VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo



Samsung, one of the largest technology corporations in the world, is always at the forefront of applying advanced technologies in its manufacturing processes and supply chain. Automation is one of the key factors that help Samsung maintain its competitive position in the global market. This article will explore how Samsung implements automation in its production and supply chain to achieve maximum efficiency. In the following article, RX Tradex will provide specific information on how Samsung applies automation in its production and supply chain to achieve maximum efficiency.

1. Overview of Samsung’s Supply Chain

Samsung’s supply chain includes everything from procuring raw materials and manufacturing to distributing the final products to consumers. With a global scale, Samsung’s supply chain demands high precision and efficiency, which is achieved by incorporating automation into critical processes.

2. Automation in Samsung’s Manufacturing

2.1. Robots and Automated Machinery

Samsung has deployed a series of robots and automated machinery in its manufacturing plants. These robots handle repetitive tasks that require high precision, such as assembling electronic components, quality inspection, and packaging.

Example: In Samsung’s mobile phone manufacturing plants in Vietnam, thousands of robots are used to assemble and inspect components. This not only increases productivity but also minimizes errors and improves product quality.

2.2. Automated Production Systems

Samsung uses automated production systems to manage and monitor production processes remotely. These systems integrate IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies to collect and analyze data, thereby optimizing production processes.

Example: Samsung’s automated production systems can monitor the operational status of machinery, predict and prevent malfunctions, thus reducing downtime and increasing operational efficiency.

3. Automation in Warehouse Management and Distribution

3.1. Automated Warehouse Management Systems

Samsung applies automated warehouse management systems to optimize storage and inventory management. These systems use IoT sensors to track the location and status of each product in the warehouse, ensuring that goods are always available when needed.

Example: Samsung’s automated warehouse management system can precisely locate each product, optimize the arrangement of goods, and minimize picking time.

3.2. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)

In distribution centers, Samsung uses automated guided vehicles to move goods automatically. These AGVs can navigate through the warehouse, pick and transport goods to required areas without human intervention.

Example: AGVs in Samsung’s distribution centers can work continuously 24/7, enhancing efficiency and reducing operational costs.

4. Benefits of Automation in Samsung’s Supply Chain

Increased Productivity and Efficiency

Automation helps Samsung increase productivity and efficiency in manufacturing and warehouse management. Automated systems work quickly and accurately, minimizing waiting time and errors.

Cost Reduction

The use of robots and automated systems helps reduce labor and operational costs. Additionally, automation helps minimize waste and optimize the use of raw materials.

Improved Quality

Automation enhances quality control in the manufacturing process. Automated robots and machinery can perform tasks with high precision, reducing errors and improving product quality.

5. The Future of Automation in Samsung’s Supply Chain

Samsung continues to invest in advanced automation technologies to further enhance efficiency and productivity in its supply chain. The corporation is researching and developing new applications of AI, IoT, and blockchain to create an intelligent and sustainable supply chain system.

6. Conclusion

It is evident that Samsung is one of the pioneering giants in participating in the global supply chain and demonstrating the success of a business when applying automation technology in the supply chain. This helps address challenges such as dependency on human resources, operational costs, and time, while reinforcing its leading position in the global technology market.

Vietnamese enterprises are also rapidly diversifying their supply chains to find solutions that fit their businesses. Numerous industrial exhibitions are being organized to help enterprises access practical applications and optimize resources through full or partial automation solutions.

In 2024, the ViMAT event within the framework of the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo (VME) organized by RX Tradex is one of the few exhibitions gathering top suppliers presenting groundbreaking innovations and upgrades in factory management lines. This exhibition serves as a “stepping stone” to propel Vietnamese enterprises to embrace new technology trends, deeply participate in the global supply chain, and boost the development of the domestic supporting industry. This is also an opportunity for Vietnamese businesses to transform and seize breakthrough development opportunities in production, material handling, and supply chain management.