VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

The latest technological advances in brewing and beer industry

The latest technological advances in brewing and beer industry

The world’s brewing and beer businesses are at present continually investing in research and development of new manufacturing technologies in order to maximize product quality and competitive advantage. Additionally, environmental solutions and waste treatment are being used in the field of brewing and beer industry with a variety of contemporary technologies and apparatus with the purpose of promoting green and sustainable development in industry. Learn more about the latest technological advances in the brewing and beer industry with RX Tradex as well as their useful commercial applications by reading the article below.

1. Top 4 latest technological advances in brewing and beer industry

1.1. Technological trends of brewing beer from wastewater.

Why has the technology of brewing beer from wastewater become an emerging trend? Currently, in the face of serious water pollution in the process of industrialization, many countries have researched and developed solutions to this problem. For example, the island nation of Singapore, which converts seawater into potable water by removing salts and minerals through reverse osmosis.

Also applying the above method, Singapore has launched a NEWBrew beer product made from wastewater. Specifically, they will be passed through a microfilter to remove microscopic bacteria and particles that are harmful to human health. Wastewater after treatment is put into reverse osmosis stage and disinfected by ultraviolet light for the purpose of killing bacteria and ensuring purity. [1]

In fact, Singapore is not the first place in the world to use recycled wastewater for beer production. In Stockholm, Sweden, Nya Carnegie Brewery has partnered with Carlsberg Group to launch beer from treated wastewater. In addition, Village Brewery in Canada has also partnered with researchers from the University of Calgary to produce its own beer made from recycled wastewater. Thereby, it can be seen that the technological trends of brewing beer from wastewater is a new and potential direction in the future when it promises to bring a solution to the current serious water pollution problem.

1.2. Technological trends in low-carb beer production.

Why has the technology of brewing low-carb beer become an emerging trend? In fact, low-carb beer is a product aimed at reducing carb content, helping customers feel more secure about health issues without too much impact on taste and use experience. Currently, low-carb beer is a new trend in the food and beverage industry in the world, with the combination of the modern technological trends of brewing beer, helping to ferment in the optimal direction for consumers’ health. use. Since then, this beer is gradually becoming a wave in the consumer market, especially at a time when the world is extremely concerned about health issues like now.

Typical for this technological trend of brewing beer in Vietnam is HaLong Beer Company, with Sapphire Golden product. This is the first low-carb beer available in the Vietnamese market. Specifically, Sapphire Golden product contains less carbohydrates than traditional beer, only about 3.5 grams of carbs in 330ml (while regular beers contain 12-13 grams of carbs). Sapphire Golden low-carb beer helps to reduce by more than half the amount of carbs put into the body, thereby limiting calorie consumption, as well as the possibility of health problems such as: Obesity, belly fat, water retention , bloating, flatulence, and so on. [2]

1.3. Technological trends of brewing beer using automatic innovations.

Why have the technological trends of brewing beer using automatic innovations become an emerging trend? In industrial production, the application of automation technology plays a very important role, meeting the problem of productivity and labor. By using control systems, computers or robots, along with information technology to handle the process, breweries have improved production efficiency and saved material resources, reducing transportation costs. onion. In addition, these technological trends of brewing beer will also contribute a lot in helping businesses eliminate many manual steps, ensuring food hygiene and safety.

In addition, the automatic beer production line will have no or very little human intervention. Every device is pre-programmed and guarantees near absolute accuracy. At this time, workers only play the role of supervising and adjusting the automatic line, not directly participating in the production stage. Since then, occupational safety during operation has improved, minimizing unnecessary accidents in beer production activities.

A typical example is AB InBev’s beer factory in Binh Duong, which has applied the latest automated production technologies such as: Using management software, closed production, automation 100 % from cooking, filtering, cooling, fermentation to extraction, filling, bottling, etc. Thanks to that, the factory has increased its capacity to 100 million liters/year with only about 100 high-quality workers. [3] Owning an automatic beer production line, enterprises will be guaranteed to promptly handle errors during operation, thereby strictly controlling production stages thanks to the software management system.

1.4. Technological trends in the continuous brewing beer industry.

Why have the technological trends of the continuous brewing beer industry become an emerging trend? This beer production technology is a continuous and non-stop production process, in contrast to the traditional method (batch brewing), where beer must be produced in separate batches. This is a technology developed with the expectation that it will change the entire brewing industry, because it possesses more advantages such as: Low cost of premises, reduced investment in ancillary systems, and competitive product prices. more competitive.

It is known that after the 2019 VLB-Berlin conference in Bangkok, GEA company together with the domestic beer group built a continuous brewery in Vietnam. Although the level of success of the project has not been announced, it is also a demonstration of the potential of these continuous technological trends of brewing beer in the future. According to GEA’s design, the total building space is only 70% of that of a traditional brewery. In particular, the area of the fermentation stage is only 50% of that of factories using traditional processes. [4]

2. Summary.

Above is an article by RX Tradex about the latest technological trends in the brewing beer industry today. Hopefully through the article, RX Tradex has introduced to you the most modern and typical technologies in the field of beer production. Besides, this year, if you want to learn more about the latest production methods, you can immediately participate in the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, organized by RX Tradex Vietnam, with the presence of hundreds of top brands. In addition, in this year, RX Tradex also organizes other leading regional exhibitions such as: NEPCON Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam and Waste and Recycling Vietnam to be held in the future..


[1]: Công nghệ đặc biệt biến nước thải thành bia.

[2]: Công ty Bia Hạ Long.

[3]: Sở khoa học và công nghệ tỉnh Bình Dương.

[4]: Hệ thống sản xuất liên tục của gea.