VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

What is Automation in Industrial? Common automation applications

What is Automation in Industrial? Common automation applications

As industrial production lines become increasingly sophisticated and require higher performance, industrial automation emerges as a breakthrough solution, transforming traditional production processes into smarter, more efficient, and more flexible systems than ever before. In this article, join RX Tradex in delving into the concept of automation in industry, the outstanding benefits it offers, and the popular automation solutions that are shaping the future of the global industry, opening up new opportunities for businesses in the era of Industry 4.0.

1. What is automation in industry?

Industrial automation is the process of using technology to automate production and operational processes in an industry, with the goal of increasing efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. At the same time, industrial automation also minimizes human intervention and reduces risks in the production process.

automation in industry
What is automation in industry?

2. Benefits of Industrial Automation

The industrial automation industry brings many outstanding benefits, helping businesses improve efficiency and competitiveness in the market.

2.1. Increase labor productivity

The automation system allows for continuous production, minimizing downtime and increasing production speed. The machine can operate 24/7 without a break, which increases output and reduces production time.

2.2. Improvement of production quality

Automatic machines help minimize human errors, ensuring stable product quality. Sensors and monitoring systems continuously check product quality, detect and reject unsatisfactory products.

For example, in the electronic component manufacturing industry, robots can inspect every small detail more accurately than humans, ensuring products meet high quality standards.

2.3. Cut labor costs

Automation reduces the need for manual labor, which saves costs and reinvests in technology. This is especially important in industries that require large amounts of labor such as automotive assembly or electronics manufacturing.

2.4. High Customization

Automated systems easily adjust to adapt to changes in the production process. Businesses can quickly change machine configurations to produce different products without spending a lot of time and money.

automation in industry
Benefits of Industrial Automation

2.5. Collect accurate information

The automation system collects accurate data, helping businesses make decisions more effectively. Data from the production process is stored and analyzed, which improves the process and enhances predictability.

2.6. Safety for workers

Reduce the risk of occupational accidents by replacing people in hazardous jobs. Robots and machines can perform dangerous tasks such as welding, cutting, and transporting heavy objects without endangering humans.

In the construction industry, the use of autonomous robots to perform dangerous tasks such as demolition or construction at high altitudes has helped to minimize the risk of accidents.

2.7. Improving labor qualifications

Automation requires highly qualified workers to operate and maintain automated systems. This encourages businesses to invest in training and developing employees, improving labor quality.

2.8. Absorb new technologies

Automation helps businesses update and apply advanced technologies, maintaining competitiveness. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and machine learning are integrated into automation systems to optimize production processes.

3. Some industrial automation solution solutions: Automatic motors

In industrial automation, specific industrial automation solutions play an important role in improving production efficiency and efficiency. Some outstanding solutions such as:

3.1. Automatic motor

Automated motors are an indispensable component in automation systems. They are used to operate machines and equipment, ensuring a smooth and efficient production process.

Common types of automatic motors:
  • Servo motors: Widely used in systems that require high precision, such as CNC machine tools, industrial robots, and automatic control systems. The servo motor allows for precise adjustment of position, speed and torque.
  • Stepper motors: Commonly used in applications that require step-by-step accuracy, such as in 3D printers, scanners, and medical devices. The stepper motor moves in small steps, which provides precise control of position and speed.
  • Induction motors: Widely used in industries, from fans, water pumps, to conveyor systems. The induction motor is durable, easy to maintain and has good energy efficiency.

3.2. Automatic Packaging Machine

Automatic packaging machines are an important part of the production process, helping to increase the speed and efficiency of product packaging. These machines can perform stages such as packaging, labeling, and quality inspection automatically.

  • Carton Packing Machine: Automatically fold and paste cartons, minimizing human intervention and speeding up packing.
  • Vacuum Packaging Machine: Used to package food and products that need long-term storage, which removes air and prolongs product life.

3.3. Conveyor Equipment

Carousel equipment is an integral part of automated production lines. They help transport raw materials and products through the production stages in a continuous and efficient manner.

  • Smart Conveyor Belt: Uses sensors and IoT technology to track and optimize the transportation process, ensuring smooth product movement and minimizing errors.
  • Flexible conveyor belt: Capable of adjusting the height and direction of movement, suitable for diverse production processes.
automation in industry
Some industrial automation solution solutions: Automatic motors

3.4. Intelligent HVAC Control System

Intelligent HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) control systems help manage and control temperature, humidity, and air in factories and industrial buildings. Using IoT technology and sensors, the smart HVAC system optimizes energy usage and ensures a safe and comfortable working environment.

  • Automatic Temperature Control: Automatically adjusts the temperature based on actual needs and environmental conditions, which saves energy.
  • Air Quality Management: Use sensors to monitor air quality and adjust ventilation, ensuring a fresh working environment.

3.5. Lifting control solution

Load lifting control solutions ensure the safety and efficiency of industrial lifting equipment, such as cranes and elevators. This system uses sensors and software to monitor and control the operation of the equipment, ensuring their stable and safe operation.

  • Load Monitoring System: Monitor and control lifting loads, prevent overloading and minimize the risk of accidents.
  • Smooth Motion Control: Using advanced technology to adjust the speed and direction of movement of the lifting equipment, ensuring safety and efficiency.

4. Industrial Automation Services

Today’s industrial automation services include not only the supply of equipment but also many other aspects such as:

  • System Modernization and Upgrade: Evaluate and upgrade existing systems to meet new production needs.
  • Industrial Cybersecurity: Protect control systems from cybersecurity threats.
  • Safety Service: Ensure the safe operation of equipment and procedures, periodic maintenance.
  • Performance optimization: Solve challenges in system design and operation, optimize production processes.
  • Maintenance and Support: Connect businesses with maintenance experts, tools, and services.
  • Operation consulting: Support to improve production efficiency and comply with regulations, real-time control.
  • Design, technical consultancy and project execution: Ensure the project is executed on time and on budget.
  • Training: Provide professional training programs for employees, helping to improve efficiency and safety in operation.
  • OEM Service: Assist machinery factories in planning and modernization.

5. Conclusion

It can be seen that automation in industry is currently reshaping the manufacturing industry thanks to effective improvements in production quality as well as cost savings. The application of automation solutions not only helps businesses optimize production processes but also opens up opportunities for sustainable development.

In addition, to discover more about advanced technology solutions and learn how to optimize smart production lines, businesses can register to attend  the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo (VME) 2024 organized by RX Tradex Vietnam. Register here to participate.