WRV – Waste and Recycling Expo Việt Nam

Recycling electric vehicle batteries: Solutions from the world and Vietnam

Recycling electric vehicle batteries: Solutions from the world and Vietnam

The advent of electric vehicles (EVs) offers many environmental benefits such as reducing transportation emissions and saving fuel, but it also brings about the issue of battery disposal. Electric vehicle batteries contain many hazardous components, and improper disposal of these batteries can lead to environmental pollution, negatively impacting both human living conditions and ecosystems. In this article, RX Tradex explores the current state of battery recycling for electric vehicles.

1. The Current State of Electric Vehicles in Vietnam

In the context of increasing climate change and environmental pollution, the shift from fossil fuel-powered transportation to electric vehicles is becoming an inevitable global trend. In Vietnam, this trend is also gaining traction, with a rapid increase in the number of electric vehicles on the roads. The government has introduced various policies to encourage the use of electric vehicles to reduce environmental pollution and conserve energy.

Recent statistics show a significant increase in new electric vehicle registrations in Vietnam. Particularly, electric motorcycles and bicycles are becoming popular choices among the public, especially in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Additionally, electric cars are beginning to appear and receive considerable attention from consumers. Major car manufacturers such as VinFast, Mitsubishi, and Nissan have started introducing electric vehicle models in the Vietnamese market, contributing to the growth of green transportation.

However, the boom in electric vehicles also presents challenges, particularly regarding the recycling of batteries after their lifecycle ends. Electric vehicle batteries are among the most important and expensive components, containing materials that can be harmful to the environment if not properly managed. Therefore, finding effective battery recycling solutions has become an urgent necessity.

2. Competing to Find Effective Electric Vehicle Battery Recycling Methods

Globally, many countries have recognized the importance of electric vehicle battery recycling and have undertaken research and development of advanced recycling technologies. Modern recycling methods not only help reduce electronic waste but also enable the recovery of precious metals found in batteries, such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel.

Hydrometallurgical Method
One of the most effective recycling methods for electric vehicle batteries is hydrometallurgy. This process involves using chemical solutions to separate precious metals from the batteries. The method has the advantage of high recovery rates for precious metals; however, it requires managing the chemical waste generated during the process.

Pyrometallurgical Method
Pyrometallurgy is also widely used in electric vehicle battery recycling. This process involves melting the batteries at high temperatures to separate precious metals. However, this method consumes a lot of energy and can cause air pollution if not carefully controlled.

Direct Reuse Method
Some companies are developing methods for the direct reuse of used batteries. This includes testing and replacing damaged cells, and then reusing the functioning cells. This method helps extend battery life and reduces electronic waste.

New Technologies
Additionally, many advanced recycling technologies are under research and experimentation, including biological technologies that use bacteria to separate metals and electrochemical technologies that use electric currents to extract precious metals. Each technology has its own advantages and challenges, and choosing the right recycling method depends on factors such as cost, efficiency, and environmental impact.

3. VinFast Leading in Electric Vehicle Battery Recycling in Vietnam

In the face of increasing demand for electric vehicle battery recycling, VinFast – one of the leading electric vehicle manufacturers in Vietnam – has taken the lead in developing and implementing modern battery recycling technologies. VinFast is not only focused on electric vehicle production but also on building a sustainable ecosystem, including battery recycling.

VinFast’s Recycling Strategy
VinFast has collaborated with various domestic and international partners to research and develop effective battery recycling methods. The company has invested in advanced recycling technologies such as hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy, and is also experimenting with new technologies like direct reuse and biological methods.

VinFast has also established modern battery recycling plants to ensure that the recycling process is safe and effective. These facilities are equipped with advanced technology to separate precious metals and process waste efficiently, minimizing environmental impact.

Commitment to Environmental Protection
VinFast is committed to environmental protection and contributing to the sustainable development of society. The company has implemented various programs for collecting used electric vehicle batteries from customers, ensuring that the batteries are properly recycled rather than being wasted and causing environmental harm.

Additionally, VinFast is intensifying research and development activities to discover new recycling solutions that optimize the recycling process and minimize negative environmental impacts. The company is also enhancing collaboration with organizations, research institutes, and technology companies to share knowledge and promote the development of the battery recycling industry.

Looking to the Future
With ongoing efforts, VinFast is gradually establishing its position in the field of electric vehicle battery recycling in Vietnam. The company aims not only to become a leading electric vehicle manufacturer but also to pioneer in developing sustainable recycling solutions, contributing to environmental protection and creating a green future for Vietnam.


Electric vehicle battery recycling is an urgent and important issue amid the electric vehicle boom. Countries and car manufacturers worldwide are working to find and develop advanced recycling technologies to minimize environmental impacts. In Vietnam, VinFast is leading the field with significant progress in researching and developing effective recycling solutions. Continued investment in technology and international collaboration will help Vietnam advance in building a sustainable electric vehicle ecosystem and protecting the environment.

Register to participate in the WASTE AND RECYCLING VIETNAM EXPO 2024 organized by RX Tradex to learn about the latest recycling technologies and products created from electronic waste recycling processes. This is also an opportunity for manufacturers and suppliers to showcase and introduce advanced recycling solutions applied in industry and everyday life.