VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Production technology trends are worth looking forward to

Production technology trends are worth looking forward to

Production technology has been clearly making a significant contribution to firms’ business operations over the last few years. Businesses have been able to create competitive advantages and enhance product quality thanks to the use of science, technology, and a variety of innovative tools to conduct manufacturing process improvement. In today’s article, RX Tradex will introduce the most emerging production technology trends to look forward to in the future.

1. The most  expected production technology trends in the future.

1.1. Trends in production technology using clean energy.

Production technology with renewable energy is currently developing into a significant trend worldwide. These innovations aim to lessen the damaging effects of production on the environment and encourage companies to utilize renewable energy sources. In this trend, businesses will employ a variety of renewable energy sources in their manufacturing processes, including: solar power, wind power, wave power, hydroelectric power, etc. This improves waste quality reduction. industrial waste to the environment, guaranteeing long-term, environmentally friendly economic growth. The following are some applications of renewable energy generating production technology:

  • Power supply for production machinery systems: Clean energy sources, including hydroelectric, solar, and wind power, can be utilized to deliver the power needed to operate manufacturing machinery systems. The reliance on fossil fuels has decreased as a result.
  • Producing heat and electricity for manufacturing  procedure: Clean energy is utilized to produce heat or power for production operations, including those in the processing of goods like food choices, seafood, wood, and other materials.
  • Lighting and cooling: Workplaces, manufacturing facilities, and industrial zones may all be lit using clean energy sources. Additionally, numerous systems utilizing solar heating and cooling technologies are also being employed by commercial buildings, which helps to lessen reliance on fossil fuels.

1.2. Trends in production technology using virtual reality.

The production technology trend of virtual reality (VR) is now conducting a rapidly evolving field with several applications. The capacity to build virtual worlds and things makes VR an increasingly useful tool for engineers and workers as they develop and manufacture items in the future. The following are some common uses for virtual reality production technology trends:

  • Manufacturing Process Simulation: Virtual reality allows businesses to create an accurate 3D model of the manufacturing process. As a result, workers can be trained in a virtual environment and learn how to manipulate production equipment and machines without the need for a physical model. This saves costs and time in the process of training production workers.
  • Product design and development: Virtual reality technology allows designers and engineers to create 3D models of products before they go into production. From there, the design department can reshape, modify functionality, and improve outdated products.
  • Production systems management: Production technology using virtual reality provides a new approach to managing and monitoring the manufacturing process using 3D simulation. In addition, the VR system helps managers better understand the production process, find problems that arise, and optimize performance.

1.3. Trends in production technology using artificial intelligence (AI).

Many analysts believe that artificial intelligence (AI) innovations, which have grown tremendously in recent years, could soon become the industrial sector’s future. With regard to performance as compared to other conventional approaches, several organizations have integrated AI into their production processes and are seeing remarkable results. Future AI systems will be capable of extensive learning and analytics. As a result, AI will be a useful aid, assisting workers throughout manufacturing. At the moment, enterprises are using this AI production technology in sectors like:

  • Automation innovation: AI technology allows businesses to build automation systems in production. These systems will perform production tasks without human intervention. From there, businesses can improve productivity, reduce production costs in business.
  • Data processing optimization: AI is able to process and analyze the data from the whole manufacturing process with the help of sensors and monitoring systems. Businesses may assess employee performance in this way and make improvements to problematic production phases.
  • Self-learning system: Artificial intelligence has the capacity to continually acquire new skills and develop. Future AI systems will be able to exploit industrial process data to enhance the quality of their output.

1.4. Trends in production technology using Internet of Things (IoT).

Business organizations may build a network that connects the machines and gadgets in the production system using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. Manufacturers may then remotely control and manage the entire production process autonomously from that point on. IoT technology has the potential of enabling businesses to fully oversee the operations of factories and manufacturing lines as well as conduct business from any location. Future uses of IoT technology in industry include the following:

  • Production automation: By using sensors and devices connected to IoT networks, businesses can monitor and control production activities automatically.
  • Supply Chain Management: IoT provides comprehensive monitoring and management of the product supply chain, from tracking the location of goods in transit to managing the warehouse. Thereby, businesses can optimize the supply chain in production and reduce operating costs in business.

