VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Top innovative cosmetic production technologies worth investing in nowadays

Top innovative cosmetic production technologies worth investing in nowadays

Vietnamese consumers are increasingly focusing on beauty trends and are beginning to invest heavily in cosmetics. According to the electronic magazine of the Vietnam Economic Science Association, VnEconomy, the total value of the cosmetics market in our country is approximately 2.63 billion USD and is predicted to grow at a rate of 3.32% annually until 2027. [1] In addition, safe and natural or non-irritating cosmetics are also being actively sought after by Vietnamese consumers. This creates a significant opportunity for cosmetic manufacturing owners to introduce high-quality products to the market that meet consumer needs and aim for breakthrough development in the future. Therefore, to find ways to improve product quality, let’s explore the top innovative cosmetic production technologies worth investing in nowadays with RX Tradex in the article below.

1. Top 5 innovative cosmetic production technologies worth investing in nowadays.

1.1. Plant-based cosmetic production technology (Phyto Cosmetics).

What is plant-based cosmetic production technology? This is the cosmetics manufacturing method from plants (Phyto Cosmetics) by using components originating from: trees, grass, herbs, flowers, etc., combined with modern technology and science to create highly effective, gentle skincare products for the human body.

The most significant difference between plant-based cosmetics and other traditional product lines is their skin-friendliness. Typically, customers with sensitive skin prefer this type of cosmetics, minimizing the possibility of irritation. Moreover, the trend towards natural beauty and environmental protection has made plant-based cosmetic products popular and trendy. Below are some specific advantages of plant-based cosmetic production technology:

  • Aligns with market trends.
  • Provides safe products for most skin types, especially for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • Ensures that the usage process does not cause skin irritation.

1.2. Biocosmetics production technology (Bio Cosmetics).

What is biocosmetics production technology? Bio cosmetics production is the method of creating beauty products that combine natural ingredients, which can account for about 95 – 100%, and do not contain strong chemicals or artificial stabilizers. Nowadays, bio cosmetics are considered a gentler alternative to conventional beauty products.

With this production technology, businesses can provide essential components for the skin in their products, such as vitamins, proteins, minerals, trace elements, anti-aging compounds, and more. As a result, product quality is improved, and the competitive advantage of businesses in the market is increased. Here are some specific advantages of bio cosmetics production technology:

  • Ensures environmentally friendly cosmetics.
  • Safe for consumer health.
  • Minimizes potential side effects and hidden harm to the skin.

1.3. 3D printing in cosmetic production technology.

What is 3D printing in cosmetic production technology? This is one of the new manufacturing trends in the cosmetic industry, aiming to create impressive packaging designs, bottles, and jars that enhance brand recognition and stimulate shopping needs.

Specifically, the use of 3D printing technology allows the creation of unique cosmetic bottles and jars with complex designs. Moreover, designers can experiment with different shapes to make cosmetic packaging more attractive, unique, and increase competitiveness in the market. The advantages of applying 3D printing technology to cosmetic production include:

  • Reduces the cost of producing sample bottles and jars.
  • Enhances creativity in packaging design.
  • Creates a strong impression on consumers, increasing sales volume.

1.4. Cancer prevention-integrated cosmetic production technology.

What is cancer prevention-integrated cosmetic production technology? This is a cosmetic manufacturing method that combines elements and compounds that prevent or inhibit cancer. Specifically, manufacturers will integrate natural or synthetic extracts such as Resveratrol, curcumin, quercetin, or fragrant orchid essence into the production process to create cosmetics with anti-cancer properties.

According to the Health & Life magazine, one of the biggest dangers of cosmetics is causing skin cancer. Most beauty products circulating in the market today contain harmful chemicals, and prolonged use can increase the risk of cancer, especially breast cancer, skin cancer, and blood cancer. [1] Therefore, applying cancer prevention-integrated cosmetic production technology is one of the investment-worthy manufacturing trends for businesses to increase sustainable competitive advantages in today’s fiercely competitive beauty market. Here are some specific advantages of this cosmetic production method:

  • Products have the ability to protect the skin and prevent skin cancer.
  • Meets the beauty needs while ensuring consumer health.
  • Suitable for customers with sensitive skin.

1.5. Nano cosmetic production technology.

What is nano cosmetic production technology? The nano cosmetic manufacturing method involves applying materials at a super-small scale, ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers (nm), during production. Currently, nanotechnology is used to enhance the effectiveness and functionality of beauty products, including skincare creams, lipsticks, face powders, hair care products, and more.

This technology helps businesses create cosmetics that can quickly permeate deep into the skin’s epidermis, carrying compounds such as vitamins, sunscreens, and antioxidants. However, the use of nano-technology in production also raises concerns about its impact on health and the environment. Therefore, businesses need to ensure that their products meet safety standards and do not harm humans or the natural environment. Below are the advantages of applying nanotechnology to cosmetic production:

  • Nanoparticles improve the skin’s absorption of skincare products.
  • Increases the effectiveness of sunscreen on the skin.
  • Provides a protective layer for cosmetics like face powders.

2. Summary.

Through this article on the top innovative cosmetic production technologies worth investing in nowadays, it demonstrates that RX Tradex has introduced potential solutions to improve product quality, enhance competitive capabilities, and build a sustainable development strategy for your business in the future. Additionally, in 2023, businesses are eager to learn more about advanced production technologies, so you can participate in the International showcase, Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, organized by RX Tradex Vietnam. Also, in the same year, RX Tradex will organize leading exhibitions in the region such as NEPCON Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam, and Waste and Recycling Vietnam, which will take place in 2024.


[1]: Thị phần mỹ phẩm Việt trị giá tỷ USD.

[2]: Mặt trái từ mỹ phẩm và thói quen lạm dụng trang điểm.