WRV – Waste and Recycling Expo Việt Nam

Understanding Solid Waste & Treatment Technology in Vietnam

Understanding Solid Waste & Treatment Technology in Vietnam

There are many forms of waste generated in production activities, daily activities of humans and nature such as: Solid, liquid and gaseous waste. In particular, solid waste accounts for the majority and has the widest variety of types. Above all, the harm caused by this type of waste is also the greatest, long-term and heavy for both the environment, people and generations to come. So what is solid waste? What are the current methods of solid waste treatment technology in Vietnam ? Join RX Tradex to refer to the article below with full specific and detailed information.

1. What is solid waste?

It is waste in solid form, generated from many different origins such as: Life activities, fields of production, business, construction, health,… Even sludge is a type of solid waste.

2. How many types of solid waste are there today?

There is a lot of solid waste generated every day through human life activities. Wastes are increasingly in very complex forms, difficult to classify due to the many byproducts of production processes and their mixing when discharged. Within the framework of this article, using the division in the direction of classification at source, including 5 types of convenience for future waste treatment.

2.1. Reusable and recyclable solid waste.

Most activities from daily life to production and business generate solid waste that can be recycled, reused or recycled. Materials should be taken into account for reusability before being recycled. Solid waste can be reused or recycled typical waste such as glass, plastic, paper, milk cartons, metals ,… Even wood and stone can be reused as cork or shaped into other items. With these types, it is possible to apply many popular recycling technologies today such as: battery recycling, plastic waste recycling, paper recycling technology,…

2.2. Organic or food-based solid waste is capable of rapid decomposition.

Leftovers, spoiled or discarded parts of vegetables and fruits after preliminary processing, agricultural by-products such as: Coffee shells, tea grounds, straw, branches, leaves, hay, insect carcasses, animals ,… are all forms of organic waste.

2.3.  Non-infectious hazardous solid waste.

Substances that can cause corrosion, flammability, explosion, radioactivity such as: Chemicals, pharmaceuticals, toxic drug bottles, equipment containing fluorescents, heavy metals, fluorescent light bulbs, batteries, batteries ,… There is also sludge from medical wastewater systems and ash from medical incinerators,…

2.4. Potentially infectious hazardous solid waste.

They are a type of waste that often appears in hospitals and health agencies, such as: Needles, gloves, medical items stained with blood or waste products of infectious patients, laboratory animal carcasses, specimen containers and vaccine vials, …

2.5.  Other inorganic solid waste.

All other types of waste that are difficult to sort or less degradable, difficult or even impossible to recycle will be collected for specialized treatment, incineration or landfill. For example, solid waste of this type such as: baby diapers, sanitary napkins, food packaging, plastic bags, old clothes, dead plastics that cannot be recycled,…

3. Solid waste treatment technology in Vietnam today.

There are many advanced waste treatment technologies in the world and currently, Vietnam is introducing and gradually learning green technologies to build a green industry. Here are some popular solid waste treatment technologies today:

3.1. Technology to use heat to burn solid waste.

This is a very popular method in Vietnam. Garbage after going through the previous treatment steps will be taken to incineration. Especially toxic solid wastes from industry or hazardous substances that are easily contagious from healthcare.


·    Fast, convenient because it can be done on the spot.

·    Reduce the volume and volume of waste by 70-90% compared to the original. Thus reducing the waste of landfill or storage areas.

·    The heat generated can be used for other projects.

·    Treats the majority of toxic waste.

·    Requires a smaller area than other methods.

·    Less environmental impact of air pollution than landfills.


·    Exhaust fumes and by-products must be treated after combustion. These substances will often be toxic and affect the air and human health.

·    Line operation requires high expertise and technique.

·    Large initial investment costs.

·    Not all types of waste are incinerated. Substances that should not be burned such as: Non-flammable substances, radioactive waste, explosives ,…

3.2. Technology for organic waste treatment by biochemical composting.

This method is used for rapidly degradable wastes, helping to convert non-toxic organic solid waste into fertilizer or soil improvement materials. Bio-incubation begins with dehydration, then continues incubation until moist and porous. Temperature and humidity are controlled so that the matter remains aerobic throughout the incubation period. The end product is C02, water and sustainable organic compounds.


