VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Top 10 leading automobile manufacturing technology trends

Top 10 leading automobile manufacturing technology trends

The car industry has advanced significantly in recent years, particularly in terms of manufacturing operations, thanks to advances in science and technology. In addition, the rapid advancement of technology has made cars smarter and more up to date in terms of features and conveniences. Examples of this include AI, the Internet of Things, and 5G technology. As a result, let’s take a deeper step in these emerging issues by accessing the article below, with RX Tradex, to understand greater detail regarding the top 10 leading automobile manufacturing technology trends nowadays.

1. Introducing the top 10 leading automobile manufacturing technology trends nowadays.

1.1. Automobile manufacturing technology trends applying artificial intelligence (AI).

The use of AI technology in the automobile manufacturing sector is currently becoming widespread all over the world. Many of the top automakers in the world, like Tesla, Toyota, and Honda, have investigated and produced numerous product lines that use AI, significantly advancing the whole automobile industry. It can be seen that AI has evolved into an unavoidable technology trend in the future and completely transforms the global automobile manufacturing industry, especially in the production of self-driving cars, providing many features as adaptive cruise control, calculating the distance between adjacent vehicles in the same lane, self-regulating speed, maintaining a safe distance, and so on.

Some specific applications of automobile manufacturing technology trends applying artificial intelligence are:

  • Automatic fault detection: With the ability to monitor and analyze thousands of data points per second, AI can automatically detect and point out defects in components during the production process, to ensure quality. best output.
  • Enhance car safety features: By integrating AI systems into production, cars will have various safety features such as: Automatic braking, drowsy driving detection, lane departure warning…
  • Automation with AI-integrated robots: Currently, the AI-integrated auto manufacturing robot system can interact with factory workers, thereby helping to improve working processes and improve productivity.

1.2. Automobile manufacturing technology trends applying Big Data.

Big Data plays an important role in the global automotive industry, helping to improve the ability to manufacture and operate assembly lines, plants, and equipment. Thanks to Big Data, data and inputs are analyzed accurately, providing possibilities for growth throughout the entire value chain, from production to product marketing. Thereby, businesses can change the design of cars to suit the market, especially in the context of the current fiercely competitive economy. In addition, by using collected customer demand data, businesses will have an accurate basis for future directions, look for opportunities to expand markets and create a sustainable competitive advantage. steady.

Some specific applications of Automobile manufacturing technology trends applying Big Data are:

  • Market forecasting: Big Data technology helps businesses collect and analyze multidimensional data, from various sources such as: Social networks, internet, interviews, … to assess the market situation, through that, giving the most accurate forecasts to adjust car production activities.
  • Customer analytics: Big Data makes it possible for businesses to track every customer experience when using a car with current sensors. From there, businesses can adjust the features on the car to suit the needs of consumers.

1.3. Automobile manufacturing technology trends applying human-machine interface (HMI).

A human-machine interface (HMI) is a system consisting of hardware and software applications necessary for the exchange of information between operators and machines. In the automotive production process, HMI is a tool to help businesses operate, monitor the line and coordinate the entire operation of the factory. At the factory, the HMI system allows operators to effectively optimize the production process, including tasks such as: Allocating employees, speeding up production, and fixing efficiency problems. capacity,… Currently, HMI technology can be installed on computers, in portable mobile devices and in central control rooms.

Some specific applications of automobile manufacturing technology trends applying human-machine interface (HMI) are:

  • Machine controlling: HMI technology can be used to control automated machinery systems in automobile factories, helping to increase productivity and reduce human error.
  • System monitoring: Enterprises can apply HMI technology to monitor and detect problems in the production line, thereby planning the earliest remedy.

1.4. Automobile manufacturing technology trends using Internet of Things (IoT).

In the automotive industry, Internet of Things (IoT) technology allows vehicles and machines to connect to the internet and exchange data and other devices, enabling many features such as: Monitoring Remote vehicles, predictive maintenance, factory line information updates, etc. Nowadays, this automotive technology trend is being driven by the growing demand for integrated gadgets. in the car, including: connecting to wifi, exchanging data with smart devices, phones, laptops,…

Some specific applications of automobile manufacturing technology trends using Internet of Things (IoT) are:

  • Tracking the production process: By connecting to a system of equipment and machines using Internet of Things technology, businesses can monitor and continuously update the situation of the automobile production line at the factory.
  • Warehouse management: Automotive technology Internet of Things helps businesses monitor, manage inventory, optimize supply chains and control input materials.
  • Exploiting car usage data: Today, the Internet of Things can be combined with in-vehicle sensor systems, helping businesses collect and exploit data remotely, ensuring cars work well in the long run. operating process.

1.5. Automobile manufacturing technology trends using CNC machining.

CNC machining is a new trend in the automotive industry today. With the application of CNC technology, using a computer system to automatically control such stages like milling, turning, drilling, or cutting is a solution that will free up a lot of labor, help businesses save costs. labor costs but the quality of work remains unchanged.

