VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Top 10 popular production technology trends today

Top 10 popular production technology trends today

Today’s industrial operations use a variety of innovative technologies, including artificial intelligence, automation, virtual reality, and many more. By just following the incorporation of these widespread manufacturing technologies into their corporate structures, leading companies are indeed seeing an extraordinary success. As a result, with the support of RX Tradex, let’s take a closer look at the top 10 popular production technology trends nowadays, that are expected to not only assist firms strengthen the whole production procedures but also be able to strongly boost future competitive advantages.

1. Introducing the top 10 popular production technology trends nowadays.

1.1. Production technology trends applying artificial intelligence (AI).

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is being utilized more and more in manufacturing to assist increase productivity across all industries. Many firms today access and apply the artificial intelligence innovations in the production stage with niche markets such as:

  • Support decision making and improve factory performance: AI technology offers solutions to this problem through information gathering from the production line and analysis based on algorithms. Businesses can refer to the analysis of factory efficiency from AI, then make decisions on how to improve to achieve the highest efficiency,…
    Analyzing logistics and inventory processes: With the use of AI technology to calculate and predict inventory, businesses will determine the number of products that need to be stocked or sold to the market. From there, businesses can monitor the efficiency of production activities, predict market demand and reduce inventory.
  • Better control product quality: AI application to find defective products, not meeting quality standards.
  • Support decision making and improve manufacturing performance: AI technology provides answers to this issue by gathering data from the manufacturing line and analyzing it using algorithms, supporting decision-making and enhancing factory performance. The economic players, therefore, may use the AI-based examination of plant efficiency to help them decide how to optimize their operations and reach the maximum levels of efficiency.
  • Analysis of logistics and inventory processes: By using AI to forecast and calculate inventory, firms may estimate how much items they need to stock or put on the market. From there, businesses can forecast market demand, analyze the effectiveness of production processes, and cut back on inventory.

1.2.  Production technology trends applying 3D printing production technology.

Materials including plastic, metal, and non-metallic materials are combined using 3D printing technology to create three-dimensional objects. The following are the more key details of these 3D printing technology types:

  • 3D printing technology using advanced plastic and non-metallic materials: Often used in the clothing manufacturing, consumer goods or product design industries.
  • 3D printing technology using metal materials: Widely applied in the manufacturing of electronic components, construction, automobiles, phones.
  • 3D printing technology using organic materials: This production technology is often used in medicine, creating prosthetic parts of the human body such as prosthetic legs or arms.

1.3. Production technology trends applying cloud computing.

Production technology that uses cloud computing makes it possible to store, control, and process production data online for businesses. It also allows for remote access and simple data exchange, optimizing data storage. At the moment, businesses use production technology trends applying cloud computing in situations like:

  • Production process management: By connecting all information on a single digital platform, businesses can monitor and manage the production process anywhere.
  • Supply Chain Management: production technology trends applying cloud computing provides supply chain management capabilities through the sharing of data and information with partners and suppliers. From there, businesses can grasp information about production schedules, inventory quantities, and transportation processes.

1.4. Production technology trends applying advanced robotic automation development.

This is the trend of automation technology that applies precision machines and robots to production activities. Thereby, helping businesses save fuel, increase productivity, and ensure uniform quality for output products. Some typical applications of this technology trend are:

  • Product assembly process: Automated robots can perform the production and assembly of products accurately and quickly. With assembly processes programmed and automated by Robots, businesses can increase productivity and quality in the production process.
  • Welding and mounting process: In the mechanical field, many businesses have applied robotic automation systems to carry out the welding and mounting process in production. This automatic robot system has the ability to adjust and control the temperature, determine the position to perform the welding, and surface mount accurately.
  • Transport and arrange goods process: Automated robot systems can help optimize logistics-related processes, reduce dependence on unskilled labor, thereby improving production efficiency.

1.5. Production technology trends applying sensor systems.

The use of sensing devices to gather data regarding physical measurement values, such as item volume, temperature, humidity, and other variables, is known as sensor technology. From there, companies may track real-time input data, such as: The status of raw materials, components, and products as they are being produced. The following sensor technologies are frequently used in manufacturing:

  • Temperature sensor: Commonly used to manage manufacturing processes in the mechanical and metalworking fields with the ability to control temperature in furnaces, autoclaves, smelters and other thermal processes.
  • Ultrasonic sensor: Used to measure the exact distance between objects during production. In addition, ultrasonic technology can also check the quality of raw materials.
  • Infrared sensor: is a technology commonly used in product quality checking, fault identification and supporting robotic automation developments in the production process.