·    Helps to effectively reduce the volume and volume of waste, namely 50% of municipal solid waste. [1]

·    Destroys pathogens in waste and produces biogas for energy use.

·    Safe for the environment, contributing to reducing air and wastewater pollution caused by decomposed organic waste.

·    Create finished products that are beneficial and bring economic value.


·    Takes up a lot of space for waste composting tools.

·    Need to find the output for composting.

3.3. Plasma gasification technology.

It uses very high temperatures (>2000 degrees Celsius) in an oxygen-deprived environment to completely decompose solid waste into simple molecules. Thanks to being converted into basic elements, materials, even hazardous waste, become a useful substance.


·    Helps eliminate bacteria, mold, inhibits the process of growth, transformation of viruses in the environment. At the same time it increases the humidity in the air and eliminates unpleasant odors. Thereby helping to prevent respiratory pathogens.

·    Using very little electrical energy saves costs.

·    Do not use chemicals.

·    Easy installation, operation, reduced warranty costs, long service life.


·    The initial investment cost is quite high. This has made it difficult for many businesses to equip and recover capital.

·    In the process of degassing produces a lot of ozone – a gas capable of causing many respiratory diseases such as: Bronchitis, asthma, cough, itchy throat ,…

3.4. Solid waste recycling technology.

Used mainly for plastic, paper, metal, glass or rubber waste. Recyclables, after being sorted, are taken to suitable treatment sites, using technologies for melting, and recast into new items.


·    Reduce the load of a significant amount of this common waste into the environment.

·    Reduce air and water pollution,… and reduce the time and cost of landfill disposal and the consequences of landfill. Thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.

·    Help generate revenue by recycled materials.

·    Help save natural resources and energy to exploit raw materials for production and that amount of discarded materials. According to some studies, to get the amount of aluminum in a can of aluminum thrown away, it takes another 10% of energy to get that aluminum from pure ore. [2]

·    Reduce pollution caused by new mining of raw material ores. For example, making steel bars from scrap requires up to 74% less energy, 50% less water. Meanwhile, it reduces pollutant emissions by up to 85%. [3]


·    Investment costs for machinery and technology, human resources for recycling are large.

·    Not popular for the community but usually for large units and in need of suitable locations.

·    Recycled products are not as high quality as before.

·    May cause other types of pollution during the recycling process.

·    Methane emissions can cause an increase in the greenhouse effect.

Thus, each technology will have certain advantages and suitability but at the same time there are disadvantages to keep in mind. Therefore, to apply the method suitable to the characteristics of each unit, it is necessary to have clear and in-depth advice. Businesses can refer to advanced machinery, technology and solutions at the first International Exhibition on Waste and Recycling Technology (WRV) 2023. Here, visitors can meet experts and highly specialized engineers in the field of waste management to be updated with knowledge, the latest environmental trends, as well as listen to advice on solutions suitable to the business situation.

4. Proper solid waste disposal process  .

The treatment of this type of waste is very urgent because this amount of garbage accounts for a large amount and also carries the most potential harm to the environment. If not handled properly, this huge amount of garbage will create toxic gasses and toxic substances to contaminate the atmosphere, domestic water sources now and in the long run.

The process of effective and proper solid waste management follows these steps: Emission Reduction -> Reuse -> Recycling -> Disposal -> Disposal.

Particularly, the waste treatment stage will take place as follows:

Step 1: Classify solid waste at source according to 5 types as above: Reuse & recycled waste, organic waste & food, non-infectious hazardous waste, infectious hazardous waste, other domestic waste.

Step 2: Collect sorted garbage into suitable containers, clearly noted. Especially hazardous garbage needs warning signs.

Step 3: Transport waste to the concentration site.

Step 4: Treat garbage by appropriate methods based on the nature and toxicity of waste.

5. Summarize.

Through the above article, RX Tradex hopes to partly answer the questions about “What is solid waste? Solid waste treatment technology in Vietnam?”. Understanding these things will help businesses have more ideas to find the right technology and solutions. Businesses can explore WRV23 Exhibition to have many opportunities to cooperate with leading companies in the field of waste management and answer their wishes. In addition, in 2023, RX Tradex will also organize  Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, METALEX Vietnam,  and  NEPCON Vietnam events to create networking opportunities between buyers and exhibitors and strategic partners.


[1] Waste treatment technologies.

[2], [3] Solid waste recycling.