VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Emerging sustainable packaging and green packaging production technologies

Emerging sustainable packaging and green packaging production technologies

In the context of increasing environmental pollution, packaging industry businesses are actively seeking innovative solutions in the production process to move towards sustainable green development. Sustainable packaging is gradually becoming a prominent trend, emphasizing research and investment to replace products made from nylon and plastics. In the article below, together with RX Tradex, we will explore emerging sustainable packaging and green packaging production technologies.

1. Introduction to sustainable packaging.

What is sustainable green packaging? Sustainable green packaging is a product that incorporates advanced material and technology into the production process to save energy and reduce the environmental impact of packaging. Packaging companies will apply solutions such as green packaging, new materials, recycling, or biodegradation, in manufacturing activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable green development.

2. Top 12 emerging green packaging production technologies.

2.1. Green packaging production technology from PETE plastic (Polyethylene terephthalate).

What is green packaging production technology from PETE plastic? PETE or PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) is a type of thermoplastic, a member of the polyester plastic family, and is commonly used in the synthesis of textile fibers, household appliances, and consumer goods. This type of material is widely used in green packaging production nowadays. In reality, things like bottles, containers for clean water, soft beverages, and plastic food containers are obviously made using this kind of stuff.

Advantages of green packaging production technology from PETE plastic:

  • High durability, strength, and impact resistance of the products.
  • Safe for food packaging.
  • Easy to use and recycle in production due to the cost-effectiveness of PETE plastic.

2.2.  Green packaging production technology from PP plastic (Polypropylene).

What is green packaging production technology from PP plastic? Green packaging production from PP plastic involves using polypropylene resin with colorless, odorless, and tasteless properties, safe for human use, in the manufacturing process through polypropylene polymerization reactions. Today, this type of packaging helps businesses produce products that ensure consumer safety, including food storage bags, candy wrappers, fresh food containers, fruit wrappers, and food packaging bags.

Advantages of green packaging production technology from PP plastic:

  • Good moisture resistance, water resistance, and gas barrier properties.
  • Can be reused multiple times in production.
  • Safe packaging material for consumers.

2.3. Green packaging production technology from paper.

What is green packaging production technology from paper? Currently, paper is a common material widely used in the production of green packaging. Businesses use paper materials such as cupstock, kraft, couche, etc., to manufacture green packaging products, including carton paper packaging and kraft paper packaging. Nowadays, besides being seen as an environmentally-friendly manufacturing solution, paper packaging also allows businesses to design products in various shapes and styles, creating brand recognition and attracting customers.

Advantages of green packaging production technology from paper:

  • Packaging products can easily decompose naturally within 1 to 3 months.
  • Cost-effective production.
  • Does not release harmful substances into the environment like plastic or nylon products.

2.4. Green packaging production technology from sugarcane bagasse.

What is green packaging production technology from sugarcane bagasse? In the process of producing sustainable green packaging, sugarcane bagasse is considered an effective alternative to wood and recycled paper. Currently, with the increasingly serious issue of deforestation, the technology of producing packaging from sugarcane bagasse has opened up a new direction to limit the environmental impact of business operations. Specifically, sugarcane pulp is used to make common green packaging products such as milk carton shells, food packaging bags, and food containers.

Advantages of green packaging production technology from sugarcane bagasse:

  • Replaces wood as a source of raw material.
  • Can be recycled multiple times.
  • Cost-effective.

2.5. Green packaging production technology from seaweed and algae.

What is green packaging production technology from seaweed and algae? This is a packaging technology that uses materials from seaweed with high biodegradability, suitable for short-term product packaging. Currently, seaweed and algae resources are being applied to produce various green packaging products such as food wrap, food containers, cups, and bowls.

Advantages of green packaging production technology from seaweed and algae:

  • Replaces plastic and wood raw materials in green packaging production, contributing to sustainable environmental protection.
  • Can naturally decompose after use without causing environmental pollution.
  • Seaweed and algae are rapidly renewable resources through easy cultivation and growth.

2.6. Green packaging production technology from cornstarch.

What is green packaging production technology from cornstarch? Thanks to its plastic-like properties, cornstarch is currently seen as a breakthrough solution in sustainable green packaging technology. Specifically, businesses use cornstarch extracted from corn kernels, stalks, or cornstarch to manufacture green packaging products such as bottles, jars, food wrap, and food containers.