Some specific applications of automobile manufacturing technology trends using CNC machining. are:

  • Increasing production speed: CNC machining helps businesses perform many repetitive and high-speed movements with devices such as robotic arms.
  • Automation: CNC mechanical processing equipment can completely replace humans in many simple production stages. Therefore, now many businesses are also aiming for automation using CNC machining machines.
  • Ensuring high accuracy: The process of welding and cutting with CNC equipment will minimize errors on the product compared to other methods, thereby ensuring almost absolute accuracy on the finished product.

1.6. Automobile manufacturing technology trends using Sheet Metal Fabrication.

This is a technology trend that is often applied in editing and meeting customer needs for cars. In manufacturing activities, sheet metal is used a lot because it is elastic and easy to fabricate into car parts such as: Monolithic parts, protective frames, etc. In addition, manufacturers The world’s leading automobile manufacturer is focusing on improving driver safety, so sheet metal applications are also strongly researched and developed in the near future.

Some specific applications of automobile manufacturing technology trends using Sheet Metal Fabrication. are:

  • Solid structure processing: Sheet metal fabrication technology is used to process solid structural parts of vehicles, such as: chassis, body, car body,…
  • IoT technology integration: Metal sheets can be integrated with IoT technology, allowing cars to connect and send data, helping to monitor the vehicle’s status and performance.

1.7. Automobile manufacturing technology trends using Electrification.

Automotive electrification has become a target for many global car manufacturers, thanks to its ability to address environmental concerns and future sustainability. Specifically, car electrification is a technology that provides power for electric vehicles by focusing on powertrains such as: lithium batteries, hybrids, hydrogen fuel, etc. In addition, electrification technology is also regulated. controlled through ancillary devices such as wireless charging and power transmission.

Some specific applications of automobile manufacturing technology trends using Electrification are:

  • Towards green production: Currently, the trend of electrification technology is an extremely important piece of the process of greening the automotive industry, towards sustainable development and reducing emissions into the environment.
  • Replacing fossil fuel sources: In the production of cars, electrification technology helps businesses replace old engines, using fossil fuel sources such as gasoline, oil,… Thereby, reducing adverse impact on the environment.

1.8. Automobile manufacturing technology trends using 3D printing (additive manufacturing).

In the future, the trend of 3D Printing technology is predicted to be the “key” for the breakthrough development of the global automobile manufacturing industry. It is a technology that enables manufacturing processes to be made faster thanks to endless customization, flexibility, and simulation, re-engineering of parts for easy replacement. In fact, many parts on cars have been printed with 3D technology, including: air intakes, exhaust pipes, ducts, etc.

Some specific applications of automobile manufacturing technology trends using 3D printing (additive manufacturing are:

  • Prototyping: 3D printing enables rapid and low-cost creation of prototypes, helping businesses verify designs before mass production.
  • Design customization: 3D printing helps businesses produce custom automotive components based on consumer needs, with the ability to change designs according to market trends.
  • On-demand production: With cars manufactured on demand, especially: sports cars or luxury cars,  customers always have their own requirements for designs that represent impressive individual values. In this case, 3D printing technology is applied in automobile manufacturing to fulfill these specific requirements, such as: Signature printing, logo printing, …

1.9. Automobile manufacturing technology trends using blockchain.

With Blockchain technology, businesses can control the supply chain during car production. Specifically, experts expect that this will be a solution to transparently manage and evaluate the entire automobile manufacturing and manufacturing process. In addition, many corporations also apply the blockchain technology to record data, replace the use of paper, and reduce risks in information security.

Some specific applications of automobile manufacturing technology trends using blockchain are:

  • Supply Chain Tracking: Blockchain technology is used to record the origin and schedule of auto parts and accessories, from the manufacturing process to the final delivery location. This enhances transparency in business operations.
  • Data sharing: Blockchain can create a platform for automated vehicles to share data about car usage, helping businesses collect information to improve production processes.

1.10. Automobile manufacturing technology trends using injection molding.

Injection molding is a method of manufacturing automotive parts by injecting molten material into a forming mold. The injection molding process can be done with the main materials: Metal, glass, elastomer, thermoplastic polymer, and so on. In automobile manufacturing, injection molding technology is often used to manufacture spare parts and components, from the smallest parts to the entire body panels of cars.

Some specific applications of automobile manufacturing technology trends using injection molding are:

  • Fabrication of body parts: Injection molding technology is used to create many body parts, including: hood, bonnet, windows,…
  • Interior fabrication: Injection molding is used to make car interiors, including: Dashboard, seats, steering wheel and steering wheel.
  • Powertrain Fabrication: Injection molding technology helps to fabricate many powertrain components, including: Radiator, cooler and air duct.

2. Summary.

The top 10 leading automobile technology trends as of right now are covered in the article above by RX Tradex. Through the business, perhaps, new viewpoints on the evolution of automotive manufacturing technology will emerge, allowing for the creation of a sustainable development plan in the future. Especially this year, businesses that intend to learn more about the latest production technologies can immediately participate in the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, organized by RX Tradex Vietnam. NEPCON Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam, and Waste and Recycling Vietnam, which will all take place in 2024, are just a few of some other notable regional exhibits that RX Tradex will conduct deeply.