1.6.  Production technology trends applying 360° manufacturing innovations.

The production technology trends applying 360° manufacturing innovations conduct a method of using virtual reality models to help factories inspect and monitor the production process. With the simulation of production activities, businesses will control risks in the production process as well as ensure all processes work as planned. Typical applications of 360° production technology are:

  • Production Process Inspection and Monitoring: The 360° technology can be used to inspect and monitor the production process using cameras or sensors. Enterprises can monitor the production process, detect problems and promptly handle them to ensure product quality.
  • Product design and simulation: Businesses can use 360° technology to support product design and simulation before putting it into production.
  • System management and maintenance: The appliance of 360° technology provides a comprehensive model of a production plant’s systems and facilities. This makes it easy for businesses to identify faults for maintenance, inspection and repair of machinery and equipment.

1.7. Production technology trends applying smart factory models.

Smart factory is the application of many modern technologies such as advanced intelligent machines, equipment and advanced smart manufacturing models into the production and supply process. From there, businesses can control the production process, maintain, track inventory, and digitize all activities. Currently, the smart factory has outstanding benefits compared to the traditional production process, which are:

  • Product quality improvement: With the application of modern equipment to the production process, businesses can detect quality problems faster and can identify the reasons for remedial action in the future. future.
  • Worker safety insurance: Smart factories help businesses automate unsafe segments such as chemical handling or ensure worker safety.
  • Operational cost optimization: Helping businesses save costs more effectively in the production process, including controlling inventory and improving shipping.

1.8. Production technology trends applying advanced green production development.

Green production or sustainable production is an inevitable trend that all businesses in the world are aiming for in the future. Businesses can receive many benefits when developing green production technology, such as reducing tax costs for purchasing and transporting input materials, increasing productivity and labor efficiency by improving working conditions. work, the working environment and the health of workers. At the present, the popular green production technologies in the world are:

  • Energy optimization: This technology is used in the production process to save energy, reduce electricity and fuel consumption.
  • Waste management: This helps the business players reduce waste and emissions in production activities, towards a comprehensive green industry.
  • Waste treatment: This is a technology applied in the field of environment, using methods such as thermochemical, gasification, biological and chemical treatment to treat waste. This is a technology that helps to limit or completely treat industrial waste in the production process.
  • Waste recycling: This is a technology widely applied in the packaging, printing, plastic industry, etc. The amount of waste, instead of destruction, is reused by many businesses to produce new recycled items.
  • Recycled materials accession: This is the process of taking advantage of waste materials, industrial and consumer wastes for re-production.

1.9. Production technology trends applying  nanotechnology innovation.

Since the 4.0 revolution in the early years of the 21st century, nanotechnology has been created and is now widely used. It includes notable developments in machinery and equipment for scientific research that benefit the industrial sector. Businesses all around the world have been able to use nanotechnology for a wide range of high-value industrial and commercial operations, including:

  • In the field of medicine production: Nanotechnology is now able to interfere with the molecules and cells of the human body. Since then, leading enterprises have made many new breakthroughs in the production of medical products, helping to better diagnose diseases, deliver drugs and kill cancer cells better.
  • In the field of Energy production: Nanotechnology plays an important role in energy production, improving the quality of solar cells, and creating superconductors for better long-distance electricity transport.
  • In the field of Garment production: Numerous well-known sports brands, like Nike, are producing sportswear right now using nanotechnology. When compared to conventional procedures, products made with this technology have great benefits in terms of quality and performance.

1.10. Production technology trends applying new materials technology.

In order to produce advanced materials that are more effective than conventional materials, new materials production technology seems to be involved significantly in both technological research and application. At the moment, a number of companies have used this technology to create production methods and methods for modifying the structure and qualities of materials. New material technology is frequently used in the following fields:

  • Automotive industry: New material production technology is applied to create lightweight materials such as: carbon fiber composite, aluminum alloy and high-strength steel. These materials help reduce vehicle weight, increase fuel efficiency and reduce emissions.
  • Aviation and space industry: New material technology is applied to manufacture aircraft wings, fuselages, structural components in spacecraft and other space-based equipment.
  • Electronics industry: This technology provides advanced materials for the manufacture of semiconductor electronic components, printed circuits, sensors and displays.

2. Summary.

The above is a summary of RX Tradex about the top 10 popular production technology trends nowadays, helping all of the economic players to better upgrade their operational models and improve their competitive edge in the market. Especially in the year of 2023, firms may attend the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, which is produced by RX Tradex Vietnam and showcases the most cutting-edge and contemporary production technology innovations available today, to learn more about prospective production technologies that might boost economic efficiency. Other notable exposition events that RX Tradex hosts this year include Waste and Recycling Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam, and NEPCON Vietnam.