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What is renewable energy? Solutions using renewable energy in production?

What is renewable energy? Solutions using renewable energy in production?

Renewable energy is becoming a revolution in the manufacturing industry, making a significant contribution to reducing environmental impact, helping to optimize costs for businesses, and is considered the future of the global energy industry. The integration of renewable energy into the production process not only helps reduce carbon emissions but also promotes sustainable development, bringing many outstanding benefits to businesses. So what is renewable energy and what are the solutions to use renewable energy in production today? Let’s explore RX Tradex in the article below.

1. What is renewable energy?

Renewable energy is energy generated from natural sources, which is not depleted over time and is renewable. Some popular types of renewable energy are now known as: solar, wind, water, biological, geothermal energy,…

Unlike energy from fossil fuels, renewable energy is renewable quickly and does not cause major negative impacts on the environment. These are clean energy sources that do not harm the environment, making an important contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, towards a sustainable future.

2. Popular types of renewable energy

Renewable energy is classified into many different categories from the resources that make it up. Popular types of renewable energy can be mentioned as:

2.1. Solar Energy

Solar energy is one of the most important and widely exploited renewable energy sources today. The process of converting sunlight into electricity is mainly done through solar panels, using the photovoltaic effect

Solar panels are made from semiconductor materials, mainly silicon. When sunlight hits the surface of the panels, photons (light particles) transfer their energy to electrons in the semiconductor material, causing these electrons to move and generate an electric current. This process is called the photoelectric effect.

Solar energy systems not only provide clean and abundant electricity, but also help protect the environment. By using solar panels, we can minimize the negative impact on the ecosystem by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In particular, the use of solar energy does not produce CO2, helping to reduce emissions of air pollution and protect the health and surrounding environment.

2.2. Wind energy

Just like solar energy, wind energy, also known as wind power, is also considered an important and commonly used energy source today. 

Wind energy is generated by using units or turbines to convert wind kinetic energy into electricity. Wind units or turbines are installed on tall vertical poles or on other structures, which can be placed on land or at sea. When the wind blows through the blades of a unit or turbine, they begin to rotate and then they are converted into electricity through a generator system.

2.3. Hydroelectric energy

Hydropower is a common source of clean energy used in many countries. The principle of operation of this energy source is to rely on water power in fast flows to generate electricity. However, hydropower facilities and dams are not considered renewable energy sources because they can affect the flow of rivers, and impact the environment and local communities if not managed carefully.

2.4. Bioenergy

Bioenergy, also known as biomass energy, is an energy source derived from animals or plants. This energy is generated and can be used directly or indirectly through combustion to generate heat.

However, the combustion of biomass from plants has produced large amounts of CO2 and has a negative impact on the environment. As a result, bioenergy is no longer considered a fully clean energy source as it once was.

2.5. Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is generated from high temperatures inside the ground. The temperature in the ground increases due to the temperature of the sun, the temperature from the Earth’s core, and the decomposition of radioactive elements.

Geothermal energy can be harnessed through methods such as using underground hot water to generate electricity, using steam to spin turbines to generate electricity, or using heat from the underground water layer to heat buildings.

2.6. Solid waste energy

Energy from solid waste is the source of energy generated from the conversion of solid waste into energy. This process usually involves burning or bioprocessing solid waste to generate heat, electricity, or gas.

Energy from solid waste can be used to produce electricity, heat, or use in other industrial processes. The use of energy from solid waste helps reduce the amount of waste put into the environment, while also utilizing resources from waste to create renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on fossil energy sources.

2.7. Tidal energy

Tidal energy is generated from the movement of seawater by tides. The difference in sea level between high tide and low tide creates a potential source of energy. There are many ways to harness tidal energy, including using hydraulic systems, water loop systems, water column systems, or water turbine systems to convert energy from tides into electricity.

Considered a clean and renewable energy source, it does not cause emissions or environmental pollution, however, the harnessing of tidal energy also requires complex technology and large investments, as well as the need to consider the impact on the environment and ecological systems if not done carefully.

2.8. Hydrogen fuel and hydrogen fuel cells

Currently, hydrogen fuel has been integrated into hydrogen fuel cells to power electric motors, similar to the use of electric storage batteries. This clean energy is applied to steam-powered vehicles.

3. Application of renewable energy

Renewable energy not only plays an important role in the production process but is also widely applied in many different fields:

Application in the field of transportation

Renewable energy is applied in the production of batteries to power vehicles, reducing dependence on fossil fuels such as gasoline and oil.

Urban construction and planning

The application of solar energy in building processes helps provide lighting and air conditioning systems in buildings.

Application in the field of agriculture

Using electrical energy to operate automatic irrigation systems in rural areas, helping to improve agricultural production efficiency.

Application in the medical field

Use solar cells to power mobile medical vehicles, especially in remote areas that cannot afford to build permanent medical facilities.

Application in the field of education and research

In the field of education and research, research into renewable energy not only helps support new research projects but also promotes the development of new applications and initiatives.

Application in the field of tourism

The application of renewable energy in tourism vehicles and facilities helps to develop a sustainable tourism industry and reduce environmental impacts.

4. Disadvantages and points of renewable energy

Popular types of renewable energy such as solar energy, wind power, hydroelectric power, bioenergy, geothermal energy,… all bring many outstanding advantages to the environment and society. But there are also inevitable some notable drawbacks. Here are a few pros and cons of renewable energy:


  • It is possible to regenerate and store immense amounts of energy because the energy resources are endless.
  • Available in nature, at no cost of fuel.
  • It is a clean, environmentally friendly form of energy that emits less carbon in the production process.
  • Has little impact on the natural environment, does not pollute the air or increase global warming causing the greenhouse effect.
  • Abundant energy sources, which can be widely exploited in all different areas.


  • Low stability because it is highly influenced by the natural environment.
  • Requires the application of advanced technology to the use of renewable energy sources.
  • High initial investment costs.

5. Vietnam’s goals in renewable energy transition

The objectives to 2030 according to Decision 1009/QD-TTg approved on the “Project on the implementation of the Political Declaration establishing a Just Energy Transition Partnership” have been set by the Prime Minister as follows:

  • Promote the development of the renewable energy industry, especially the production of renewable energy equipment and electricity storage, technologies for CO2 recovery, absorption, storage and use; encourage the production of green hydrogen, green ammonia…
  • Establishment of two regional renewable energy industrial and service centers in the Northern, South Central and Southern regions to take advantage of the great potential of these regions.

In addition, there are also key tasks set to move towards the goal such as:

  • Improve the legal framework to facilitate investment in renewable energy, promote energy efficiency and improve the quality of the power grid in Vietnam.
  • Develop support mechanisms for domestic enterprises in manufacturing, manufacturing and maintaining renewable energy equipment.
  • Implement activities to develop industrial ecosystems and renewable energy services according to the National Power Development Plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050.
  • Develop and implement regulations on renewable energy use rates for electricity distribution organizations, and develop the renewable energy credit market. Improve the ability to manufacture, manufacture, repair and maintain renewable energy equipment in the country.

6. Conclusions

It can be seen that the application of renewable energy in production not only brings economic benefits but also contributes to environmental protection and improving sustainability for businesses. Renewable energy solutions such as solar, wind, biological, geothermal, and hydropower all play an important role in building a green and sustainable economy. Investing in renewable energy is a smart move to help businesses not only save costs but also improve their reputation and social responsibility.

To discover more solutions to apply renewable energy in production, you can participate in a specialized exhibition on production technology at Vietnam Manufacturing Expo. This is an opportunity for businesses to access new technology and receive support from experts, looking for potential partners and suppliers to develop renewable energy projects in its production.