VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Plastic production technologies in vietnam and around the world

Plastic production technologies in vietnam and around the world

In Vietnam, the plastic industry has witnessed significant growth over the past several years, with an average annual growth rate of 10-12%. In 2022, the industry’s revenue reached over 25 billion USD, marking a 5.7% increase compared to the same period in 2021. Simultaneously, with advancements in science and technology, plastic production processes have made remarkable strides, resulting in the creation of various types of plastics with innovative advantages and manufacturing processes. Therefore, let’s explore the plastic production technologies in Vietnam and around the world in this article, together with RX Tradex.

1. Overview of the plastic production industry.

In Vietnam, the plastic production industry, although relatively young compared to other long-established industrial sectors like mechanical engineering, electronics, chemicals, and textiles, has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. According to the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade, during the period from 2010 to 2020, the plastic industry achieved the highest growth rate in the country, ranging from 16% to 18% (second only to telecommunications and textiles), making it one of the key industrial sectors in Vietnam today. This growth stems from a broad market segment and significant development potential, with most products used in daily life being made of plastic, including plastic packaging products, construction materials, household plastics, high-tech plastics, and more.

However, alongside its substantial contribution to the economy, the plastic industry currently faces numerous challenging issues, with the most prominent being the negative environmental impact of production activities. According to the Journal of Science and Technology of Vietnam, plastic pollution is a global issue, demanding comprehensive solutions from governmental agencies and businesses operating in this sector. Due to its affordability, flexibility, and a wide range of applications across various industries, nearly half of the plastic used in single-use or short-term products could take hundreds of years to decompose. Notably, most of this plastic consumption occurs in middle- and high-income countries. Therefore, to address this issue, plastic industry businesses need to focus on improving their manufacturing processes, optimizing operational activities, and, most importantly, investing in green and sustainable production technologies.

2. Introduction to top 3 popular plastic production technologies in Vietnam.

2.1. Injection molding plastic production technology.

What is injection molding plastic production technology? Injection molding is a plastic production technology that involves injecting molten material into a mold. Specifically, plastic is placed in a heated barrel, mixed (using a screw system), and injected into a mold. It is then cooled and solidified into the shape of the mold cavity. Typically, molds are made of metals such as steel or aluminum, precisely machined to meet customer or production unit requirements. Currently, commonly used plastics in injection molding include thermoplastics, thermosetting plastics, nylon, polyethylene, polystyrene, epoxy, phenolic, and various elastomers. Here are some applications of injection molding technology:

  • Ability to produce large objects with uniform mass.
  • Used in the production of packaging, bottle caps.
  • Manufacture of automotive parts and components.

2.2. Blow molding plastic production technology.

What is blow molding plastic production technology? The blow molding (EBM) manufacturing method is a process of blowing (or extruding) molten plastic into an open mold. In this process, the manufacturing unit uses a volume of molten plastic, which is not shaped, and blows it into an open mold. When the mold closes, the machinery system tightens the plastic tube, causing compressed air to blow into the tube. Subsequently, this layer of plastic expands and adheres completely to the metal mold. In the final stage, the plastic bottles are trimmed and removed from the mold, ready for the market. Currently, commonly used plastics in blow molding technology include high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polycarbonate (PC), polyester, and urethane. Here are some specific applications of blow molding technology:

  • Production of hollow objects such as plastic bottles.
  • Manufacturing storage containers and crates.
  • Fabrication of complex-structured plastic products.

2.3. Extrusion-based plastic production technology.

What is extrusion-based plastic production technology? This is the process of manufacturing plastic products using extruded profiles with fixed shapes and dimensions. Typically, this technology employs raw materials from virgin or recycled plastics, which are cut and processed into the final product. Currently, in the Vietnamese market, most businesses use plastic profile types in industrial production, such as CONCH and SHIDE profiles. Some applications of this plastic production technology include:

  • Production of interior and exterior parts for automobiles.
  • Manufacture of consumer products such as toothpaste tubes, shower tubes.

3. Introduction to top 4 advanced plastic production technologies worldwide.

3.1. 3D printing plastic production technology.

What is 3D printing plastic production technology? 3D printing technology is a method of producing plastic by layering materials to create a three-dimensional object. Specifically, 3D printing builds 3D product details by constructing CAD (Computer-Aided Design) models through the addition of layers of material until completion. The advantage of this production method lies in its cost-effectiveness and the ability to create products with complex geometric designs. 3D printing technology is suitable for various types of plastics, including thermoplastics (ABS and PLA), thermosetting plastics, nylon, and more. Here are some applications of 3D printing plastic production technology:

  • Production of complex plastic components for industries such as automotive and electronics.
  • Facilitates the creation of plastic models with intricate designs.

3.2. CNC machining plastic production technology.

What is CNC machining plastic production technology? Plastic production using CNC machining is a method that utilizes solid plastic materials to create products on cutting equipment. Specifically, in the CNC machining process, this cutting equipment moves and removes excess material from the solid plastic based on the computer software’s design requirements. CNC machining is suitable for plastics such as acrylic (PMMA), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), polyamide nylon (PA), polylactic acid (PLA), polycarbonate (PC), and more. Here are some specific applications of CNC machining plastic production technology:

  • Manufacturing small, intricately detailed plastic components.
  • Production of plastic gears and cogwheels.
  • Facilitates the creation of parts in the construction industry, such as windows, chairs.

3.3. Polymer casting plastic production technology.

What is polymer casting plastic production technology? This is a production method that uses a liquid plastic or rubber to fill a mold, undergoes chemical reactions to solidify into a solid mass, and is then trimmed to meet specific requirements. Typically, common plastics used for polymer casting include polyurethane, epoxy, silicone, and acrylic. Some applications of polymer casting plastic production technology include:

  • Used to manufacture high-precision plastic parts for the automotive and aerospace industries.
  • Polymer casting technology can be used to produce plastic products in sports, such as badminton rackets, tennis rackets, …

3.4. Rotational molding plastic production technology.

What is rotational molding plastic production technology? This production method involves heating a hollow mold containing plastic material. As the mold rotates centrifugally, the plastic material inside moves, ensuring that it covers the interior and takes the shape of the mold cavity. This method is commonly used with plastics such as polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP), polycarbonate (PC), and nylon. Here are some specific applications of rotational molding production technology trends:

  • Manufacturing products with round shapes, such as buoys.
  • Production of containers, plant pots made of plastic.
  • Manufacturing helmets.

4. Summary.

Through this article on “Plastic Production Technologies in Vietnam and around the world”, RX Tradex has provided businesses with an overview of the global plastic industry and updated information on current popular production technology trends. Furthermore, in 2023, businesses interested in learning more about advanced production technologies can participate in the International showcase, Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, organized by RX Tradex Vietnam. Additionally, in the same year, RX Tradex will host leading regional exhibitions such as NEPCON Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam, and Waste and Recycling Vietnam, scheduled for the near future.


[1]: Ngành nhựa có tốc độ tăng trưởng bình quân từ 10-12% mỗi năm.

[2]: Điểm nghẽn “kìm đà” phát triển của ngành công nghiệp nhựa Việt Nam.

[3]: Ô nhiễm nhựa: Vấn đề và giải pháp toàn cầu.