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Difference Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller in Automation Technology Trends

Difference Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller in Automation Technology Trends

With the explosive development of automation technology, the demand for smart electronic devices is increasing. Microprocessors (CPUs) and microcontrollers (MCUs) play a key role in controlling and processing information for automation systems. However, many people are still confused between these two types of chips. In this article, RX Tradex will analyze in detail the similarities and differences between microprocessors and microcontrollers, helping you choose the right equipment for your automation needs.

1. What are the similarities between a microprocessor and a microcontroller?

Microprocessors and microcontrollers are both central computer chips that provide information to personal computers and electronic devices. Both are made up of semiconductor integrated circuits and share a number of internal components:

  • Integrated circuits: Both are designed on a compact integrated circuit that contains thousands or millions of electronic components, which helps to shrink the size of the electronic circuit.
  • CPU: Both microprocessors and microcontrollers have CPUs, the central processing unit that handles instructions from applications or firmware. The CPU consists of an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) for calculating and evaluating logical problems.
  • Registers: Both have built-in registers to temporarily store instructions or binary data before, during, and after processing.
Microprocessors and microcontrollers
What are the similarities between a microprocessor and a microcontroller?

2. What is the difference between a microprocessor and a microcontroller?

2.1. Architectural differences between microprocessors and microcontrollers

Although they are in the same form of computer chips, microprocessors (CPUs) and microcontrollers (MCUs) are composed according to different architectures, leading to differences in processing power, flexibility, and applications.

2.1.1. Memory


Using the von Neumann architecture – the program and the data sit on the same memory module. Therefore, the CPU needs to connect to external memory such as RAM and ROM through an external bus to access data.

Thanks to its flexible data accessibility, CPUs are suitable for complex applications that require a lot of math. However, Because the structure is quite complicated, it requires many external components and buses, resulting in a large size and high cost.


Using Harvard architecture, program memory and data are separated. The MCU has built-in ROM memory and internal RAM, which connects to the CPU via an internal bus.

The data access speed of MCUs is faster than that of CPUs due to the use of internal buses, which saves power and reduces costs. However, the ability to process data is more limited due to the small amount of memory and internal bus.

2.1.2. Peripherals


Microprocessors do not have built-in peripherals such as timers, I/O communication,… but need to connect more external peripherals to expand functionality. It has the ability to connect a variety of peripheral devices, meeting the needs of a wide range of applications. However, the complex structure, which requires a lot of connections and management, is prone to errors.


The microcontroller has many built-in peripherals on the chip, helping to minimize the need for additional components, saving space and cost. They have a compact, space-saving design that is suitable for mobile and embedded devices. But the connectivity is more limited than that of CPUs, which are less flexible in expanding functionality.

2.1.3. Computing power


The processor has a high processing speed, supports floating-point arithmetic, and is suitable for applications that require complex calculations such as image and video processing,… In addition, thanks to its powerful processing capabilities, the CPU also meets the needs of processing large volumes of data. However, because of the high power consumption, it leads to high temperatures, and a good heat dissipation system is required.


The processing speed of microcontrollers is lower than that of microprocessors, mainly focusing on control logic, which is suitable for simple applications such as motor control, sensors,…  Due to the low processing speed, the computing power of the microcontroller is potentially energy-efficient, making it suitable for battery-powered or solar-powered devices. However, the processing capacity is limited, making it unsuitable for applications that require complex calculations.

2.2. Main Differences Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Microcontrollers and microprocessors both have distinct advantages and characteristics that are suitable for different types of systems.

Clock Speed

  • CPU: Provides high computing speeds, typically operating in the gigahertz (GHz) range, making it suitable for applications that require fast and complex data processing such as personal computers, servers, smartphones, and more.
  • MCU: Has a lower clock rate, ranging from kilohertz (kHz) to hundreds of megahertz (MHz), suitable for embedded systems that need real-time feedback with low power consumption such as home appliances, electronic toys, medical devices,…
Microprocessors and microcontrollers
Main Differences Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Circuit Size

  • CPU: It needs to be combined with many external components such as communication chips, I/O ports, RAM, and ROM to form a complete computing system, resulting in a larger circuit size.
  • MCU: Built-in many features on the same chip, saving space and minimizing the need for additional components, suitable for mobile and embedded devices with limited size.

Power consumption

  • CPU: Operates at high speeds, consumes more power, requires an external power supply and a good cooling system.
  • MCU: Power  savings due to low processing speed and built-in energy-saving features, suitable for battery-powered or solar-powered applications.

Operating System

  • CPU: Requires the operating system to manage system resources and provide the user interface.
  • MCU: Standalone  operation, no operating system required for simple applications. However, some embedded operating systems can be used to optimize performance for mid- and high-range MCUs.


  • CPU: Supports many high-speed communications such as USB 3.0, Gigabit Ethernet to connect to peripherals and networks.
  • MCU: More limited connectivity capabilities, often requiring a dedicated processor for high-speed data connections.


  • CPU: Low production cost per unit due to simple construction.
  • MCU: The cost  of manufacturing per unit is higher due to the more complex architecture. However, MCU-based systems are cheaper due to fewer additional components.

3. Use Cases of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

Both microprocessors and microcontrollers have suitable applications according to the specific needs of each electronic system.

Microprocessor applications are suitable for powerful processing power requirements, especially in complex and unpredictable computing tasks. They are widely used in servers, desktops, and mobile devices, meeting performance needs and running applications such as artificial intelligence.

Meanwhile, microcontrollers are often preferred in control systems with a narrow range of functions and low power consumption requirements. They respond well in applications such as smart home systems, drones, or other compact devices such as portable music players.

Therefore, the choice between a microprocessor and a microcontroller depends on the specific requirements of the system and the intended use, thereby ensuring efficiency and appropriateness for each electronic application.

4. Summary of the differences between a microprocessor and a microcontroller

5. Conclusion

Microprocessors and microcontrollers are both important components in automation technology. Understanding the difference between these two types helps you choose the most suitable solution for each specific application, optimizing performance and cost. In addition, to update the latest automation technology trends in the electronics manufacturing industry, or to learn and be exposed to the latest technologies in the electronics industry as well as  electronics manufacturing trends, you can register to participate in the NEPCON Vietnam exhibition, organized by RX Tradex, which takes place in September 2024. Register right here.