VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

The emerging technologies that elevate the value of Vietnamese confectionery products

The emerging technologies that elevate the value of Vietnamese confectionery products

In the context of global economic integration, Vietnam is receiving waves of investment and competition from numerous world-renowned brands, leading to intense domestic market competition, including in the confectionery production sector. Therefore, to assist Vietnamese businesses in gaining a deeper understanding of modern solutions that help build competitive advantages, in today’s article, RX Tradex will introduce readers to the emerging technologies that elevate the value of Vietnamese confectionery products.

1. Overview of the traditional confectionery market.

How is the traditional confectionery production sector in Vietnam currently faring? Confectionery is one of the famous specialties in Vietnam, with each region in the S-shaped country having its own unique type of cake or candy that resonates with many individuals, including those living far away. Even now, during festive occasions, traditional confectionery types like peanut candy, dồi candy, sesame candy, rice flour candy, and colored sticky rice cake still have strong market demand and are well-liked by consumers. As a result, traditional confectionery craft villages in Vietnam continue to exist and develop, such as Nguyên Xá village in Đông Hưng district, Cổ Hoàng village in Hanoi, which have created numerous jobs and contributed to the economic development and livelihoods of the local communities.

However, alongside these positive signs, the current state of traditional confectionery production in Vietnam still faces many challenges. Specifically, standards related to food safety and commercial requirements, including safety, hygiene, absence of harmful substances, and nutrition, are not yet guaranteed for the traditional confectionery production methods. Therefore, in order to enhance the value of Vietnamese confectionery production, seek new consumer markets, and ensure full compliance with commercial standards, applying technology to the confectionery production process is a vital requirement. It can be said that integrating technology into confectionery production operations is an essential necessity, helping businesses establish sustainable competitive advantages for the future.

2. Top 4 Technologies Elevating the Value of Vietnamese Confectionery Products.

2.1. Automatic Technology in Confectionery Production.

What is unique about automatic confectionery production technology? This is a method that applies a system of modern equipment and machinery to perform various stages of confectionery production automatically, from raw material preparation to product packaging. Compared to traditional methods, this technology offers several advantages, such as increased productivity, quality control, reduced labor requirements, and more. This technology is widely used in Vietnam and contributes significantly to the industrialization of the domestic confectionery production sector.

A typical example is the application of automation by the Minh Ý Mid-Autumn Festival Cake production facility, which was able to increase productivity by 3 to 5 times. Previously, with manual processes like dough preparation, filling mixing, and packaging, the production facility required around 40-60 workers. On average, a confectioner could produce 50 pieces per hour and package 100 pieces per hour. After integrating modern production lines, an average packager could handle more than 300 pieces per hour. [1] As a result, Vietnamese confectionery businesses can enhance productivity, work efficiency, optimize profits, reduce production costs, and improve competitive advantages in the market.

2.2. Flavor-enhancing Technology in Confectionery Production.

What is distinctive about flavor-enhancing confectionery production technology? Flavor is one of the most crucial factors that plays a significant role in the success of commercial confectionery products in the market. Flavor-enhancing confectionery production technology involves a combination of methods aimed at altering the aroma and taste of products to meet consumer preferences. Specifically, supplementary chemical compounds are adjusted within the confectionery production process to ensure appealing flavors and colors that align with commercial objectives.

In Vietnam, the advancement of science and technology in the food industry has enabled domestic businesses to produce appealing confectionery items, capturing not only the domestic market but also exploring potential export regions such as Japan, South Korea, and more. Noteworthy among these are Vietnamese brands like Hải Châu, Hải Hà, Kinh Đô, offering a variety of renowned confectionery products such as salted lemon candies, coffee-flavored sweets, chain-shaped pastries, and others. It can be said that thanks to this confectionery production technology, Vietnamese enterprises have improved the flavor of their products, catering to the tastes of consumers both locally and internationally.

2.3. Moisture Management Technology in Confectionery Production.

What is special about moisture management technology in confectionery production? In the process of confectionery production, moisture management technology is a crucial method to ensure the quality of the final products. Within this process, production units utilize equipment and machinery to perform tasks such as controlling environmental humidity, maintaining temperature, dehumidification, and preservation. Through this, businesses can uphold the quality of confectionery, limit damage, and extend the shelf life of their products.

In the Vietnamese market, consumers can easily find moisture-absorbing packets within confectionery packages. This is one of the simple applications of moisture-absorbing technology, helping Vietnamese businesses extend the usability period of products, reduce damage during transportation and distribution, and bring confectionery products to the market. Additionally, machinery systems for moisture treatment and vacuum sealing are also widely adopted within confectionery production lines.

2.4. Packaging Printing Technology in Confectionery Production.

What is distinctive about packaging printing technology in confectionery production? Confectionery is a fast-moving consumer product, catering to a diverse range of age groups in the market. Therefore, alongside taste, packaging also plays a significant role in attracting customers, promoting the brand image, and increasing the product’s value. Specifically, packaging serves as a brand identity, showcasing logos, brand names, or conveying images that tell the story a business wants to convey.

Currently, Vietnamese businesses often use packaging with functions such as clearly displaying ingredient information, preservation, and expiry dates, or featuring images that represent the brand’s uniqueness. It can be said that a confectionery product with eye-catching and appealing packaging will garner positive responses from consumers, while also increasing sales figures, reinforcing competitive advantages, creating distinct focal points, and leaving a lasting impression in the market.

3. Summary.

The above is an article by RX Tradex about “The emerging technologies that elevate the value of Vietnamese confectionery products”. Through this, RX Tradex hopes that enterprises can understand the important role of technology in the field of confectionery production, as well as the benefits of innovating equipment, machinery operation, and business practices. In addition, this year, businesses are keen to explore the latest manufacturing technologies by participating in the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, considered an international exhibition, organized by RX Tradex Vietnam. Furthermore, in 2023, RX Tradex is also hosting premier exhibitions in the region such as NEPCON Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam, and Waste and Recycling Vietnam, scheduled to take place in 2024.


[1]: Áp dụng công nghệ vào sản xuất bánh Trung thu.