VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Technology trends in the electronic manufacturing industry

Technology trends in the electronic manufacturing industry

In recent years, the electronics manufacturing industry has been developing rapidly by taking advantage of advances in technology and science and technology. From there, businesses may then be able to boost their competitiveness, manufacturing methods, and product quality. With such a significant role, what remarkable technology trends in the electronics manufacturing industry can we be looking forward in 2023? Figure it out right now with RX Tradex in the following article.

1. The overview of technology trends in the electronic manufacturing industry.

Due to the incorporation of new technical advancements in the production process and component design, the electronics manufacturing business is expanding tremendously. Especially in Vietnam, the electronics- computers-components sector is expanding quickly, outpacing the textile and apparel field to become the country’s second-largest export sector as of today, which is helping to boost economic growth.

The government is actively supporting the development of the electronics manufacturing sector as it emerges as a leader in the economy. Though huge firms like Samsung, LG, Hitachi, Foxconn, and others actively invest in the manufacture of electronics in Vietnam, it is still mostly dependent on foreign capital. Additionally, indigenous electronic technology devices like the B-Phone, the Viettel, or the V-Smart all require the importation of components and assembly using relocated production lines. As a result, it is difficult for Vietnamese companies to compete on global markets with their electronic products since they still lack high technology and gray matter content.

2. The top 6 technology trends in the electronics manufacturing industry.

2.1. The technology trend using lead-free solder tin.

In the creation of electrical circuit boards, solder tin is a necessary ingredient. Traditional solder, on the other hand, has a lead content that ranges from 37 to 40%, which has an impact on the environment and people’s health. To combat environmental pollution and guarantee customer safety, lead-free soldering equipment production technology represents a new stride.

When applying this technology in the production of electronic components in Vietnam, it will also bring higher economic efficiency, because of the available domestic raw materials, simple operation process, and full satisfaction of customers. enough market demand. At the same time, this technology also meets the European Union’s code of standards RoHS (Restriction Of Hazardous Substances), bringing a new step forward in the production of domestic electronic components. From there, helping electronic manufacturers export their products to larger markets such as Europe, America, Korea, and so on.

2.2. The technology trends using CNC machining.

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining is a method of mechanical processing through computer control, bringing high precision to electronic products. It can be said that CNC machining is a manufacturing innovation that gives companies a significant competitive edge, expedites the production of goods, and lowers labor requirements and labor costs. In addition, the completely automated production method used by this innovative electronic manufacturing technology also helps firms maximize productivity by reducing the margin of error.

The electronics sector is now using CNC technology to make a variety of items, mostly printed circuit boards (PCBs), electronic equipment enclosures, heat sinks, semiconductors, sockets and connections, and so on. It is evident that the usage of CNC machining and manufacturing is growing, especially for leading businesses. For example, one of the most  economic giants, Apple, also significantly leverages the CNC machining processes to make cases for phone products, including: iPhones, iPads and even monolithic MacBook cases.

2.3. Technological trends using embedded systems.

Embedded systems have gradually become an integral part of any electronic device today. Many businesses have applied this technology to electronic production, in which devices often use embedded systems such as digital clocks, MP3 players, control systems in factories, etc.

Businesses frequently use embedded systems in the electronics manufacturing sector to improve the capability of managing and monitoring equipment in the factory’s automatic production lines. However, embedded systems are only made to do one or a few set jobs, which makes them unsuitable for systems that handle several activities, in order to assure high applicability in the electronics manufacturing industry. The implementation of embedded systems is already commonplace in the electronics manufacturing sector, helping companies save costs by streamlining the hardware of distinct robotic machinery utilized on production lines.

2.4. Technological advances utilizing 3D printing.

With the potential to develop and produce new and complicated structures that conventional technologies cannot achieve, 3D printing technology is a typical technological trend in the electronics manufacturing business. It uses a 3D printer as a production tool to instantly produce an electrical product that is completely functioning and requires no assembly.

Employing the 3D printing trend in electronic device manufacturing, businesses will speed up the manufacture of prototype goods, improve their capacity for mass customization, and decentralize the production of useful parts and components. more productive. But because this technology is still relatively new in comparison to many other nations, it will take a long time to develop before it can be used to offer great precision to electrical devices.

2.5. Technology trends using Artificial Intelligence innovations.

In various domains, including robotic advancements and data analysis, artificial intelligence (AI) technology is currently gaining popularity. AI has two effects on the electronic manufacturing sector that affect this sector of the economy: enhancing electronic components and improving product design and manufacturing processes.

Without AI help, organizations are frequently constrained in many phases of operations, optimizing procedures, and minimizing faults in electronic products. Compared to employing traditional manufacturing processes, the development of AI has assisted firms in resolving issues. As a result, research and development efforts are currently concentrated on AI, one of the manufacturing technology developments with the highest application.

2.6. Technology trend using sustainable green.

The electronics sector, which is responsible for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions, is currently one of the key factors contributing to the environment’s detriment. As a result, there is a growing emphasis on using green technology in electronic production to promote sustainable growth.

In addition, most buyers are now more aware of the importance of green products due to recent global warming. Environmentally friendly electrical products thus are becoming more and more popular as a result. Businesses are compelled to focus on investing in environmentally friendly, sustainable methods of producing electronic products, such as using cutting-edge materials, recycling products, or managing carbon emissions.  Adapting to developments in industrial technology, green electronics also aids companies in gaining a global competitive edge by enabling finished products and component export and participation in prospective foreign markets.

3. Summary

In the article linked above, RX Tradex analyzes and summarizes the top 6 technology trends in the electronics manufacturing industry for 2023. With the aid of this article, companies should be able to upgrade company models, identify the best technologies, and enhance electronics manufacturing procedures. Likewise, companies that are interested in the most recent technological advancements and industry trends can take part in NEPCON 2023, The only exhibition in Vietnam about SMT, Test Technology, Equipment and Supporting Industry for Electronic Manufacturing organized by RX Tradex Vietnam. In addition, RX Tradex also hosts notable regional events this year, including the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, METALEX Vietnam, and Waste & Recycling Vietnam.