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What is a Semiconductor? Application of semiconductors in the field of technology

What is a Semiconductor? Application of semiconductors in the field of technology

In the modern world of technology, semiconductors are a familiar term in the fields of technology, electronics, and science. So  what is a semiconductors? This is a material that has the ability to conduct electricity between an electrically conductive material (such as copper or iron) and an insulator (such as rubber or glass). To better understand what a semiconductor is, let’ s  find out more about this type of material with RX Tradex.

1. What is a Semiconductor?

Semiconductor is a type of conductive material that is located at an intermediate level between a conductor and an insulator. At low temperatures, the semiconductor acts like an insulator, but when at room temperature it becomes conductive. Semiconductors can be pure elements such as silicon and germanium, or compounds such as gallium arsenide and cadmium selenide. The conductive properties of semiconductors can be adjusted by adding different impurities, and this variation depends on the type of impurities added.

What is a Semiconductor?

2. History and development of semiconductors

The history of the development of semiconductors is an exciting journey that reflects the continuous progress of humans in the discovery and application of scientific knowledge. From the first discoveries to breakthroughs, semiconductors have become the foundation of the modern technological revolution.

First discoveries

In the 1800s, when the industrial revolution was just beginning, scientists realized that some materials could conduct electricity under certain conditions. One of the key findings was the change in the electrical conductivity of the material as the temperature varied. For example, selenium shows increased electrical conductivity when exposed to light. These experiments and research have laid the foundation for the understanding of semiconductors in the future.

Evolution over the decades

1940s-1950s: This was the time when semiconductors began to gain widespread attention and application. In 1947, at Bell Labs, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invented the semiconductor transistor, replacing the electronic ball and ushering in a new era for the electronics industry.

1960s-1970s: Thanks to advances in manufacturing technology, silicon became a popular semiconductor at a significantly reduced cost. This allows for the mass production of consumer electronics at a reasonable price.

1980s-1990s: The development of the semiconductor industry has made microchips more and more compact and powerful. Devices such as mobile phones, personal computers, and many other electronic products have become more popular and accessible to everyone.

From 2000 onwards: Semiconductors continue to play an important role in the development of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and self-driving cars. The development of semiconductors has helped create more powerful, efficient, and energy-efficient devices.

Over each decade, semiconductors not only represent technological advancements, but also bring breakthroughs, changing the way we live and work.

3. What is the importance in the field of technology of semiconductors?

As mentioned, since its appearance, semiconductors have brought great breakthroughs in the field of technology, contributing to improving and enhancing our quality of life. From electronic microchips, renewable energy to telecommunications, the importance of semiconductors is indisputable.

In the field of electronics and microchips

Semiconductors have revolutionized the electronics industry. Most modern electronic devices rely on semiconductors to function. Compared to traditional conductive components such as electronic bulbs, transistors use semiconductors that are more compact in size, more efficient and energy-efficient. Thanks to semiconductors, we can design and build microchips that are integrated with billions of transistors, making devices like computers and smartphones more powerful and versatile than ever before.

The role of semiconductors in the energy industry

Semiconductors play an important role in the energy industry, especially in the field of renewable energy. Solar panels, an environmentally friendly energy source, are made primarily from semiconductors.

When sunlight enters, the electrons in the semiconductor are excited, creating an electric current. In addition, semiconductors help develop efficient energy storage devices, allowing us to store solar energy for use at night or on rainy days.

In the field of telecommunications

Semiconductors have expanded and enhanced the capabilities of telecommunications systems. Thanks to semiconductors, data can be transmitted at higher speeds, greater bandwidth, and greater reliability.

Devices such as optical amplifiers use semiconductors to enhance signals transmitted over thousands of kilometers of fiber optic cables. Semiconductors also play an important role in the development of wireless communication technologies such as Wi-Fi and 5G, allowing us to connect anytime, anywhere without cables.

4. Classification of semiconductors

Pure Semiconductors

A pure semiconductor is a type of semiconductor that does not contain any impurities or any other agent. This means that its atomic structure consists of only a single type of atom or molecule, with no intermingling of other elements or compounds.

