VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Technology trends in green and sustainable cement production

Technology trends in green and sustainable cement production

Currently, Vietnam is one of the fastest growing countries in the world in cement production and this is also one of the main export products of our country. However, cement production according to old technology is creating a lot of emissions such as CO2, CO, Nox, Sox ,… is the main cause of air pollution. Therefore, towards a sustainable green production, many enterprises have started to research and apply science and technology to reduce greenhouse emissions as well as waste treatment in cement production. Let’ s learn about the trends of green and sustainable cement production technology with RX Tradex and their advantages through the article below.

1. 5 technological trends in green and sustainable cement production.

1.1. Technological trends in cement production using green materials.

Why has cement production technology using green materials become a trend? Currently, the construction industry is prioritizing the development of new environmentally friendly technologies, ensuring sustainable development. In particular, typical is the application of green materials such as slag ash, cashew nut shells, organic waste,… into cement production. This is one of the main methods, invested by the State and Vietnamese enterprises to replace fossil materials in the process of creating products, towards developing sustainable green production, enhancing competitive advantages in the market.

In fact, Vicem Ha Tien Company has taken advantage of discarded materials such as ash, furnace slag in cement production activities. From there, the enterprise can solve the ash backlog of thermal power plants and bottom slag of iron and steel production. [1] In addition, many enterprises are also researching the application of sludge as raw materials for production.

Advantages  of the technological trend of cement production using green materials:

  • Replace fossil fuels such as gasoline, oil, gas,…
  • Reduce the amount of industrial waste.
  • Increase product competitiveness.

1.2. Trends in cement production technology applying quality monitoring and analysis systems.

Why has cement production technology applied quality monitoring and analysis system become a trend? The application of quality management and analysis systems in cement production activities has been implemented by many enterprises, in order to solve the problem of cost saving, towards sustainable development. In particular, factories will be invested with modern equipment, serving stages such as measuring, checking and monitoring sensors,… to ensure that the finished product fully meets the output quality requirements.

A typical example is at Binh Phuoc cement factory, the unit has successfully built and applied an integrated management system according to international standards. Especially standards such as: ISO 9001 quality management, ISO 14001 environmental management, ISO 50001 energy management,… [2]

Advantages of cement production technology trend applying quality monitoring and analysis system:

  • Improve the quality of finished cement.
  • Save production costs.
  • Control the problem by production and environmental protection.

1.3. Technological trends in biomass balanced cement production.

Why has biomass balancing cement production technology become a trend? Biomass balancing technology in cement production is a blend of fossil-based and bio-based materials, helping to create products with many competitive advantages such as: Safety, environmental friendliness, increasing the service life of finished products,… Thereby, this technology will solve the problem of depletion of fossil resources: oil, gas, gasoline ,.. in nature.

According to Industry and Trade Newspaper, Sika has now developed Sikagard-5500® concrete protective coating with the application of biomass balancing production technology for building materials. From there, this product allows to reduce the high clinker content in cement, less impact on the environment and especially protect the health of users. [3]

Advantages of biomass balancing cement production technology trend:

  • Increase the service life of construction works.
  • Minimize adverse impacts on the environment.
  • Ensure health safety for workers and customers.

1.4. Trends in cement production technology applying clean energy.

Why has clean energy cement production technology become a trend? To reduce the use of high-cost raw materials such as coal, oil, gas,… Cement factories began to make greater use of alternative clean energy sources. Specifically, alternative fuels are usually: Used oil, tires, scrap wood, mixed plastics, paper, composites,… From there, enterprises can save costs and reduce industrial emissions in cement production activities.

In addition, many units also focus on saving electricity in cement production to reduce finished product prices and increase profits. Typically, The Vissai Cement Group, this enterprise has applied the residual gas thermal power generation system to cement production, reducing a large amount of emissions into the environment. [4] Thereby, the unit can provide the market with high quality cement products but still ensure the operation and production process meets sustainable green criteria.

Advantages  of the trend of cement production technology applying clean energy:

  • Reduce the amount of waste heat of the furnace system.
  • Save electrical energy in production.
  • Reduce production costs and increase profits for businesses.

1.5. Trends in digital cement production technology.

Why has digitized cement production technology become a trend? Currently, the trend of digitized cement production technology is the process of using data, to improve resource management, reduce operating costs and improve the sustainability index of enterprises. In fact, businesses in Vietnam are constantly applying technologies to digitize their production activities. Through the investment in modern equipment, production units can ensure the optimization of operating processes, maximum savings in fuel costs, production and carbon emission reduction.

According to Assoc. Dr. Luong Duc Long, the application of digitalization and cloud data will help the production process better, reduce energy losses to the environment, and contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. [5] Since then, digitizing cement production will be an inevitable technology trend. It is necessary to apply comprehensively in business to aim for sustainable development goals in the future.

Advantages of digital cement production technology trend:

  • Optimizing business profitability.
  • Implement sustainable green development goals for businesses.
  • Solutions to respond to contemporary challenges such as climate change.

2. Summary

Above is RX Tradex’s article on the trend of green and sustainable cement production technology, hopefully, through that, businesses better understand modern technologies and can apply to improve production processes and business operations better. And this year, if you want to learn more about the latest green production methods, you can immediately participate  in the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo organized by RX Tradex Vietnam. Also in 2023, RX Tradex will host other leading exhibition events such as NEPCON Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam and Waste and Recycling Vietnam to be held in 2024.

[1]: Cement enterprises use ‘green’ fuel, towards sustainable development.

[2]: Binh Phuoc Cement Factory: For a green VICEM, for a sustainable society.

[3]: Sika® Vietnam applies biomass balancing production technology.

[4]: Many energy-saving solutions in cement production.

[5]: Greening the cement industry with digitalization and clean energy.