1.5. Trends in production technology using flexible manufacturing.

Production technology using flexible manufacturing represents a production method that helps businesses respond quickly to market needs. By using this production technology, installed in a chain and connected by a computer system that is installed in a chain and connected via a computer system, businesses may monitor items, assess outcomes, intervene, and adjust processes in real time. In addition, flexible manufacturing innovation also allows businesses to automate mass production technology with equipment and machines such as CNC machines, industrial robots, and transportation systems. Applications of the production technology trend using flexible manufacturing are:

  • Customization for manufacturing processes: According to flexible manufacturing innovation, organizations may modify production machinery and equipment to alter output products and cater to a range of consumer demands.
  • Storage and warehouse management: Flexible manufacturing systems provide more adaptable control over storage and warehouse management.  By there, companies may shorten the time required for warehouse-related operations including transport, raw material inventory, import and export, etc.
  • Cutting production costs: Businesses may maximize the usage of materials and cut expenses by utilizing flexible manufacturing technologies.

1.6. Trends in production technology using predictive maintenance.

The technique of predicting potential malfunctions, failures, or issues when maintaining a system or piece of equipment is known as predictive maintenance. This method’s primary goal is to forecast probable equipment failures and offer insights that may be used by businesses to cut back on the frequency of maintenance and prevent issues with the manufacturing process. The following are some examples of uses for production technology trends in predictive maintenance:

  • Predicting production equipment failures: Predictive maintenance technology helps businesses detect errors early in the operation of production equipment. By using sensors and collected data, businesses can analyze when incidents occur, reducing the risk of machine and production equipment failure.
  • Scheduling periodic maintenance: With the data source collected, businesses can schedule periodic maintenance for production equipment. Instead of relying on a fixed maintenance schedule, the system evaluates the actual state of the equipment to determine when to perform maintenance.
  • Optimizing production system maintenance costs: Predictive maintenance technology helps businesses decide on the most optimal maintenance method, including: Repairing, replacing components, upgrading machines, and equipment bags.

1.7. Trends in production technology using automation robots.

In manufacturing segments ranging from basic to complicated or needing great accuracy, automation robots nowadays are more and more employed to replace people. Automatic robots are typically employed by businesses in manufacturing activities including material handling, products movement, assembly, product inspection, etc. In the present day, the production technology trend employing automated robots has a wide range of industrial uses, including:

  • Automated production lines: Automated robot systems can take the place of people in jobs like assembly, welding, painting, quality control, packing, etc. Businesses may do this to streamline operations and speed up production.
  • Automating the packaging process: At this moment, companies can apply automation robot technology to efficiently stack, pack, and check items.
  • Automate inspection procedures: Automation robots can scan, measure, classify and process data. Since then, this technology helps to replace workers in product quality inspection.

1.8. Trends in production technology using supply chain management.

This approach involves fusing managerial procedures with technological advancements in order to maximize product supply and output. Information and operational operations of supply chain players, including raw material suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and the stage of product distribution, are all able to be managed by supply chain manufacturing technology.

  • Raw material supply management: Supply chain manufacturing technology helps businesses control the source of materials provided for production activities. From there, businesses can optimize warehouse management and ensure the continuity of the supply process of raw materials and supplies.
  • Cargo tracking and shipping: This technology allows to track and monitor the process of transporting goods from suppliers to customers, including: Information about location, time and product status.

1.9.  Trends in production technology using blockchain innovation.

Blockchain innovation makes it possible to securely maintain details on the origin, movement, and storage of original documents. Businesses may then update precise information about their production operations. Blockchain technology will eventually offer useful advantages to firms like:

  • Information security: Blockchain technology enables organizations to guarantee the accuracy of data and thwart attempts to steal crucial information during manufacturing processes.
  • Production resource management: By utilizing Blockchain technology, businesses can track and understand the current state of the production system. From there, businesses may deploy resources in productive and profitable ways.

2. Summary.

The information above is a summary of RX Tradex’s discussion of the most emerging production technology trends in the manufacturing sector that are most likely to help firms gain a competitive edge. Join the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo hosted by RX Tradex Vietnam if your company wants to learn more about cutting-edge, highly effective production technology innovations. Additionally, the following notable exhibitions are also organized by RX Tradex in 2023: NEPCON Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam, and Waste & Recycling Vietnam.