Advantages of green packaging production technology from cornstarch:

  • Replaces plastic raw materials in packaging production.
  • Reduces the release of harmful waste into the environment.
  • Safe for consumer health

2.7. Green packaging production technology from mushrooms.

What is green packaging production technology from mushrooms? This is a sustainable green packaging production method that uses mushrooms in the manufacturing process. Specifically, agricultural by-products such as rice husks, sawdust, and sugarcane bagasse are ground and fermented with mushrooms. Afterward, they are steam sterilized and molded into packaging products. In practice, this technology is applied to create small-sized items like vegetable boxes, gift boxes, and food packaging bags.

Advantages of green packaging production technology from mushrooms:

  • Utilizes agricultural by-products.
  • Can be recycled and reused for an extended period.
  • Safe for consumer health

2.8. Green packaging production technology from cellulose.

What is green packaging production technology from cellulose? Cellulose refers to an organic compound derived from plants such as leaves, corn husks, and sugarcane stems. In green packaging technology, cellulose is considered an excellent alternative to plastic or paper materials due to its natural biodegradability and non-harmful nature for humans. Currently, this production technology is used to create various green products such as bags for fresh food, food packaging, and children’s toy packaging.

Advantages of green packaging production technology from cellulose:

  • By using natural cellulose-based materials, businesses can reduce negative impacts on the environment and minimize plastic waste.
  • The production process for cellulose-based packaging does not require excessive energy consumption.
  • Cellulose-based products can be recycled or reused multiple times.

2.9. Green packaging production technology from non-woven fabric bags.

What is green packaging production technology from non-woven fabric bags? Non-woven fabric bags are green packaging products made from recycled Polypropylene (PP) plastic materials. In the production process, plastic pellets are drawn into long fibers, bonded together using chemicals or mechanical heat, forming lightweight and porous fabric sheets. This process is done without the need for sewing or weaving, which is why it’s called non-woven fabric. Currently, the green packaging production method for non-woven fabric bags is applied to create various products, including fashion clothing packaging, industrial product packaging, and shopping bags.

Advantages of green packaging production technology from non-woven fabric bags:

  • Can be reused many times and has a longer lifespan than plastic or paper packaging.
  • Easily decomposes naturally.
  • Does not harm the environment or human health.

2.10. Green packaging production technology with completely biodegradable materials.

What is green packaging production technology with completely biodegradable materials? This is a production technology that uses biologically materials, capable of fully decomposing into CO2, H2O, compost, etc., to create green packaging. Currently, this biodegradable green packaging is becoming more popular worldwide, with high recyclability and no adverse effects on the environment. Some typical products using this production method include medical packaging, food wrap, and pharmaceutical packaging.

Advantages of green packaging production technology with completely biodegradable materials:

  • Green packaging products will decompose into environmentally friendly components such as H2O, CO2, and compost, causing no harm to the environment.
  • After decomposition, they can be used as organic fertilizer.
  • Can be recycled and reused.

2.11. Green packaging production technology from glass.

What is green packaging production technology from glass? The production of green packaging from glass is a technology that applies silica sand (quartz sand) as the raw material in the packaging production process. With its high heat resistance and durability, this production method is often used to create products such as bottles, perfume containers, and soft drink bottles.

  • Advantages of green packaging production technology from glass:
  • Products have excellent food preservation properties.
  • Reusable without causing environmental pollution.
  • Not chemically corroded by alkaline or acidic environments.

2.12. Green packaging production technology with complex composite films.

What is green packaging production technology with complex composite films? Complex composite films for packaging are produced by applying advanced technologies and methods to connect various compounds to create products with superior durability, aesthetics, safety for human health, and the environment. Currently, this technology is applied to produce various green packaging products in industries such as food, medical, cosmetics, and agriculture.

Advantages of green packaging production technology with complex composite films:

  • Excellent resistance to cold, heat, and moisture, as well as good gas barrier properties.
  • Increased flexibility in production to meet market trends.
  • Can be recycled multiple times

3. Summary.

The above article from RX Tradex discusses emerging sustainable packaging and green packaging production technologies. It is hoped that through the 12 production methods summarized in the article, businesses will find the most suitable solutions to apply to their business models and packaging production. In addition, in 2023, businesses can learn more about advanced production technologies and participate in the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, an International Exhibition organized by RX Tradex Vietnam. Additionally, in the same year, RX Tradex will also host leading regional events such as NEPCON Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam, and Waste and Recycling Vietnam, which will take place in the near future, offering opportunities for trade and connections with leading brands from various world regions, including Europe, the United States, Japan, South Korea, etc.