NEV – NEPCON Vietnam

Sustainable development trends in international exhibition

Sustainable development trends in international exhibition

In the modern era, sustainable development has become one of the important issues of concern for businesses and organizations worldwide. Environmental protection and the development of highly sustainable goods and services are becoming more prioritized across the board, from production to consumption. The concept of sustainable development is also receiving more attention than ever before in the world of international exhibitions. This pattern continues with NEPCON 2023, the largest international exhibition host on the technology and electronics industry in Vietnam. Let’s talk about the significance of sustainable development and how to make international expositions, including NEPCON 2023, more sustainable.

1. What is sustainable development?

1.1. What is sustainable development?

It’s critical to comprehend the definition of sustainable development in the international exhibition due to the rising importance of this topic on the worldwide scale.

The process of serving the requirements of the present generation without compromising the capacity of future generations to meet their own needs is known as sustainable development. As the living environment is significantly impacted by problems such as climate change, pollution, and resource depletion, incorporating long-term viability into business operations has emerged as a significant current trend.

1.2. The role of sustainable development in the manufacturing sector.

Important global commercial events, such as international exhibitions, international trade expo, and international trade fairs and market, now place a high focus on sustainable development as a topic of interest. This is due to the fact that sustainable development not only plays a critical role in safeguarding input resources but also has an impact on the productivity and business efficiency of organizations.

In order to reduce negative effects on the environment and the community while fostering beneficial relationships between firms and society, sustainable development seems to be an essential part. Organizations must develop and put into practice sustainable development strategies, including the adoption of environmentally friendly materials, advanced materials, waste reduction, boosted resource utilization efficiency, and manufacturing activities insurance to adhere to environmental protection along with occupational safety standards.

At international exhibitions, economic entities that have implemented these sustainable development strategies will be showcased and promoted, while the International Trade Expo will also be a place where businesses can seek sustainable products, technologies, and solutions. By participating in these exhibitions, businesses will have the opportunity to learn and apply sustainable development solutions, thereby enhancing their business and production efficiency, while actively contributing to the protection of the environment and the community.

2. The trend of promoting sustainable development at international exhibitions

Interest in sustainable development is rising at international trade fairs and markets since the topic of safeguarding the natural world grows into a more prominent concern. Company executives from all over the world congregate at the show, giving an ideal setting for the launch of new products, trade promotion, experience sharing, and access to cutting-edge technology. Activities and messages pertaining to sustainable development at exhibits may be disseminated more extensively and efficiently with such a strong focus.

To encourage the sustainable growth of firms in particular and the global economy in general, more and more events and trade exhibitions are additionally playing host to activities. These events include professional conversations, displays of sustainable development-related items, training sessions, seminars, and discussion forums. These activities help introduce the latest and promising products and services related to sustainable development, as well as share experiences and knowledge to help businesses apply these methods in their operations.

One of the other primary objectives of activities connected to sustainable development at international trade fairs and markets can be considered as the introduction and transfer of new technologies, innovations, and more efficient solutions to reduce the impact of corporate operations on the environment and society as well.  With increasing attention towards sustainable development, international exhibitions are becoming a place for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable development and seek new business opportunities in this sector. This is especially important in the context of the global economy experiencing resource challenges, climate change and pressure from stakeholders to ensure sustainable development.


3. How to include sustainability in international exhibitions in Vietnam?

To guarantee that these events not only provide economic value but also contribute to environmental conservation and sustainable development, it is crucial to integrate sustainability into international trade fairs and exhibits in Vietnam. The following are some strategies for including sustainability in international exhibits in domestic areas:

3.1. Adopt environment friendly materials

One of the best methods to lessen the environmental impact of exhibits is making use of eco-friendly materials. To create booths and decorate shows, exhibitors can utilize resources like recycled paper, reused timber, ecological materials, and reclaimed supplies.

3.2. Reduce the amount of waste

In Vietnam, exhibitors can consider initiatives to cut waste by using unpackaged goods or reusable items accompanied by stepping up recycling efforts during the event is going on.

3.3. Leverage a sustainable venue

The choice of exhibition venue has an impact on the state of the environment and local communities. The local exhibitors are able to choose locations with renewable energy systems, green buildings and sustainability certification.

3.4. Use digital marketing

An effective way to reduce paper use and conserve resources is to employ digital marketing. The promotion associated with their displays may be performed via internet resources including email, websites, and social media.

