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Instructions for proper and safe use of air compressors

Instructions for proper and safe use of air compressors

Air compressors are versatile tools that can be used for a variety of tasks such as pumping tires, powering pneumatic tools, and painting. However, they can also be dangerous if not used properly. Join RX Tradex to discuss the importance of following the air compressor user manual in this article.

1. Detailed air compressor instruction manual from A – Z

To ensure the safe and effective use of air compressors, you need to pay attention to some of the following issues so as not to lead to potential risks, affecting health and safety when using. Here’s how to use the detailed air compressor you need to hold:

1.1. What to prepare before using an air compressor

1.1.1. For manipulation during installation and repair of Piston air compressors, it should be noted:

  • Check the amount of lubrication in the compression head (if the compressor head uses oil for lubrication) to make sure the amount of lubricating oil is within the specified range.
  • Change the oil every 2 months to ensure effective lubrication and protect the internal components of the compression head.
  • Absolutely do not mix new and old oil or use different oils because it may affect the quality of the oil, cause bad lubrication, and lead to damage to the compression head.

1.1.2. Connecting the electricity of the air compressor to the power end safely and efficiently:

To connect your air compressor to a power source, follow these steps:

  • For 3-phase electrical networks, use a pressure cooler to protect the system.
  • Disconnect the power supply using a pressure cooler.
  • Use electrical wires with enough cross section to match the capacity of the air compressor. Connect the 3 phases to the 3 outputs of the compressor’s magnetic starter, and connect the cool wire from the power supply to the other end of the machine.
  • Turn on the power supply and check the rotation of the motor to make sure that it is in the correct direction indicated on the motor or on the pu-li protector. This ensures that a sufficient amount of cool air is blown into the compressor head to cool the compressor’s cylinders and pistons. If the rotation direction is incorrect, disconnect the power supply and turn any two of the three phase wires up for correction.

1.1.3. Pressure relay adjustment:

To adjust the pressure of the piston compressor, the enterprise can do this on a relay or electronic control panel (if any). For machines using conventional mechanical relays, follow these steps:

  • Use a screwdriver to open the housing of the relay.
  • Turn the adjustment screw clockwise to increase the pressure and turn it counterclockwise to reduce the pressure (there are some types of relays with the opposite adjustment direction).
  • After each adjustment, run the machine and observe the pressure gauge displayed when the relay disconnects to ensure the pressure is properly adjusted. Normally, the operating pressure of the machine should be set below 10 kgf/cm2. If you need to set a higher pressure, consult a technician for the best advice.

1.1.4. Open the drain valve at the bottom of the tank:

It is necessary to open the drain valve at the bottom of the tank periodically every 2-3 days to ensure that the water does not stop for a long time, leading to oxidation of the tank.

1.2. Note when installing and using air compressors

Location and Installation:

  • Choose a dry, clean location and a solid workshop floor to place the Jucal pneumatic inflatable. Make sure the ambient temperature does not exceed 40°C (104°F) and has enough ventilation space.
  • Check the power supply such as the number of phases, voltage and frequency indicated on the label of the motor.
  • Arrange the belt in line, perpendicular to the motor, and check the belt tension to avoid excessive or loose tension.


  • Use electrical wires with sufficient cross section to ensure there is no excessive voltage loss.
  • Use belt insurance to protect the wire and set a convenient direction for maintenance and repair.
  • Disconnect the switch when not in use to avoid unwanted start-up.

Startup procedure:

  • Start the machine according to the instructions on the motor label and observe the rotation.
  • Adjust the no-load pressure and load pressure according to the specific process installed from the factory or according to the instructions.

Maintenance and Maintenance

  • Perform daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly maintenance to ensure stable machine operation and increase service life.
  • Make sure oil and lubrication changes are done properly and on time.


  • Always turn off the power before performing a service or repair.
  • Comply with the air compressor manufacturer’s safety and maintenance regulations.

2. Some principles to understand when working with an air compressor

  • Do not touch accessories: Avoid touching your hands or any parts near the air compressor.
  • Safety is important: Do not use an air compressor without safety conditions. Before servicing or repairing, be sure to follow safety rules.
  • Protective Clothing: Always make sure to wear protective clothing and goggles.
  • Avoid Electric Shock: Always avoid physical contact with cool wires and do not operate the machine in humid environments.
  • Power Disconnection Before Servicing: Before servicing, disconnect the power supply and remove the compressor from the air tank.
  • Periodic Maintenance Check: Always check and maintain the machine according to the instruction manual.
  • Clean Work Area: Secure the work area and keep it clean.
  • Do not expose children: Avoid contact with children and keep a safe distance.
  • Correct Operation: Operate the machine strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions and do not allow children to use the machine.
  • Routine Maintenance: Maintain the machine periodically and contact the supplier when needed.
  • Safe for outdoor use: Use the compressor outdoors only when permitted.
  • Check before use: Check protective clothing and machine details before use.
  • Do not use it for unknown reasons: Do not operate the compressor without knowing the condition of the machine.
  • Turn off the pressure when not in use: When not in use, turn off the pressure and disconnect the power supply.
  • Avoid hot surfaces: Do not touch hot surfaces of your device.
  • Flush properly: Drain the water every 4 working hours.
  • Do not perform repairs yourself: Do not arbitrarily replace or repair machine parts.
  • Do not change editing: Do not change or modify the machine without official support.
  • Use only safe pressure: Use no more than 8.6 bar pressure.
  • Clean the machine properly: Clean the motor properly and check the pulley regularly.
  • Check Voltage: Make sure the compressor is used at the correct voltage.
  • Chemical Safety: Avoid using chemicals that harm the plastic parts of the machine.
  • Use an automatic switch: Use an automatic switch to shut down the machine when the pressure reaches the limit.
  • Avoid Direct Gas Production: Do not allow gas directly into the body as it can be dangerous.

3. 3 tips to help use your air compressor safely that you should not ignore

Here are 3 tips to help use air compressors safely that businesses cannot ignore:

  • Do not add oil when the machine is operating: To avoid the risk of fire and explosion and unsafe situations, remember not to add or change oil to the compressor while it is operating.
  • Ensure safe air hose direction: Be sure not to direct the gas pipes into your body and ensure they are safely grounded.
  • Avoid near sharp objects: To avoid punctures or cracks in machine parts, always avoid keeping sharp objects near the air compressor.

Besides, regularly check and maintain couplings, safety valves and pressure relays. These parts need periodic maintenance and inspection to ensure the efficient and safe operation of the machine.

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4. Summary

Air compressors are useful equipment but also potentially dangerous if not used properly. Hopefully, with detailed air compressor manuals and useful tips in this article, you can operate your air compressor safely and efficiently, contributing to improving productivity in the production process and protecting users.

To discover more advanced manufacturing solutions, you can register to attend Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, organized by RX Tradex, taking place from August 7-9, 2024 at the Hanoi International Exhibition Conference (I.C.E). This will be an opportunity for your business to access many modern machine technologies,  Connect with many leading industry experts as well as potential customers and partners, opening up many new business opportunities for your business.