VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

The trend of energy saving combined with IoT technology in production

The trend of energy saving combined with IoT technology in production

IoT technology is considered an advanced and potential solution in energy management, especially when applied in the manufacturing sector, bringing significant improvements in efficiency as well as sustainability, contributing to the global goal – minimizing negative impacts on the environment. In addition to real-time monitoring and management of energy consumption, IoT technology also offers significant benefits in saving energy in today’s production. Join RX Tradex to discover the trends of energy saving combined with IoT technology that are popularly applied in the manufacturing industry through the article below. 

1. What is IoT technology?

IoT (Internet of Things) technology, also known as the Internet of Things, is a network system that connects physical devices to each other through the internet, allowing them to collect, exchange and analyze data. These devices can range from everyday items such as smartphones, televisions, washing machines, to industrial devices such as sensors and machines.

IoT technology has the connectivity and communication capabilities of smart devices, using protocols and network technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 4G/5G to transmit data, provide a management and processing system for collected data, thereby using tools and algorithms to analyze data and make intelligent decisions.

2. The trend of energy saving combined with IoT technology in production

Today’s IoT technology is widely used and increasingly popular when it is widely applied in energy management, creating an important energy-saving trend in the modern industrial context. The application of Internet of Things technology not only helps manufacturing enterprises enhance energy efficiency, but also helps reduce costs and improve operational efficiency significantly. Here are some energy-saving trends combined with IoT technology that are commonly applied today:

2.1. Remote monitoring and real-time energy management

IoT technology enables real-time monitoring and management of energy consumption using smart sensors installed on equipment and machines in the factory.

These sensors continuously collect data on each device’s energy consumption and send this information back to a central management system, capable of analyzing the data to provide a detailed and instant view of how energy is used throughout the production process.

By capturing real-time data, businesses can identify appliances or processes that consume excessive or inefficient energy, so they can adjust their operation to optimize energy use such as automatically shutting down or reducing capacity when not needed.

2.2. Energy forecasting and optimization

Using IoT technology combined with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (machine learning) provides accurate and efficient energy forecasting and optimization. These systems not only monitor current energy consumption but also analyze past consumption data to make predictions about future energy demand.

Thanks to the detailed data collection and storage process, the IoT system can predict the energy consumption of devices and production processes over time. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will use this data to analyze energy consumption patterns, identify trends and factors affecting energy demand.

2.3. Smart Control

The IoT system is capable of automatically adjusting the operating parameters of machines based on the collected data. IoT sensors continuously monitor the status and performance of production equipment, collecting data on energy consumption, workload, temperature, and many other parameters.

IoT systems use this data to automatically adjust machine operating parameters. For example, when it detects that the device is idle or operating below the required level, the system can automatically turn off or reduce the device’s capacity to save energy.

2.4. Smart building energy management

In manufacturing facilities, the use of IoT technology for energy management of systems such as HVAC (including heating, ventilation and air conditioning), lighting, and other utilities is becoming an inevitable trend.

HVAC systems are one of the largest sources of energy consumption in manufacturing facilities. IoT technology enables real-time monitoring and adjustment of HVAC systems based on factors such as temperature, humidity, and space utilization. IoT sensors collect data continuously and send it to the central management system.

Besides, smart lighting systems also use IoT sensors to automatically adjust brightness based on natural light and human presence. In unoccupied areas, the system can automatically turn lights off or dim, while ensuring adequate illumination when needed. This not only saves energy but also extends the life of lighting equipment.

In addition, smart lighting systems can be programmed according to the plant’s operating schedule, ensuring consistent lighting throughout shifts and turning off when not needed.

2.5. Renewable energy integration

IoT devices are equipped with sensors to continuously monitor the performance of renewable energy systems  such as solar and wind power. Data on power output, equipment performance, and environmental conditions (such as sunlight intensity and wind speed) are collected and sent to a central management system, allowing real-time monitoring of renewable energy performance, helping businesses quickly identify and fix problems,  ensuring optimal performance of the system.

2.6. Green and sustainable supply chain management

IoT supports green supply chain management by monitoring and optimizing energy consumption throughout the manufacturing process. IoT devices are integrated throughout the supply chain and manufacturing process, from input materials to finished products. As a result, businesses can monitor the energy consumption of every step of production, from transportation and processing to packaging and distribution, helping to identify waste points and optimize energy efficiency across the entire supply chain.

Green and sustainable supply chain management is not only an important factor in reducing costs and enhancing performance, but also an important part of businesses’ sustainability goals. By reducing emissions and environmental impacts from manufacturing operations, businesses contribute to protecting the environment and creating a more sustainable future for communities.

3. Summary

It can be seen that  the Internet of Things is playing an important role in controlling and optimizing energy use in today’s industrial environment. In particular, IoT applications in energy saving are not only widely applied in the field of manufacturing but increasingly popular in modern life,  not only helps optimize the use of natural resources, but also contributes significantly to cost control and environmental policy development to combat climate change. 

Hopefully, with the above article, businesses will have more knowledge and update the latest trends in energy saving combined with IoT technology, thereby applying to their production processes and contributing to the sustainable development of society and the environment.

In addition, if you want to update the latest energy-saving trends in the manufacturing industry, you can register to participate in  the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2024, organized by RX Tradex. This event is not only a place for businesses to discover new knowledge in the field of manufacturing and supporting industries, but also a place to create opportunities to connect and exchange, thereby offering their unique initiatives to potential partners,  opening up new development opportunities, and bringing quality orders to the company.