NEV – NEPCON Vietnam

What’s the interesting facts about the largest technology and electronics exhibition in Vietnam 2024?

What’s the interesting facts about the largest technology and electronics exhibition in Vietnam 2024?

NEPCON Vietnam 2024 – Vietnam’s leading technology and electronics exhibition, creating lots of valuable opportunities to promote products, seek business partners and access markets. Must-see events for technology and electronics businesses that are looking forward to product launching, finding partners and reaching potential customers.

1. Brief introduction about NEPCON exhibition

1.1 What does NEPCON mean? NEPCON’s Mission

NEPCON is a leading technology exhibition series discovering the technology, equipment, machinery, materials, and services in the electronics industry. NEPCON takes place in global scale, for example such as Thailand, Malaysia, India, Vietnam, and Japan.

NEPCON’s mission is to enable companies, organizations, and individuals to access the latest technologies, equipment, and services as well as exchange, share experiences and seek opportunities for cooperation.

1.2 The success of NEPCON from 2018 to 2022

From 2018 to 2022, NEPCON has achieved much success with the participation of thousands of companies and professionals in the target market. NEPCON exhibitions have attracted the attention of most industry players, from manufacturers of equipment, machinery, materials, spare parts to technical service providers. NEPCON exhibitions have also been the venue for many professionalized activities, seminars, forums and business meetings, contributing to the development and integration of the entire industry into the world.

1.3 What does NEPCON Vietnam 2023 have?

NEPCON Vietnam 2023 will focus on the theme “Electronics Industry Innovation Trends – The Future of Global Supply Chain”. It is the place to showcase the latest technology and for global innovators to better access and understand Vietnamese segmentation. Here, more than 300 brands can meet new partners and the best innovators will appear on the showcase stage.

Opportunities to participate in NEPCON Vietnam Technology Exhibition 2023

Participating in NEPCON Vietnam Technology Exhibition 2023 brings many attractive benefits for economic firms in the field of electronics industry.

NEPCON Vietnam 2023 is a great source of information to help businesses access new technologies and important trends in the electronics industry. Furthermore, it also provide basic foundation and essential knowledge for them to come up with the most suitable solutions by themselves, thereby enhancing their own competitive advantages as well.

NEPCON is a gathering place for leading experts and enterprises in the electronics industry. Participating in this exhibition, businesses could communicate with professional experts by learning and sharing experiences, then expanding the network of partnerships. Especially, this technology expo can somehow strongly provide a trade bridge to promote brand image, leaving the strong impression on the potential customers as well. Since the exhibition is not only a place to introduce new technology but also offers many activities that help improve the knowledge and skills of professionals in the electronics industry.

Electronics manufacturing sectors present in the exhibition

NEPCON gallery is the leading international electronics industry exhibition in Vietnam, attracting the participation of many companies, enterprises, experts and customers from all over the world. The latest products, services and technology solutions that are being applied in the electronics industry intends to be displayed are:

  • SMT (Surface Mount Technology) – Surface component mounting technology;
  • Surface component welding – Technology involving the soldering of surface components on printed circuits;
  • Test technology – Equipment and technology for testing and measuring in the electronics manufacturing process;
  • Supporting Industry – Supporting industries that assemble electronics and other electronic products.

In addition, NEPCON Vietnam 2023 will also have a diversity of fields such as technology and mounting equipment, electronic manufacturing services (EMS), automotive electronics solutions, smart factory 4.0, electronic components, supplies, designs and tools; IC and sensor packaging technology; LED technology and diode laser.

Highlights of NEPCON Vietnam 2023

This is one of the important events in the electronics and SMT industry in Vietnam as NEPCON 2023 is a potential intersection for manufacturers, experts, and buyers to catch up with the updated supplies and solutions in the industry.
Highlights of this e-exhibition include:

  • Technology Seminars: This exhibition provides a professional platform for industry professionals to share the latest knowledge, experience and ideas on electronic technology and products. Seminars focus on leading topics such as the Internet of Things (IoT), smart electronics manufacturing, Surface Mount Technology (SMT), testing and measurement, electronic service solutions (EMS), and many more.
  • Product Exhibition: With more than 300 brands from Asia, NEPCON Vietnam 2023 will showcase a wide range of latest products in the electronics industry, SMT, electronic components, test and measurement equipment, supporting industrial equipment and more.
  • Business Matching: NEPCON Vietnam 2023 will welcome more than 300 brands from Asia, showcasing a wide range of latest products in the electronics industry, Surface Mount Technology (SMT), electronic components, test and measurement equipment, supporting industrial equipment and more.
  • Impressive Product Introductions: NEPCON Vietnam 2023 is a remarkable event in the Auxiliary Industry Exhibition, providing a professional platform for manufacturers and suppliers to showcase typical products and solutions. All of the prepared steps have been already professionally organized, aiming for high functionality, helping businesses improve market access, strengthen competitors and achieve significant business results.

2. Learn about the exhibition

2.1 What is an exhibition?

An exhibition is an event that focuses on displaying products, services or information related to a specific field to promote, introduce, seek business opportunities, create relationships, connect between partners, customers, and manufacturers. Items will be displayed at a certain space and time but in different forms and mediums.

2.2 What is an electronics exhibition?

Electronics exhibition is an industry event that focuses on products, services and technologies related to the field of electronics including electronic related components, equipment, and solutions, SMT (Welding of Surface Components), testing technology, and many other fields.

