NEV – NEPCON Vietnam

Learn about the electronic production machinery line system

Learn about the electronic production machinery line system

The electronics sector is a manufacturing industry that plays a key role in the economy and has a direct impact on other industries. In Vietnam, this industry accounts for about 17.8% of the proportion in the whole industry. [1] Recognizing the importance of this sector, the production of electronics has also been focused. To better understand this field, RX Tradex would like to introduce to you the article: “Understanding the electronic production machinery line system.”

1. What is Electronic Manufacturing Machinery?

How is electronic manufacturing machinery understood? Manufacturing electronic components is the process of making electronic parts and devices. The main products of this industry are: Electronic products, computers and peripherals, optical devices and other components. Specifically, these include: Electronic circuits, microchips and electronic components such as diodes, capacitors, resistors, sensors, controllers or other electronic elements,…

The manufacturing process of electronic components includes many steps such as: Design, manufacture, inspection and packaging,… To produce high-quality electronic components, manufacturers must use modern production processes, ensuring the accuracy and durability of products. Electronic components are used in many electronic devices, namely: Computers, mobile phones, household electrical appliances, medical devices, automobiles and many other types of products.

1.1. How many steps does the electronic components production machinery line include?

Electronic components manufacturing machinery includes 3 specific stages such as: Electronic component design, sample manufacturing, electronic component testing and electronic circuit manufacturing. Join RX Tradex to find out in detail each stage below:

Design of electronic components.

Electronic component design is the process of creating blueprints for electronic components, including: electronic circuits, microchips, chips, controllers and other components. Electronic component design is done using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software or by hand. The designer will create a circuit drawing (PCB layout) to simulate components, circuit lines and connections on electronic circuits. The circuit drawing will also note other specifications and technical documentation.

After the electronic component design is completed, it will be transferred to the production stage to create a sample or large number of electronic components. The electronic component design process requires high precision and must comply with safety standards and quality regulations to ensure product reliability.


When the design is ready, it will move to the development stage with the main goal of having a product prototype. Extensive research is carried out before integration into the actual production process to minimize risks and avoid wasting time and money. The product sample along with the PCB prototype must be the perfect copy of the design pattern with specifications and details.

This includes: Sample design, material preparation, sample assembly, testing and evaluation, customization and improvement, running tests and retesting,…

Inspection of electronic components.

An electronic prototype that acts as a copy of the product is being repeatedly tested in various aspects. The objective is to ensure that the product meets safety precautions and quality standards with full functionality of the sample.

Advanced inspection procedures include: Optical product review automatically analyzes PCBs for problems and errors on the computer. Easily detect problems and entire location mismatches through automated optical inspection. Another important type of testing procedure is environmental testing in which the product is exposed to the intended environment and checks whether the product reacts to the temperature, humidity, air pressure of the environment along with other factors to test the durability and resistance of the product.

Manufacture of electronic circuits.

Electronic circuit manufacturing is the process of creating complete electronic circuits, including PCBs and electronic components installed on them. PCB (Printed Circuit Board), also known as printed circuit board, is an important component in the manufacture of electronic components. They help connect and support electronic components, forming a complete printed circuit.

Assembling or manufacturing PCBs is the task that involves the most electronic knowledge because printed circuit boards contain all electrical components, circuits, and processors. To ensure the performance of complex finished products is the PCB manufacturing process. The variety of processes used in circuit board manufacturing varies after the manufacture of the first layer but circuit boards can be single, two-layer or multi-layer depending on requirements.

This stage includes: electronic circuit design, component ordering, component printing diagrams, soldering, inspection and repair, finishing, packaging and delivery,…

1.2. Benefits of electronic production machinery line system.

In the era of industrialization, cleanroom design consulting services, cleanroom construction are increasingly innovating and regularly upgrading automation lines. All kinds of production lines were born to help overcome all limitations of traditional production methods, help free up labor, bring high productivity and high economic efficiency.

  • Improve productivity: Equipment operation settings help minimize unnecessary steps and repeat processes continuously.
  • Free up labor, reduce labor costs: Thanks to the participation of machines in production, human labor has been significantly liberated. Machines are appreciated for surpassing human speed, stamina as well as accuracy.
  • Optimize uptime: Machines are designed and programmed with high precision before being put into the production line. This helps to have continuous production operations, with few incidents. Products are created and advanced to the next stage quickly, optimizing time and cost effectively.
  • Improve product quality: The parameters of the machines are set correctly to help the production process be massive, products have high uniformity, limit errors.
  • Optimizing product costs, improving competitiveness: The automation process helps reduce many types of costs for businesses, produce high productivity while also reducing costs per product.

1.3. Applications of electronic production machinery line systems.

Each production stage will have different automatic equipment applications such as production lines, packaging, assembly, inspection ,…. Here are some common applications:

  • Automatic assembly line in the production of vehicles, electronic equipment/components.
  • Metalworking line, circuit board printing.
  • Automatic filling line in the production of beverages, liquid foods, pharmaceuticals – cosmetics.
  • Product automatic packaging line.

1.4. Advanced technology is being applied to the production of electronic components.

Currently, there are many advanced technologies applied to the production of electronic components. Here are some notable technologies:

  • 3D printing technology: This technology is being used to produce electronic components such as printed circuits, microchips, small parts in the production of electronic machinery and electronic cases. 3D printing technology reduces production time and increases accuracy.
  • Lead-free soldering technology: Lead-free  solder technology is used to solder electronic components such as: Microchips, memory and resistors. This technology replaces traditional lead soldering, which reduces toxicity to the environment and human health.
  • Thin film manufacturing technology: Thin film manufacturing technology is used to produce electronic components such as panels, LCD screens, LEDs. This technology helps increase brightness, resolution and save energy.
  • IoT technology: IoT (Internet of Things) technology is being used to connect electronic components together, forming intelligent and automated systems. This technology helps optimize production processes and minimize errors.
  • AI and machine learning technologies: AI  and machine learning technologies are used to monitor, analyze data, and optimize the electronic components manufacturing process. This technology helps to increase production efficiency and minimize manufacturing errors.

1.5. The solutions are applied to increase the production efficiency of electronic components.

To increase the production efficiency of electronic components, enterprises can apply the following solutions:

  • Use automation and robotics: Use automation and robotics to perform repetitive tasks, minimize human error, and increase efficiency.
  • Employee training: Training employees on new production techniques and improving production processes helps increase efficiency and improve employee skills.
  • Using new technologies: Using new  technologies such as advanced machines, automation technology and other advanced production technologies helps increase production efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Quality control: Implement strict quality control to minimize manufacturing defects and increase production efficiency.
  • Use  production management software: Using production management software helps manage the production process more efficiently, increase accuracy and minimize production time.

2. Summary

Through the article to learn about the electronic production machinery line system analyzed and synthesized by RX Tradex, hopefully it will help your business better understand the field of electronics as well as the application of electronic production machinery in industries. In addition, businesses interested in the latest technologies and market trends can participate  in NEPCON – the only exhibition in Vietnam on SMT, Inspection Technology, Equipment and Supporting Industries for Electronics Manufacturing organized by RX Tradex Vietnam. In addition, this year, RX Tradex also organized leading exhibitions in the region such as Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, METALEX Vietnam and Waste and Recycling Vietnam.