3.5. Offset carbon emissions

Offsetting carbon emissions is one of the important measures to minimize the impact on the environment during the organization of the exhibition. Organizations and businesses can calculate the carbon footprint of exhibition activities and take measures such as planting trees to sequester carbon, investing in environmental protection projects, or purchasing carbon credits to offset.

3.6. Provide alternative digital media

Providing digital alternatives to physical materials is also an important measure to ensure sustainability in exhibitions. Instead of using paper documents and other supplies, organizations and businesses can use digital solutions such as touch screens, online apps, and other advanced technologies to minimize waste and resource use.

3.7. Build strong relationship with sustainable suppliers

Partnering with sustainability suppliers is another important measure to ensure sustainability during the exhibition. Businesses can choose to use products and services from sustainable suppliers, such as eco-friendly and reusable products.

3.8. Encourage long-term behaviors values

One strategy to guarantee the sustainability of this activity is to promote responsible conduct in the exhibition. The economic players may promote long-term initiatives throughout the whole workflow.

4. NEPCON 2023 – “Electronics Industry Innovation Trends – The Future of Global Supply Chains”

4.1. About NEPCON 2023

NEPCON is the leading international exhibition on electronics manufacturing technology and automation in Vietnam organized by RX Tradex. Ho Chi Minh City hosts the exhibition each year. HCMC draws a lot of domestic and international professionals in the electronics and automation sector.

The dates for NEPCON 2023 are set for September 20 to 22, 2023, with a total of more than 10,000 attendees anticipated. This exhibition will focus on the fields of electronics manufacturing and processing, automation and robotics, electronic components, and test measurement equipment.

However, it is important to note that NEPCON 2023 places a strong emphasis on cutting-edge approaches and technology to guarantee sustainability and sustainability in the electronics and automation sectors. NEPCON 2023 intends to carry out a number of activities, including establishing standards for energy-efficient production and operation, introducing equipment using renewable-friendly energy sources, and encouraging exhibitors to take environmental protection measures, reduce waste, and ensure occupational safety.

This affirms the organizers of NEPCON’s interest in environmental preservation and sustainable development alongside is a significant step toward incorporating sustainability into global trade shows in Vietnam.

4.2. Join NEPCON 2024 to update electronics technology and market trends.

As NEPCON 2024 approaches, individuals with an interest in the electronics sector have an incredible possibility to keep current on technology advancements, market trends, and sustainability tactics.

Thanks to the involvement of manufacturers, suppliers, and industry experts, NEPCON will be a place to discover the latest products, solutions and technologies in the electronics industry. The show offers information on a wide range of topics, including electronic goods, measurement tools, robotics and automation systems for the production of electronics, information security solutions, and much more.

The newest developments in electronics manufacturing, from the creation of electronic components and devices to the creation of consumer electronics and wearable electronics technologies, tend to be also displayed at NEPCON. Making strategic decisions to improve goods and increase competitiveness has become easier for producers and enterprises with a better understanding of the market.

In which, NEPCON 2024 offers a venue to discover the electronics sector’s green initiatives. Businesses are granted the chance to obtain information about tactics for environmental protection, organic electronics, resource optimization, and emissions reduction. As a result, firms may expand responsibly while helping to impact both national and international development.

NEPCON also provides digital solutions to assist businesses cut expenses as well as maximize output in the present era of sophisticated technological advances. Businesses should be able to investigate and employ these solutions, which range from data management to digital media to applications for artificial intelligence and machine learning, to increase outcome productivity and quality.

5. Summary

Sustainable development is an issue that is taken seriously and valued in critical manufacturing events throughout present-day society.  International exhibitions are thus no exception, with significant emphasis on promoting the long-term operational values of the global economy. Moreover, it is possible to additionally include this ecology technique in exhibits in a variety of ways, including applying eco-friendly materials, cutting waste, picking a sustainable exhibition spot, employing digital marketing, and offering technological solutions.

NEPCON 2024, with the topic “Electronics Industry Innovation Trends – The Future of Global Supply Chain,” will be one of the significant displays in Vietnam in the future. This is an ideal opportunity for organizations to gain knowledge about technological advancements, obtain current market trends, and enhance company growth prospects in the electronics sector. As a result of participating in NEPCON, business entities will get more awareness of sustainable development, which they can apply to their production processes and commercial operations, therefore promoting the sustainable development of society.