Thanks to their stability and good electrical conductivity and luminescence, pure semiconductors are widely used in the manufacture of electronic components, physics, and many other industries.

Classification of semiconductors

Homogeneous Semiconductors

An adulterated semiconductor is a type of semiconductor that, in the process of manufacturing or fabrication, has an intermingling of impurities or other elements into its structure. These impurities can be other elements or variations of the same element with different structures or states.

The presence of impurities in semiconductors often alters its conductive properties and performance, which can reduce the performance of semiconductors in electronic and physical applications.

5. What are the typical applications of semiconductors?

Semiconductors have become an important part of everyday life, especially in devices and technology applications. The special ability of semiconductors to control and conduct current has opened up many new potentials and brought outstanding utilities.

In everyday electronics

Semiconductors have revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and play. In smartphones, semiconductors play a role in data processing, image display, and signal transmission. Computers, from laptops to desktops, rely on semiconductor ICs to perform billions of calculations per second. Even in TVs, semiconductors help improve picture and sound quality, providing a great viewing experience for users.

In medicine

The application of semiconductors has contributed greatly to the advancement of medicine. Many medical devices, from MRI and CT scanners to heart rate monitors, use semiconductors to enhance accuracy and performance. In particular, remote diagnostic devices and medical sensors can monitor the patient’s health continuously and accurately thanks to semiconductor technology.

In the automotive industry

Modern cars are not only a means of transportation but also a center of advanced technology. Semiconductors support and enhance many in-vehicle features, from engine control systems, ABS brakes to entertainment and dashboard information systems. Furthermore, semiconductors play a key role in the development of electric vehicles and self-driving cars, making them safer and more efficient.

6. Some frequently asked questions

After briefly understanding what semiconductor equipment is, let’s refer to a few more frequently asked questions to answer questions and have a more detailed view of semiconductors.

What materials are semiconductors usually made of?

Silicon (Si): This is the most popular semiconductor material in the IC industry, which is highly regarded for its stability, good mechanical properties, and the ability to manufacture on a large scale.

Germanium (Ge): Before Silicon dominated, Germanium was once commonly used. Today, it is still used in a number of specific applications and in semiconductor compounds.

Gallium Arsenide (GaAs): With a much faster operating speed than Silicon, GaAs are well-suited for applications that require high speeds such as telecommunications.

Indium Phosphide (InP): Commonly used in telecommunications and applications that require high speeds.

Gallium Nitride (GaN): GaN is used in high-energy and high-frequency applications, such as blue and white LED light-emitting diodes.

Silicon Carbide (SiC): Especially suitable for applications that require high temperature resistance and high voltages.

Other semiconductor compounds: These include materials such as GaP, GaN, AlAs, and many others used in specific applications.

Some frequently asked questions

Why does chip production often use semiconductors?

Semiconductors are used to manufacture chips due to their ability to flexibly control current. In contrast to conductors, semiconductors allow for adjustment of the intensity and direction of the flow. This is crucial in creating complex and compact electronic circuits. In addition, the performance of the semiconductor can be adjusted through a “dop” process that creates a variety of features on a single chip.

What are semiconductor-based devices and how do they work?

Semiconductor-based devices, such as transistors and diodes, use the ability to control the current of semiconductors to perform functions such as amplification, switching, and many others.

Why are semiconductors called “semiconductors”?

The name “semiconductor” comes from its electrical properties, which are located between electrical conductors (such as metals) and insulators (such as rubber). Semiconductors have medium conductivity, i.e. they are not as completely conductive as metals and are not as completely insulating as rubber. This property can change as the temperature rises or as more energy is added, helping the semiconductor to become better conductive.

7. Conclusion

In this article, RX Tradex has looked at the basics of semiconductors and their applications. Semiconductors really play an indispensable role in the advancement of modern technology. Understanding semiconductors not only helps us master knowledge but also optimizes the use of technological devices. In addition, if you want to learn about advanced automation solutions or update the latest trends in the electronics manufacturing industry, please join NEPCON 2024 – the only exhibition in Vietnam specializing in SMT technology, inspection technology, etc.  equipment and supporting industries for electronics production, organized by RX Tradex Vietnam. Register right here.