VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Participate in the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo (VME) 2023 – Exhibition on Machinery and Technology for Manufacturing and Supporting Industries

Participate in the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo (VME) 2023 – Exhibition on Machinery and Technology for Manufacturing and Supporting Industries

The manufacturing industry, in particular, will face several obstacles in the near future, as evidenced by the General Statistics Office’s finding that the added value of the whole sector fell by 0.82%[1] during the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same time in the previous year. In order to deal with the aforementioned issue, many firms are currently in urgent need of innovative products, services, and technology to boost their competitiveness in the face of an uncertain market in the upcoming time. Thus, it can be said that now is an ideal moment for companies to jump deeper into the market and look for chances to promote their goods by taking part in The Exhibition on Machinery and Technology for Manufacturing and Supporting Industries – Vietnam Manufacturing Expo (VME) 2023, annually organized by RX Tradex.

The opportunities of  Exhibition on Machinery and Technology for Manufacturing and Supporting Industries – Vietnam Manufacturing Expo (VME) 2023

Overview of the event Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023

What is the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023? Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023 (VME) refers to the Vietnam’s Leading Exhibition on Machinery and Technology for Manufacturing and Supporting Industries annually organized by RX Tradex. In 2023, VME Expo will bring together more than 200 brands of machinery, equipment, and technology from more than 20 countries with the presence of more than 10,000 manufacturers, manufacturing, and supporting industries to explore cutting-edge advancements under the Future Factory theme.

In addition, VME 2023 with the theme “Future Factory” promises to be the key destination to help exhibitors meet and connect with customers, then seeking opportunities to grow trade on a global scale.

The precise specifics of the VME Expo this year include as follows:

  • Event: Exhibition on Machinery and Technology for Manufacturing and Supporting Industries – Vietnam Manufacturing Expo (VME) 2023.
  • Theme: “Future Factory”.
  • Duration: August 9 –11, 2023.
  • Location: Palace Of Culture Of Vietnamese-Soviet Friendship – Vietnam – 91 Hoan Kiem District, City, Tran Hung Dao Ward, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Which companies should attend the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo in 2023?

For whom are the target audiences of this International Exhibition Event of Vietnam Manufacturing 2023? The turning points of Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023 focus on some specific sector of Advanced Machinery and Technology Innovation. As a result, the following companies should take part in this event including:

  • The units provide manufacturing and industrial solutions in the areas of manufacturing operations, instruments, and management.
  • The units operate in the field of automatic assembly, pumps/valves, automation lines, wire (cable) technology, pipes, surface treatment.
  • The units that offer alternatives to machine tools, sheet metal processing, and equipment for working with metal.

With the experience of managing several important international exhibition events in Southeast Asia, RX Tradex will assist participating firms in having the chance to market their goods and services to potential clients at Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023.

Benefits for businesses when participating in Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023.

What benefits does Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023 bring? Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023 is the leading international exhibition event in Vietnam, which will bring many important benefits to participating businesses, including:

  • Participating in the exhibition will help businesses expand their business networks and connect with potential partners and new customers.
  • Increasing the market share to promote your products and services to access the right target audience.
  • Enhancing brand recognition and building a trustworthy image in the mind of potential partners and customers.
  • Expanding existing collaborations with other manufacturing businesses while searching for new relationships, including investment collaborators.
  • Updating advanced technological solutions as well as the latest market information in both the national and international scale.

Which prominent brands and businesses will present at the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo?

Which brands are showing up in the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023 International Events? Leading market players, including the following, will attend the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo in this year:

  • ABB AUTOMATION AND ELECTRIFICATION: A brand from Switzerland, main business is manufacturing motors, generators, power transformers, electrical distribution and control equipment. Today, the ABB brand operates in more than 100 countries, with over 145,000 employees. Reference: abb.com
  • DELTA ELECTRONICS: A brand from Taiwan, operating in the main business areas are computer fans, DC industry and power converters. Currently, DELTA ELECTRONICS operates around 200 facilities worldwide, including production, sales and R&D centers. Reference: deltaww.com
  • ETEK AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS: A brand comes from Vietnam, operating in the main fields of automation solutions for factories, training and vocational training equipment, household equipment, and smart warehousing solutions. ETEK is a leading brand in Vietnam with more than 16 years of experience and a team of nearly 300 employees, including over 150 highly qualified engineers. Reference: tpa.com.vn
  • NEW CENTURY INTERNATIONAL (TAN THE KY): A brand comes from Vietnam, with more than 20 years of experience in welding and cutting technology and automation. Currently, this brand has main business activities such as providing a total solution package in the field of welding, cutting and automation related to robots for partners, including: Consulting, design, training. workers, technology transfer, technical support and warranty and repair. Reference: tantheky.com

How to register to participate in Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023?

What should you do in order to sign up to attend the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023? Businesses may register to attend the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023 by going to the RX Tradex website at rx-vietnamshows.com. Then, fill in the required information and the consultant will contact you shortly.

Or you can also directly contact each department in charge with the following information:

Register as an exhibitor:

Register as a visitor:

For media partners participating in the Business Initiative Community (BIZ) project:

  • Ms. Kim Tho (Sophie)
  • T: (+84) 28 6287 3355 – Ext 114
  • M: (+84) 937 77 2297
  • E: tho.le@rxtradex.com

Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2023 is regarded as Vietnam’s premier manufacturing sector trade show this year. Please register to participate in the The Exhibition on Machinery and Technology for Manufacturing and Supporting Industries – Vietnam Manufacturing Expo (VME) 2023 in order to not only take advantage of this chance to network with potential clients but also be able to reach out to various domestic and international units for better promoting goods and services. Furthermore, in addition to the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, RX Tradex will also be leading some other regional exhibitions, including: NEPCON, METALEX Vietnam and Waste and Recycling Vietnam to help connect businesses with different levels of strategic suppliers and business partners in the year of 2023.


[1]: Data from the General Statistics Office.