2.3 Purpose of organizing and participating in the exhibition

The key goals of this type of showcase is to present the latest advanced items or information in the field of enterprises to the public, customers, partners and interested people. This helps businesses, manufacturers, and suppliers find out the potential opportunities to establish new relationships and strengthen their position in the market.

For exhibitors

  • An exhibition is a way to promote a company or organization’s products or services to many potential customers.
  • Creating opportunities to meet and network also provides opportunities for companies and organizations to create relationships with customers and partners.
  • Provide opportunities for professionals in a particular industry to share their knowledge and experience with exhibition clients and attendees.
    Introduce new trends in a particular industry or sector.

For exhibition visitors

  • Exhibitors can learn about new products or services and keep up to date with new trends.
  • Exhibitors can create relationships and connections with professionals and representatives of companies or organizations present at the exhibition.
  • Exhibitors can also share their knowledge and experience with other partners in the same industry.

3. Distinguish between trade fairs and exhibitions

Trade fair and exhibition are two terms commonly used in the context of event organization and business transactions. However, they have the following differences:

3.1 Trade fairs

  • A trade fair is an annual or recurring business event that gathers companies and manufacturers to display and promote their products and services of a commercial nature.
  • The main purpose of a trade fair is to attract many customers to a specific location for a certain period of time to view products, compare prices, conduct transactions and sign contracts.
  • Usually held in central business districts or large convention and event centers.
  • Flexibly decide to focus on one industry or relate to many different professions.
  • Trade fairs are often accompanied by propaganda and advertising activities to strengthen the brands of companies and manufacturers.

3.2 Exhibitions

  • An exhibition is a specialized event that focuses on displaying, demonstrating, and sharing knowledge about products, technologies, or services in a particular industry or related to a particular field.
  • The main purpose of a trade show is to increase customer interest in the product or service on display, create recognition, and enhance the brand of the company or organization.
  • Often held at convention centers or larger venues.
  • Trade shows can focus on a specific industry or niche.

Trade fairs and exhibitions are two types of business events that have differences in terms of primary purpose, nature of transaction, venue, and ancillary activities. Understanding the difference between these two types of events is important to organize, participate, or visit on the right occasion and plan accordingly.

4. The 5 important factors for success when participating in this technology expo

4.1 Information about exhibition events

In order to prepare for the Expo effectively, the company needs to master information about the exhibition event, including the time, venue, expected customers, expected number of customers, main theme of the exhibition, and related activities. This information helps the company plan to prepare and display the product or service appropriately, from booth design to showcase, communication with customers, and related marketing activities.

4.2 Suitable location and booth area

The location and area of the booth are important factors to attract the attention of customers. The company needs to choose a booth location that suits customer traffic, is close to an area with similar products or services, and has a booth area large enough to display products attractively. The location of the booth can affect customer reach, customer interest, and at the same time it is necessary to meet the safety requirements and policies of the exhibition event.

4.3 Design and construction trends

The design and construction of the booth need to meet modern, attractive design trends and match the company’s brand. The booth design needs a balance of color, lighting, displays, and display space to create an attractive and professional space. Design and construction also need to meet the technical, safety, and policy requirements of the exhibition event, including regulations on size, layout, and materials used.

4.4 Messages transmitted from businesses

The company needs to focus on defining the core message to convey, focusing on the salient features of the product or service, explaining the benefits that customers can gain by using the company’s product or service, and establishing a connection with the target customer. The message needs to be conveyed through a variety of means of communication, such as banners, banner standee, signs, posters, product demos, demo videos, and other marketing materials.

4.5 Make sure about the cost of participating

Participating in the technology expo is an essential investment as thus the company could ensure that the cost of participating is in line with the available resources and power of the business. These market players need to plan and calculate the price in the fairest measurement including booth costs, design and construction costs, transportation costs, marketing costs, and other expenses incurred. There should be a dedicated budget for exhibition activities as it is necessary to monitor, control, and optimize the financial spending to ensure all the planned activities achieve the expected economic efficiency.

5. Criteria for designing exhibition booths

To design a beautiful and impressive expo pavilion, the following basic criteria should be deeply achieve:

5.1 Honoring the brand

Expo booth design needs to honor the company’s brand, go hand in hand with the image and values of the brand. The colors, logo, text, images, and other visual elements in the store design need to match the company’s brand identity, which enhances the brand’s recognition and memorization in the minds of customers. The booth design needs to reflect the values of the brand, from the tone, design style to the presentation of the product and the message.

5.2 Unique and innovative design

In order to attract the attention of customers, the Expo booth design needs to be unique and creative. The design should be groundbreaking, different from other booths, help attract eyes and create curiosity for customers. Design elements such as architecture, lighting, décor, sound effects or animations, unique textures, or special resources can be used to create a unique exhibition space and attract visitors.

5.3 High performance

The booth design needs to be highly functional, meeting the purpose and needs of businesses when participating in the Expo. It is recommended to ensure that the booth has a reasonable product display space, enough area for customers to access, knowledge of product presentation easily, convenient trading and consulting areas, and good connection with the surrounding area. The booth design needs to balance aesthetics and usefulness, so that businesses can make the most of the exhibition space to reach customers and promote business.

6. Conclusion

NEPCON Vietnam 2024 – The largest electronic technology exhibition in Vietnam, not only a place to display new products and technologies but also an event to connect businesses, find new partners and customers. RX Tradex, the leading exhibitionist in the ASEAN region, is committed to providing exciting experiences and worthwhile business opportunities for participating businesses.