transmission and their applications in practice today.

1. What is a gear transmission?

A gear transmission is a mechanical mechanism used to transmit rotational motion between two axes (or axes) together. These axes can be parallel, intersect, or deviate depending on the needs of use. A gear transmission is made up of gears whose teeth are meshed together, which helps to transmit movement and change speed, torque, or direction of rotation.

gear transmission
What is a gear transmission?

2. Gear Actuator Classification

Gear transmissions can be classified based on different criteria:

2.1. Based on the position between the axes:

  • Planar transmission: The gear shafts are in the same plane.
  • Space Transmission: The gear shafts are located in different planes, forming a three-dimensional space.

2.2. Based on the fit between teeth and gears:

  • External articulation infusion: The teeth of the two gears contact and engage on the outside.
  • Internal Articulation Transmission: The teeth of the small gear are articulated inside the large gear.

2.3. Based on the shape of the gear:

  • Cylinder transmission: The gears are cylindrical in shape, used to drive in parallel shafts.
  • Cone transmission: The gear is conical in shape, usually used for transmission in intersecting shafts.

2.4. Based on the layout of the teeth on the gear:

  • Straight Tooth Transmitter: The teeth cut straight along the birth path of the gear.
  • Tilt tooth transmission: The teeth are cut at an angle, which makes the transmission smoother.
  • V-Transmitter: The teeth are V-shaped, increasing the load capacity.
  • Curved tooth transmission: The teeth are curved, suitable for transmission with high load and high speed.

2.5. Based on tooth profile:

  • Diaphragm transmitter: Teeth have a diaphragm profile, which is popular and easy to process.
  • Cycloite Transmitters: Teeth with a Cycloite profile, used in special applications.
  • Novicov Transmitters: Novicov profiles, which are less common but have a high load capacity.

3. Advantages and disadvantages and scope of use of gear transmissions

3.1. Advantages:

  • Simple construction, easy to install and maintain.
  • High drive efficiency, low energy loss.
  • Withstand large loads, high torque.
  • Diverse sizes, suitable for a wide range of applications.
  • Quiet operation, low noise.

3.2. Cons:

  • The size is bulky and heavy.
  • Makes noise when operating at high speeds.
  • Easily subject to wear and damage if not maintained periodically.

3.3. Scope of use:

During the operation of machinery and equipment, actuators play an important role in the transmission of motion. They are widely used in manufacturing industries, especially mechanical engineering and machine building.

Depending on the specific structure and requirements of each type of machine, we will choose the right actuator. Among the types of transmitters, the transmitter is the most commonly used.

gear transmission
Advantages and disadvantages and scope of use of gear transmissions

4. Geometric Parameters of Straight Tooth Cylindrical Gear Transmission

Important geometric parameters of straight tooth cylindrical gear transmissions include:

  • Number of Teeth (Z): The number of teeth per gear. The larger the number of teeth, the greater the transmission ratio, and the slower the rotation speed of the led wheel.
  • Split ring diameter (d): The diameter of the assumed circle on which the teeth are placed. The larger the split ring diameter, the greater the load that the gear transmitter can bear.
  • Tooth step (p): The distance between two consecutive teeth on the dividing line. The larger the gear step, the higher the gear durability.
  • Tooth height (h): The height of the tooth from the crown of the tooth to the top of the tooth. The greater the tooth height, the greater the torque that the gear can transmit.
  • Tooth Tilt Angle (α): The angle between the tooth plane and perpendicular to the gear shaft. The larger the tooth tilt angle, the smaller the noise level of the gear transmission.
  • Clearance (δ): The  distance between two teeth when they do not fully engage. The clearance required to lubricate the gears and ensure smooth operation.

5. 7 Steps Gear Transmission Design

The gear transmission design process consists of 7 main steps:

5.1. Determination of design requirements:

  • Determine the rotation speed, torque, load and other requirements of the gear transmission.
  • Choose the type of gear that suits your design requirements.

5.2. Calculation of geometric parameters:

  • Calculate the number of teeth, split ring diameter, tooth step, tooth height, tooth tilt angle, and gear clearance.
  • Use specialized formulas or software to calculate these parameters.

5.3. Gear detail design:

  • Detailed design of gear parts such as tooth body, root, tooth top, key groove, bolt hole, etc.
  • Use technical drawings to design these parts.
gear transmission
7 Steps Gear Transmission Design

5.4. Selection of materials:

  • Choosing the right material for gears is based on factors such as load, rotation speed, working environment, etc.
  • The materials commonly used for gears include steel, cast iron, copper, plastic, etc.

5.5. Calculate the strength and stiffness of the gears:

  • Calculate the strength and stiffness of the gears to ensure safe and efficient operation.
  • Use specialized formulas or software to calculate strength and hardness.

5.6. Design inspection:

  • Check if the design meets the technical requirements.
  • Use simulation software to test the operation of the gear transmission.
  • Edit the design if necessary.

5.7. Processing and assembly:

  • Process the parts of the gears according to the design drawings.
  • Check the quality of machining.
  • Assemble the gear transmission parts.

6. Application of gear transmission

Gear transmissions are widely used in a variety of fields, including:

  • Automotive industry: Transmission system, transmission, camshaft.
  • Industrial machinery: Conveyor systems, presses, processing machines.
  • Medical equipment: MRI scanners, laser cutting machines, surgical equipment.
  • Aviation industry: Flight control systems, aircraft engines.
  • Energy industry: Drive systems in wind turbines, generators.

7. Conclusion

The gear transmission is an important mechanical mechanism with many practical applications. The reasonable design and use of gear transmissions will help improve the operational efficiency of machines and equipment, save energy and reduce production costs. Hopefully, the above article has helped you have more information about what a gear transmission is, as well as the classification, process and application of gear transmissions today.

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