VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Smart factory: Solutions in the 4.0 Industry

Smart factory: Solutions in the 4.0 Industry

Industry 4.0 is familiar with the idea of the “smart factory”, which has enormous promise for contemporary production. Organizations are growing interested in solutions that may automate production processes, in addition, enable them to make informed decisions based on data. However, there are several difficulties in both implementation and development. These benefits and obstacles of construction, as well as the manufacturing system implementation procedure, are more deeply discussed in this article.

1. What is a smart factory?

1.1. What is a smart factory?

The term ‘smart factory’ (smart manufacturing) is a contemporary manufacturing model that uses cutting-edge technologies such as automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) to maximize efficiency and flexibility in production. Accuracy, dependability, and production speed are improved in a factory by connecting machines, equipment, and systems that exchange data and communicate with one another.

In the current Industry 4.0 age, this factory is regarded as the best option for producers. The most impressive feature of this approach is its capacity to automate the whole manufacturing process, which eliminates human error, improves product flows, and minimizes production costs.

1.2. How has the smart factory model developed and expanded in Vietnam during the 4.0 era?

The concept of a smart factory in Vietnam has been implemented in a variety of sectors, including electronics, wood, clothing, mechanics, and agriculture. Manufacturers are progressively coming to understand the advantages that this model offers, encouraging investment and the establishment of manufacturing operations in Vietnam.

With its high technological advancement and supportive legislative framework, Vietnam is emerging as one of the most desirable countries to set up the smart factory model. The demands and financial capacities of corporations require that they make more efforts to reach financial choices and put this strategy into practice.

1.3. Outstanding features of smart factories

The intelligent manufacturing facilities of the smart factory have their own distinct features and traits. The first model seems to be outfitted with lots of features, such as sophisticated sensors, automation devices, and artificial intelligence (AI). With the aid of these technologies, manufacturing machinery can interact with one another and make choices on its own. By doing so, manufacturing mistakes are reduced, while production is sped up and performed more accurately.

To gather and process production data, this facility is also connected to the information network system. Production managers may then remotely monitor the whole production process while applying that information to make efficient and scientific management choices.

1.4. How is the smart factory model different from the traditional factory?

Smart factory fields employ a manufacturing approach that is more adaptable and flexible than traditional factories. It enables small-batch production, customization, or even the creation of goods with special qualities in response to consumer demands. As a result, the production unit may be more adaptable to client requests more rapidly and effectively.

Additionally, the plant has the capacity to effortlessly alter the production process. The factory system can automatically optimize the manufacturing method precisely and swiftly in response to new demand for output or shifting production conditions. As a result, performance intends to improve more and more, and manufacturing equipment downtime is reduced.

2. Benefits and barriers to smart factory development

2.1. Benefits of smart factory development

Manufacturing enterprises greatly benefit from the implementation of smart factory techniques. Innovative sensors present network connectivity as well as the interaction among machines, assets, and devices, offering uninterrupted and comprehensive data updating. Execution staff or managers can, as a result, comprehend the functional condition of machines to maximize productivity or monitor them remotely. This assists companies in leveraging the capabilities of the equipment along with technology to reach the highest possible levels of production productivity and managerial efficiency.

The plant also incorporates digital transformation technologies like robots and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence supports managers in work planning and decision-making by analyzing data, producing judgments or projections, or assisting in decision-making based on the data gathered and processed. Whereas robotic technology may automate repetitive jobs in the manufacturing process, maximizing resources and reducing workplace hazards.

In addition, it also helps production and business activities take place more efficiently and flexibly, not only minimizing errors and geographical limitations but also optimizing operating costs and the performance of machines, equipment, and labor resources. Along with increased planning accuracy, the supply chain’s operational effectiveness has increased, from suppliers to enterprises and customers. As a result of being equipped with these skills, economic entities can function more productively and profitably.

2.2. Barriers to smart factory development

There are challenges being faced in the development of smart industry solutions. The strict laws controlling energy requirements, along with the current shortage of competent labor resources, constitute a pair of them as well. In order to overcome resource concerns, corporate managers must put more effort into automating factory operations.

Cyberattacks are another regular occurrence at these facilities. The results of the research indicate that a factory’s security issue has become the outcome of an intersection of people, technology, and implementation practices. The quantity of individuals employing technology tools to improve cybersecurity at the plant remains insufficient, despite having not yet reached the necessary level.

3. The 7-step process of deploying a smart factory system

A smart production system’s deployment involves a difficult and highly specialized procedure. Here are seven basic steps to properly deploy the factory framework.

  • Readiness assessment: The enterprises need to assess their readiness with the factory model and determine internal resources before deciding to implement a long-term digital transformation program.
  • Internal problems and target objectives identification: It is necessary to identify problems that need to be solved and set priority goals to optimize production processes, minimize costs, and increase productivity.
  • Supplier selection: It helps the firms find a solution provider that suits their operational needs and is specialized in consulting on appropriate production technologies to accompany businesses on the implementation journey.
  • Survey research: Conduct a survey of the current situation, assess the needs and desires of the business, and work with the solution provider to find the right solution for the business. From there, give an overview plan and strategic vision for the implementation project.
  • Analysis-design-coding-testing: synthesize information and analysis to strategically plan which elements of controlling activities will be most optimal for the business.
  • Re-setting and running the final testing program: create solutions that are specifically suited to the needs of the company.
  • Official launching and outcome evaluation: Make sure that current technologies are successfully integrated into the manufacturing process that requires programming, installing, and testing solutions.

4. Summary

The development of the “smart factory concept” is a topic that gets a lot of attention in the industry today. In  2023, the  VME international manufacturing exhibition and factory visit tour hosted by RX-Tradex could provide businesses with a great opportunity to explore the latest technology solutions and learn how to apply them to manufacturing operations.

Manufacturers can acquire knowledge about how this facility may improve industrial productivity, reduce product flaws, and boost manufacturing procedure flexibility. Furthermore, participants will get the chance to learn from tech vendors and industry experts how to incorporate cutting-edge technologies, including AI, IoT, and machine learning, into operational systems.

The use of intelligent manufacturing has become more crucial for firms to preserve and enhance their competitiveness in the market because of the ongoing development of technology. Organizations will learn more about cutting-edge technological solutions by applying the techniques mentioned in production operations to optimize company workflow efficiency with the aid of their involvement in the VME 2023 Manufacturing Show.