VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

What are the applications of technology 4.0 in manufacturing?

What are the applications of technology 4.0 in manufacturing?

Technology 4.0 is considered a new industrial revolution in the application of advanced methods and technical equipment such as Automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning,… into the production process and work management. With 4.0 technology, enterprises can create a smart production environment, replace people with machines and improve products to enhance competitive advantages. In today’s article, join RX Tradex to learn about the applications of 4.0 technology in production at the  present time.

1. 8 Applications of 4.0 technology in production.

1.1. Check product quality.

With  the application of 4.0 technologies in the production process, enterprises can check product quality to ensure the accuracy and performance of finished products. Today, the manufacturer can fully automate quality control through modern sensor equipment such as surveillance cameras, laser sensors, infrared scanners ,.. From there, businesses can optimize production lines, minimize errors in operation.

Some applications of 4.0 technology in product quality inspection are:

  • Automatic inspection by sensor.
  • Non-contact testing.
  • Non-destructive testing.
  • Virtual physical production measurement system.

1.2. Traceability of raw materials.

Traceability of raw materials is a popular application of 4.0 technology in industrial production and processing activities. Usually, businesses will use methods such as Big Data, artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT) ,… in the monitoring and monitoring of input data to trace the origin of raw materials before production. From there, enterprises can manage and verify substandard components, adjust the ratio or change the source of raw materials to make up products.

The specific applications of technology 4.0 in material traceability are:

  • Mark materials with QR codes.
  • Classify materials by barcode.
  • Manage information about the origin of materials using Blockchain.

1.3. Predictive maintenance of production machinery and equipment.

Typically, the manufacturing industry has applied 4.0 technology in predictive maintenance to perform some specific tasks as follows: Collecting information, analyzing data, evaluating equipment performance, determining machine condition,… In particular, all information about the status of production equipment and machinery is collected and evaluated automatically on the system. Finally, businesses will receive outputs such as: Prediction of breakdowns, maintenance time, periodic replacement of components/machines,… This helps the production unit schedule reasonable maintenance of the machinery system, avoiding interruptions in business operations.

The specific applications of 4.0 technology in the predictive maintenance of production machinery and equipment are:

  • Evaluate the life of production machinery.
  • Track failures and breakdowns of production equipment.
  • Propose the schedule of periodic inspection of production machinery and equipment.
  • Check components in the production line.
  • Minimize downtime of equipment and machines.

1.4. Arranging, loading and unloading goods and managing logistics warehouses.

Currently, enterprises have started to apply 4.0 technologies in managing and supporting logistics operations. By using modern solutions and equipment such as robotic arms, artificial intelligence ,… Enterprises can optimize the process of sorting, loading and unloading goods from the warehouse, saving time and minimizing labor costs.

The specific applications of technology 4.0 in sorting, loading and unloading goods and logistics warehouse management are:

  • AI algorithms help analyze and offer effective goods arrangement options.
  • Use sensors to monitor the quantity and condition of goods in the warehouse.
  • Monitor and track goods in real-time.

1.5. Automate the production process.

Industry 4.0 helps businesses operate the production process automatically, with pre-programmed equipment, management software, remote control. From there, large-scale factories will optimize mass production activities, ensuring the performance of the line from simple to complex. In addition, with the application of artificial intelligence to operate the automatic system, businesses will reduce most of labor costs, and at the same time manage the best quality product output.

The specific application of technology 4.0 in the automation of production processes is:

  • The robotic arm helps to perform assembly tasks automatically.
  • AI helps the system make its own decisions for production operations.
  • Ensure equipment and machinery operate by themselves by remote control system.

1.6. Monitoring of information systems.

In the past, monitoring information manually required a lot of time and manpower. Besides, the ability to detect errors is not high, due to many limitations from humans, from which errors can be made during monitoring. Currently, thanks to the support of 4.0 technology in production, the above problems have gradually been thoroughly solved in the process of operating the business. 4.0 technologies such as IoT, smart sensors, cloud computing,… It is now possible to help businesses remotely manage and monitor production activities.

Some applications of technology 4.0 in monitoring production information systems are:

  • Collect and monitor important parameters such as: Temperature, pressure, vibration, humidity ,…
  • Cloud computing helps businesses store and manage data remotely.
  • Continuously update the information of the production system in real time.

1.7. Increase flexibility in production lines.

In the current time of increasingly fierce market competition, the flexibility of production lines plays a more important role than ever. This is key to solving supply chain problems, changing products according to market trends and reducing production costs. In fact, many businesses have used 4.0 technology to modularize each stage of production. Now, with lean modules, businesses can set up lines that meet many different production processes, optimize factory space and reduce investment costs in equipment and machinery.

Some applications of 4.0 technology in  increasing flexibility in production lines are:

  • Easily change production lines with products with different designs.
  • Establish norms on raw materials and production stages.
  • Make a production plan for each specific product.

1.8. Solve difficult problems in the field of expertise.

Fields such as: Construction, mining, assembly of electronic components,… are difficult industry groups, requiring highly skilled labor personnel in production activities. Therefore, to improve productivity and reduce dependence on people in these areas, many businesses around the world have started  to apply 4.0 technology to gradually replace basic tasks in the line. Typically, in the field of construction, by applying advanced technology to material production, enterprises have created high quality products that perform well with harsh weather conditions.

The applications of technology 4.0 in the fields  of production requiring high expertise are:

  • Self-operating robotic arms help reduce hazards in chemical production.
  • The assembly line helps increase productivity for the automobile industry.
  • Robots support precise manipulation in the production of electronic components.

2. Summary.

Above is RX Tradex’s article on 9 applications of technology 4.0 in production. Hopefully, through this article, businesses have understood the role of technology in production activities, thereby seeking strategic development directions in the future. In addition, if you want to learn more about the most advanced 4.0 technologies, you can immediately participate  in the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo organized by RX Tradex Vietnam, with the participation of hundreds of leading brands in the world. Also in 2023, RX Tradex will also organize other exhibition events such as: NEPCON Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam and Waste and Recycling Vietnam.