VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Manufacturing technology: What is it? And how it works?

Manufacturing technology: What is it? And how it works?

Today’s world is undergoing quick technological transformation, along with scientific and technical advancements. To increase the effectiveness of manufacturing processes, several prominent businesses have been implementing innovative technology. With RX Tradex, Let’s take a closer look at the role of manufacturing technology in the industry today’s post and take a look at some of the latest trends of manufacturing technology that are presently in demand.

What is the role of manufacturing technology? The most popular production technologies nowadays.

What is manufacturing technology?

What is manufacturing technology? Manufacturing technology refers to the application of new scientific and technological discoveries to the production process in order to boost productivity, efficiency, and product quality. With the application of numerous industrial revolution 4.0 innovations into production lines, many organizations are thus now moving toward the automation model.

However, the level of competitiveness in the industrial sector will undoubtedly rise as current innovations grow quickly. In particular, the application of manufacturing technology trends will make it difficult for enterprises to stay up with the market’s general trend.

The role of manufacturing technology.

The majority of firms on the market today directly include machinery and equipment in their manufacturing processes, making them a vital component. Numerous scientific and technological advancements were made at the same period. The development of manufacturing technology processes is receiving significant investment from businesses all around the world. As a result, one of the key elements influencing the success of the entire business model is how manufacturing technology is used. The following key characteristics, in particular, indicate the function of manufacturing technology sector:

  • Labor savings: In today’s manufacturing lines, many manual tasks are progressively being replaced by automation. Businesses won’t require the heavy personnel equipment they formerly did. Additionally, contemporary technology can manage many challenging manufacturing processes, saving labor and resolving some professional issues that call for highly qualified employees.
  • Cost-cutting and increased productivity: Utilizing technology during production enables companies to save significant amounts of raw resources, save depreciation, and boost productivity. Generally, the introduction of 3D printing technology has fundamentally altered the industrial industry. Prototypes are made using 3D printing technology considerably more quickly and for a lot less money than they would be using more conventional techniques.
  • Product quality enhancement: In several manufacturing sectors, technology is a necessary element influencing product quality. Typically, the electronics sector produces important goods like: Phones, electrical parts, digital cameras, etc. The technological arms race between the major competitors in the market, including Samsung, Apple, Intel,…
  • Production procedure optimization: Using advanced technologies will aid in manufacturing process optimization. The production process may now be automated thanks to a variety of new innovations. From there, companies may enhance their competitive edge in the market and optimize the production process.

The most popular manufacturing technology trend today.

Many technologies are now being used in the manufacturing sector, providing organizations with a variety of useful advantages. Businesses spend considerably in technology as it evolves into a powerful weapon to enhance manufacturing methods. Here is a list of the current most well-liked manufacturing technologies:

The most common technology used in manufacturing nowadays – technology 4.0.

  • Internet of Things (IoT): The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that links all electronic gadgets together. IoT is seen as a useful technology to help firms with production tasks including process planning, control, analysis, and optimization.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Robotic process automation (RPA) is a technique that was developed to employ robots to replace people in a variety of tasks. RPA may replace employees in a variety of risky areas while increasing the effectiveness of manufacturing procedures.
  • 3D printing: This printing method uses the layering concept to produce intricate 3D objects. Today’s 3D printing technology increases the production process efficiency of designers and engineers.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI): At the moment, AI technology is used to gather data, build comprehensive models, and enhance industrial operations.
  • Big Data: Big Data technology aids organizations in generating ideas, making choices, adjusting prices, and enhancing product quality to remain competitive in the market. Businesses may then enhance their manufacturing processes to strengthen their competitive edge.

The most widely used production technique nowadays in the field of mechanical and metallurgical areas.

