VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

Upcoming improvements in paper producing technologies

Upcoming improvements in paper producing technologies

Paper is now a necessary component of existence and is used for the majority of human endeavors, including learning, entertainment, research, and so on. The manufacture of paper, as a result, has seen several astonishing advancements throughout the course of its existence and growth, resulting in the introduction of high-quality goods into everyday life. In terms of better understanding about this significant method, let’s discover more about some interesting upcoming improvements of paper producing technologies in today’s article, with RX Tradex.

1. The current paper manufacturing approach.

What method is used to make paper? Currently, paper is made from wood as the primary raw material; but, by combining many various production processes, firms may develop goods with materials, colors, and qualities tailored to their specific demands. special purpose. However, in general, the papermaking process is separated into four steps, which are as follows:

  • Pulp making: The first stage in the papermaking process is to convert the wood material into a powder form. The following stages will be taken in the process of creating pulp: Peeling, crushing the wood into a powder with chemical or mechanical equipment, cleaning, and ultimately bleaching treatment.
  • Additives: At this step, the production unit will add additives to improve the quality and modify some aspects of the paper product. Specifically, different additives such as kaolin, chalk, titanium oxide, and so on will be applied to improve the smoothness or roughness of the paper following the finishing process.
  • Pulling paper: After bleaching the pulp, it will be pushed into an automated paper mill via a chemical additive process. Typically, industrial paper is pressed, dried, pressed again, and then rolled.
  • Finishing: At the end, the paper will be dried and folded up for storage. These rolls will be smoothed, compacted, or chopped to different sizes depending on their intended purpose.
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2. Introducing 3 promising future paper manufacturing technologies.

2.1. Greening innovation as a paper manufacturing technology application.

What paper production technologies are there to meet the greening innovation? According to the Industry and Trade newspaper, along with the promotion of global trade, the paper industry needs to pay attention to green factors in the production chain. The reason is that the requirement for “greening” in the product production process is now set by major customers such as Europe, Japan, the US, etc. and consumers in the ASEAN region as well as in Vietnam’s domestic market. [1] From that, businesses in the packaging sector that pollute the environment, do not adopt solutions and technologies to conserve energy and natural resources, and so on risk having orders denied. As a result, firms must pay attention and invest in technology to keep up with the present trend of “greening” the traditional paper industry:

  • Waste treatment technology.
  • Automation technology in the paper production process.
  • Dynamic boiler technology.
  • Waste water treatment by alkaline recovery technology.
  • Technology to change the properties of lignin from black liquor in pulp production.

The application of “greening” technologies to the paper production process not only helps products meet market requirements but also increases competitiveness. Therefore, Vietnamese enterprises can ensure the necessary standards, seize the opportunity to export paper to potential markets in the world.

2.2. Biotechnology as a paper manufacturing technology application.

What biotechnologies are used in the paper industry? According to Mr. Nguyen Van Lieu, Director of Science, Technology, and Economic and Technical Sectors, chemical technology is being used in pulp manufacturing in Vietnam. They not only bring low efficiency, but also the risk of causing environmental pollution is very high. Therefore, Vietnamese enterprises need to find a method of pulp production that is both economic and environmental, because it is an urgent requirement for sustainable development in the future, and the application of biotechnology will be one of the effective solutions that needs to be applied. [2] It can be seen that the production of the packaging industry in particular and all other industries, focusing on economic development while ensuring environmental friendliness is becoming an inevitable trend. Therefore, in the paper industry today, many Vietnamese enterprises have begun to pay attention to and introduce biotechnology into the production process, typically:

  • Production of pulp by biotechnology.
  • Technology of pulp production from biological products.
  • Application of enzymes in paper production.

However, because the application of these biotechnologies to Vietnam’s paper sector is still relatively new, there will be several hurdles and problems to overcome. To ensure the proper deployment of this modern paper production technology, businesses must spend in research as well as test and gain expertise in the manufacturing process. Furthermore, companies have numerous possibilities to actively approach and learn new ways as a result of the good signals from the connection and economic cooperation between Vietnam and other nations in the globe today. Biotechnology in the paper business is an example of sustainable production. Furthermore, technology transfer from FDI firms is a favorable approach selected by many enterprises.

2.3. New materials as a paper manufacturing technology application.

What new materials does paper production technology use? Currently, the price of raw materials for paper production is increasing, the main reason comes from fluctuations in the global supply chain. Therefore, some businesses have switched to using new materials in the paper production process with the goal of minimizing business costs. In addition, with the criteria towards eco-friendly production, Vietnamese enterprises are also gradually changing wood pulp with new materials, in order to limit the situation of forest exploitation to make paper. The most typical paper production technologies using new materials today are:

  • Paper manufacturing technology from stone.
  • Paper manufacturing technology from durian shells.
  • Paper manufacturing technology from agricultural products.
  • Paper manufacturing technology from industrial waste.

Paper production using new materials in the world is still quite new and full of potential for development. Therefore, in order to seize the opportunity when participating in this market, Vietnamese enterprises need to upgrade or change the system of production plants, improve the material supply process, and at the same time need to promote Research and develop better quality paper products.

3. Summary.

The following is an article from RX Tradex on upcoming improvements in paper producing technologies. With numerous current developments, the paper industry in Vietnam promises to make several significant advancements in the near future. Furthermore, this year, enterprises interested in learning more about the latest innovations in the industry and manufacturing may attend the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, which is hosted by RX Tradex. Furthermore, RX Tradex will also intend to conduct lots of important regional exhibition events such as NEPCON Vietnam, METALEX Vietnam, and Waste and Recycling Vietnam in the coming year.


[1]: Ứng dụng khoa học và công nghệ: Tạo động lực phát triển ngành giấy

[2]: Ứng dụng công nghệ sinh học trong công nghiệp sản xuất giấy