WRV – Waste and Recycling Expo Việt Nam

Understanding Industrial Wastewater Treatment: 5 Solutions

Understanding Industrial Wastewater Treatment: 5 Solutions

Manufacturing plants have sprung up in industrial zones that help create jobs for workers and grow national GDP. However, the amount of industrial wastewater discharged more and more dangerous components, a complex in quantity and composition, pollutes water sources, harms the environment and directly affects human health. Understanding what industrial wastewater is and industrial wastewater treatment solutions,  will help businesses, factories and enterprises find the most appropriate and effective wastewater treatment plan. This also creates economic benefits for businesses. Therefore, this is also an environmental responsibility, businesses work together to build a green industry in Vietnam. Join RX Tradex to explore this topic through the following article.

What is industrial wastewater?

What is wastewater? Water that is discharged after being used for a certain purpose, is no longer valid for reuse. Depending on the origin, there are types: Industrial wastewater, domestic wastewater, rainwater ,…

Industrial wastewater  is a form of wastewater generated in the industrial production process of factories and processing facilities of organizations and enterprises. These include: Wastewater used to clean machinery and activities of workers involved in production. Wastewater will contain many substances and compounds dissolved or suspended in the aquatic environment to create a contaminated, reactive or toxic mixture that is harmful to humans or the living environment.

Wastewater is usually preliminarily treated at each factory and then sent to the treatment system of the industrial park (IP). The standard wastewater output at each unit will follow a minimum number of regulations. If it is necessary to handle the next steps, the enterprise will pay a fee for the IP. On average, 1m3 of wastewater will have a treatment fee of 1,200-2,500 VND/m3. [1]

Common types of industrial wastewater

Industrial wastewater is very diverse in composition, the amount generated depends on: Production field, technology applied, newness of machinery, operator’s consciousness,…

Industrial wastewater can be divided  into the following forms:

· Water contains metal ions.

· Soluble organic matter or emulsion. Examples: Surfactants in washing powders, phenols and derivatives, dyes, compounds containing functional groups of nitrates, nitrites and chlorides.

· Greases and suspended solids: Sand, fibers, latex, metal oxides and hydroxides,…

· CN, Cr, S2.

· Strong acid and base salts, ionized and non-ionized organic matter.

· Sugars, phenols, and other easily degradable organic matter.

Sources of industrial wastewater.

Industrial wastewater is not only a by-product of  oil and gas production or mining companies, chemicals but also a by-product of the food and beverage processing industry; or of the production of clothing and footwear,…

Most factories and industrial production facilities generate wastewater. Some typical industries with complex wastewater, difficult to treat such as:

· Mining, oil and gas.

· Electronics manufacturing.

· Metalworking, mechanical, metallurgical, iron and steel plants.

· Power plants.

· Boiler services.

· Paper mill.

· Industrial laundry.

· Leather shoes, garments, textile dyeing, printing.

· Food and beverage production and processing.

· Production of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, plant protection drugs, stationery, building materials,…

· Wastewater discharged from livestock breeding or slaughtering facilities.

Harm of industrial wastewater.

According to the source of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the total amount of wastewater discharged from industrial parks nationwide reaches about 3 million m3/1 day and night [2]. Of which, up to 70% [2] is discharged directly into canals, ponds and lakes without any treatment. The amount of industrial wastewater is at this alarming level, causing serious and far-reaching impacts on all aspects of human life.

· Environmental destruction: Wastewater easily circulates, spreads to rivers and lakes and seeps deep into the ground, polluting groundwater. It then alters the properties of water sources, causing living organisms to be poisoned, die or mutate genes. This affects humans directly or indirectly through the food chain and domestic water.

· Economic impact: Polluted water sources cause agro-forestry-fishery activities to reduce productivity and low quality of finished products. People lost their income, quit their jobs or were unemployed. Socio-economic life is seriously affected.

· Impact on human health: First water pollution, then air and the environment. People living in polluted areas will be more susceptible to dangerous respiratory diseases and even cancers and mutations,… and many other infectious diseases.

Therefore, there should be clear regulations on standards of wastewater discharged into the environment and penalties for non-compliance. In addition, it is necessary to join hands, contribute and awareness of managers as well as employees of each factory to reduce the burden of environmental pollution.