  • Pressure machining technology: Pressure machining is a technique that uses external pressure to impart forces that cause metal to alter form as needed.
  • Welding technology: A method of welding metal components together by melting metal or other materials to change them from solid to liquid. With the benefit of saving a significant amount of time, welding technology is now often used in metal processing and manufacturing processes.
  • Metallurgical technology: The process of making metals and alloys out of other ores or other raw materials is known as metallurgical technology. Although this discipline is relatively new in Vietnam, it has a lengthy history in industrialized nations all over the world.
  • CNC machining technology: CNC machining is a type of mechanical processing that uses equipment with cutting-edge technology to achieve high levels of precision and accelerate output.
  • Metal casting technology: Metal casting is a production method that involves injecting liquid ingredients into molds to make finished goods.
  • Metal forging technology: Technology for forging metal under pressure while it is still hot is called metal forging. In mechanical production, metal forging technique is commonly employed.

The most popular manufacturing technology trends used recently in the electronics sector.

  • Electro-optical technology: One of the most modern industrial technologies is electro-optical technology. In comparison to traditional ways, electro-optical technology aids in hundreds of times faster data transfer. The production of LED lights, incandescent lamps, smart control panels, and other items for the electronics sector now makes use of this technology.
  • Technology of electronics and telecommunications: With wireless data connections between network nodes, this electronics and telecommunications technology is frequently employed in industrial parks. Currently, this technology is used in the automation of the manufacture of goods like cars, logistics and transportation, and the oil and gas sector.
  • Mechatronics technology: Based on the electromagnetic induction principle, mechatronics technology transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy. This technique is typically used in industrial processes requiring machinery with electric motors.
  • SMT technology: Also known as surface mount technology. This is a technology used to attach electronic components directly to the surface of a printed circuit board (PCB).
  • Electronic chip manufacturing technology: It is an extremely important technology in the production of cars and especially indispensable in electronic devices.
  • Automotive manufacturing and assembly technology: This technology is very popular in the developing industrial countries around the world. Currently, Vietnam has a chain of automobile production and assembly lines at leading companies such as VinFast or Thaco Truong Hai.

The key technology in heat production and renewable energy in today’s environment nowadays.

  • Waste treatment technology: To produce heat and power at the moment, waste treatment technology is frequently employed.
  • Waste recycling technology: This technology is commonly used in the production of plastics, packaging and other recyclables. These include: Plastic recycling, car tire recycling, paper recycling, glass recycling, etc.
  • Wastewater treatment technology: This is a technology commonly applied in many breweries, wineries, industrial parks by reusing water sources into production activities.
  • Lithium battery manufacturing technology: This is a technology widely applied in many fields around the globe, especially in the production of electric cars and electric motorcycles.

Other common industry production technologies.

  • Plastic Waste Recycling Production Technology.
  • Power Generation Technology.
  • Smokeless Coal Production Technology.
  • Beer Production Technology.
  • Paper Production Technology Confectionery Production Technology.
  • Production Technology Of Coir Pellets.
  • Technology Of Beverage Production.
  • Technology Of Instant Noodles Production.
  • Sugar Production Technology.
  • Technology For Producing Tunnel Bricks.
  • Paper Production Technology.
  • Wood Pellet Production Technology.
  • Cement Production Technology.
  • Instant Noodle Production Technology.
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology.
  • Water-Based Paint Production Technology.
  • Wine Production Technology.
  • Milk Production Technology.
  • Yogurt Production Technology.
  • Enzyme Production Technology.
  • Cosmetic Manufacturing Technology.
  • Plastic Production Technology.
  • Paint Technology.
  • Technology For The Production Of Animal Feed.
  • Pulp Production Technology.
  • Packaging Technology.
  • Coffee Production Technology.
  • Ceramic Production Technology.
  • Brick Production Technology.
  • Washing Water Production Technology.
  • Wine Production Technology.
  • Shoe Manufacturing Technology.
  • Rice Production Technology.
  • Technology For The Production Of Marshmallows.
  • Industrial Garment Production Technology.


The RX Tradex article titled “Manufacturing technology: What is it? and How does it work?” Hoping that the information in this article can aid businesses in understanding the state of manufacturing technology. On top of that, in 2023, RX Tradex will also host international events like the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, Waste and Recycling Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam, and NEPCON Vietnam, promising to be a destination for companies to visit and find a deeper understanding of how to apply cutting-edge technology in production and business.