VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

The environmentally conscious pulp production technologies

The environmentally conscious pulp production technologies

A major objective of the paper manufacturing sector is the drive toward greenification, which aims to create a global circular green economy. This is a crucial development since the production of paper requires a large amount of energy and results in the release of several hazardous chemicals into the environment, threatening both people and ecosystems. Businesses must look for green technology for paper manufacturing in order to stay afloat, expand, and satisfy rising customer demand. Learn more about environmentally conscious pulp manufacturing technologies by reading the article below and joining RX Tradex!

1. The significant environmental impact of the pulp production industry.

The paper and pulp production industry is one of the crucial sectors of the global economy. In 2022, the entire industry had a production volume of approximately 8.2 million tons, consuming 6.8 million tons, importing 1.8 million tons, and exporting 0.8 million tons. [1] However, the paper pulp production sector is one of the largest emitters of harmful environmental pollutants due to the extensive use of chemical raw materials.

Moreover, the paper industry is one of the top 5 industrial sectors with high energy consumption worldwide, ranking 5th and accounting for up to 4% of global energy consumption annually. According to surveys and assessments by the Vietnam Paper Corporation, the energy used for paper and pulp production accounts for 20-30% of the total costs. [2] Despite the significant benefits that the paper and pulp production industry brings to consumers, businesses, and the global economy, the challenge is how to mitigate its negative impacts on the environment, human health, and safety. Due to these issues in Vietnam, the pulp production industry has established many green regulations and standards aimed at protecting the environment and promoting sustainable production.

This green trend is no longer just an encouraged practice; in the near future, it will be a mandatory requirement for every business to survive and thrive. Many investors, consumers, and government agencies will demand products that meet green standards in production. Therefore, researching and implementing production line upgrades is essential for pulp production businesses.

2. The advanced environmentally conscious innovation of paper manufacturing technologies.

2.1. Biological pulp production technology.

Biological paper production is a process that involves using microorganisms (usually fungi) to process raw materials instead of using harmful chemicals, in order to create suitable paper products. Worldwide, research has been conducted to apply various biological agents to replace alkalis and bleaching chemicals in pulp production. For example, the use of enzymes or fungi to break down lignin, brown rot fungi to decompose xylan and hemicellulose, and enzymes for pulp treatment and bleaching.

  • Benefits of biological pulp production technology:
  • Water used for pulp washing is recycled.
  • No heat is used for cooking, which minimizes wastewater and environmental pollution.
  • Significant energy savings: 60% electricity, 100% coal, 99% water, and over 50% of plant-based raw materials. [3]

2.2. Advanced pulp refining and washing technology in the ink removal process – Taizen.

All ink removal systems consist of two main steps: separating ink from fibers and removing the separated ink. If ink separation is not done well, it is impossible to remove ink completely from the paper pulp. In the New Taizen beater, the fibers come into contact with each other, gently and continuously rubbing for 10 minutes. This friction process almost breaks all the bonds between ink and the paper pulp fibers. The resulting ink particles are small, making them easier to remove in the subsequent Taizen upright washer, unlike ink removal by flotation, which is only effective with ink particles larger than 10μm. [4]

Benefits of Taizen paper pulp production technology:

  • Completely removes ink from fiber, producing ink particles smaller than 10μm for easier removal in the ink removal stage. [4]
  • High paper cleanliness because it removes not only ink but also dirt, fine fiber.
  • Does not waste long fiber raw materials like traditional paper pulp washing equipment.
  • Low maintenance costs, high durability.

2.3. Continuous isothermal cooking (ITC) pulp production technology and a closed-loop chemical recovery system, combined with advanced ECF paper bleaching technology.

This is the advanced production model of the VNT19 Pulp and Paper Plant, located in Binh Phuoc commune, Binh Son district (Quang Ngai) with a production capacity of 350,000 tons/year. [5] The plant’s primary goal is green and sustainable development, committed to environmentally-friendly production practices. In this combined technology, to limit industrial wastewater, the wastewater from the pulp washing stage is reused for the previous stage. In addition, the bleaching process does not use chlorine but rather chlorine dioxide (ClO2) derivatives in an alkaline environment.

Benefits of ITC technology combined with ECF bleaching:

  • Minimizes hazardous industrial wastewater discharged into the environment from chemical pulp washing.
  • Creates a closed-loop production cycle, saving wastewater treatment costs.
  • All the final diluted black liquor is recovered, concentrated to be used as fuel for the bubbling fluidized bed steam boiler and power generation turbine, returning 54 MW of power to the plant. [5] This also helps reduce emissions and minimize negative impacts on the environment.
  • Excess electricity can be sold to the national power grid, creating economic value for the business.
  • The pulp can achieve up to 90% ISO whiteness with low operational costs, higher-quality pulp, and reduced environmental pollution due to minimized AOX in wastewater. [6]

2.4. Improved EvoDry paper pulp drying system.

The EvoDry drying system has been enhanced with an energy-saving dry paper pulp drying process based on: High-capacity twin-wire technology, a new-generation sheet dryer, along with cutting, advanced packaging lines, and environmentally friendly technologies: Boiler flue gas energy recovery system, fine screening, fully automatic twin-wire dewatering, a mixed press unit, and two shoe presses.

Benefits of the improved EvoDry paper pulp drying system:

  • Reduced downtime, quick restart mechanism.
  • High efficiency, effective pulp drying, producing top-quality paper pulp.
  • Significantly reduced plant operation costs.
  • Complies with the strictest requirements for health, safety, and environmental regulations.

2.5. Organocell paper pulp production technology.

Organo Cell technology is a sulfur-free paper pulp production method, making it very environmentally friendly. Wood is cooked with a mixture of water and methanol, and then treated with an alkaline solution in multiple stages under pressure and heat, up to 190 degrees Celsius. This dissolves lignin and hemicellulose, which are then thoroughly washed, bleached, and dewatered.

Benefits of Organo Cell paper pulp production technology:

  • Environmentally safer as it does not use sulfur.
  • Produces lignin and hemicellulose free of sulfur, which can be further used in the chemical industry.
  • Cost savings as methanol and alkali can be recycled alongside paper pulp production.

3. Summary.

Through this article, it is hoped that additional updates have been provided on environmentally conscious paper manufacturing technologies. Not only the paper and pulp production industry but also most industries are undergoing technological changes and production line improvements toward sustainable development for a circular green economy. In order to create opportunities for Vietnamese businesses to introduce their technologies, machinery, and equipment to the world, as well as to learn from renowned international brands’ solutions and products, RX Tradex jointly organizes the top 4 leading international exhibitions in the region: Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, METALEX Vietnam, NEPCON Vietnam in this year, and Waste and Recycling Vietnam in 2024.


[1] Sản lượng giấy toàn ngành.

[2] Năng lượng dùng trong ngành giấy và bột giấy.

[3] Công nghệ sản xuất bột giấy sinh học giúp tiết kiệm năng lượng.

[4] Công nghệ đánh tơi Taizen.

[5] Phát điện cho nhà máy 54MW.

[6] Công nghệ ECF đạt độ trắng 90%.