Top 5  advanced industrial wastewater treatment solutions  today.

The goal  of industrial wastewater treatment is to  remove dissolved or insoluble substances suspended in water to reduce the hazardousness of wastewater. Each treatment method will focus the impact on certain components in the wastewater solution, sedimentation, neutralization, or reduction of toxic substances.

Industrial wastewater  treatment by mechanical methods.

It is a solution to help eliminate substances of large size and density in waste. Which method to choose depends on physical properties, suspended particle concentration, wastewater volume and cleanliness. Often applied to many industrial production industries such as paint, paper, garment, chrome plating, zinc, and wastewater production industries containing heavy metals.

Mechanical treatment:

· Use filters, filters, garbage barriers for large-sized residues (Paper, nylon, fabric, vegetables ,…).

· Use grease separators, oils, settling tanks ,… for oily wastes, substances suspended in water. Heavy suspended matter will slowly settle to the bottom, light matter will float to the surface.

· Sand settling tank: Separate waste with large specific gravity (Sand, coal slag,…).

The mechanical method can remove from water 60% of insoluble impurities and 20% of BOD. [3]

Industrial wastewater treatment  by biological methods.

The solution for wastewater contains organic components, especially the treatment of ammonium in wastewater. Popular  for industrial wastewater treatment  for coffee processing plants, instant noodle production, beer, milk,… Some technologies applying biological methods are: AAO wastewater treatment technology, treatment with algae or hyacinth,…

Biological treatment: This method uses anaerobic or aerobic microorganisms to eliminate harmful organic substances in industrial wastewater. Depending on the composition in wastewater and output requirements, choose the appropriate treatment technology.

Industrial wastewater treatment  by chemical methods.

This is a fairly common solution for treating impurities and harmful chemicals in the majority of industrial wastewater. This option is often used to treat wastewater in textile dyeing factories, producing printing inks, galvanized cement, chromium or other heavy metals. Besides, wastewater with many impurities, high acid concentration can also be treated by chemical methods.

Chemical treatment:

· Oxidation-reduction: Use oxidation-reduction reactions to convert toxic compounds into safer substances. Other measures will then be used to separate these substances from the wastewater.

· Neutralization: Use a neutralization reaction to remove and reduce the impact on the environment and organisms of acids and bases in wastewater.

Industrial wastewater treatment  by physicochemical methods.

Physicochemical solutions apply physical and chemical processes to eliminate pollutants in industrial wastewater. Some treatment technologies by physicochemical methods: reverse osmosis technology, liquid phase extraction, flocculation flocculation,…

Physicochemical treatment: This method introduces a certain substance into the wastewater to create a reaction with impurities that help remove dirt from the wastewater.

Industrial wastewater treatment  by electrochemical methods.

The solution uses 2 forms of electrical and chemical energy to effectively remove environmentally hazardous chemicals from wastewater. Some technologies of this method: Electrochemical oxidation technology, electrochemical flocculation,…

Electrochemical treatment: The processing takes place thanks to the effect of electric current on soluble and insoluble electrodes. Precipitates heavy metals in the form of hydroxides and removed from wastewater. The method is applied to treat water containing persistent organic color content in textile dyeing, paper, leachate industry,…

In addition, there will be many advanced and effective wastewater treatment technologies from the world’s leading waste management, treatment and recycling solutions enterprises will appear and exhibit at  the first International Exhibition on Waste and Recycling Technology Vietnam 2023 (WRV23). At the event, there will be many opportunities to meet highly specialized technicians, leading experts to help advise on  effective industrial wastewater management  at enterprises.


Through the article, readers must have understood somewhat about “What is industrial wastewater? And industrial wastewater treatment solutions”. The effective management  of industrial wastewater not only helps protect the living environment that is increasingly under serious threat, but also helps businesses improve their reputation and develop a sustainable brand. WRV23 exhibition is the ideal destination to help troubleshoot questions about industrial wastewater treatment. At the same time, in 2023, there are also international exhibitions  Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, METALEX  Vietnam, NEPCON Vietnam to meet the expectations of businesses in the industry.


[1] Wastewater treatment costs.

[2] Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Information – Total Wastewater.

[3] Mechanical method.