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What are electronic components? Some basic types of electronic components

What are electronic components? Some basic types of electronic components

Electronic components play an important role in the field of industrial production. They are considered an important factor contributing to energy saving as well as enhancing the sustainability of electronic products today. Let’s learn about what are electronic components with RX Tradex and some basic types of electronic components in this article.

1. What are electronic components?

What are electronic components? Electronic components are the basic elements used to build and operate in electronic circuits. These components can be electronic or mechanical components, used to control the flow of electricity and data in electronic circuits.

Some common electronic components include: ICs, transistors, resistors, rheostats, capacitors, LEDs,… They are packaged individually or integrated into packages such as semiconductor IC integrated circuits, hybrid integrated circuits or glued chips.

Electronic components are often combined together to create electronic circuits with different functions and features such as personal electronics, complex industrial systems,…

2. Role and application of electronic components

Electronic components are an indispensable part of modern life, widely applied in many fields. They not only appear in machinery systems and electronic equipment from small to large, but also used in household electrical tools and electronic equipment in factories and enterprises.

Today, electronic components appear in every machine system in the industry. Without electronic components, machines will not be able to use electricity to operate. In particular, when an electronic component inside a machine breaks down, it can lead to the machine not working properly or even being unable to continue operating.

Electronic components play an important role in creating electronic circuits and electrical equipment, helping them operate efficiently. As can be seen, electronic components are considered an essential part of maintaining the operation of electrical circuits and electronic devices.

3. Classification of electronic components

There are many different criteria for classifying electronic components, but classification based on the effect on electrical signals is usually the most common. We can look at the impact of components on electrical signals ignoring factors such as DC feed currents, unless they are necessary as in the case of large power, heat generation, or interference.

Electronic components are divided into 3 types as follows:

3.1. Electromechanical components

Electromechanical components are components in the field of electromechanics, including devices operating on mechanical and electrical principles.

Electromechanical components usually include motors, generators, transformers, relays, switches, fuses … These components are important in electromechanical systems and are considered essential in the conversion and control of electrical energy.

3.2. Passive components (passive)

Passive components are electronic components that do not generate or regulate electrical signals directly. Instead, they respond to electrical or energy signals from other active components.

Passive components typically include capacitors, resistors, antennas, sensors, electromagnetic induction, and other components used to modulate, filter, or convert electrical signals in electronic circuits.

Passive components play an important role in building and tuning electronic circuits efficiently.

3.3. Active components

Active components are electronic components capable of generating or regulating currents or voltages in electronic circuits.

Active components typically include transistors, operational amplifiers, diodes, ICs (Integrated Circuits), and other components used to activate, control, and process electrical signals in electronic applications.

Active components play an important role in controlling and processing electrical signals in complex electronic circuits.

4. Basic types of electronic components

In electronic component products, a complex mesh circuit system is designed and streamlined to meet user requirements. In the basic circuit, there will often be the appearance of basic electronic components such as resistors, capacitors and inductors, each type of component works according to a different principle. Here are details of some basic types of electronic components today:

4.1. Resistance

Resistor is a type of passive electronic component, composed of 2 connection ends. The main function of resistors is to monitor and regulate the signal level. In addition, resistors also have the role of limiting the amperage moving in the circuit, dividing the voltage, and activating active components.

4.2. Capacitors

Capacitors are electronic components used to store and release electrical energy in the form of electric fields. Capacitors consist of two conductive circuit boards (called polar plates) separated by an insulator (called a dielectric).

When voltage is applied to the capacitor, charged energy is built up in the capacitor and can be released as needed. Capacitors are used in many electronic applications to store energy, filter noise, or create different phases in electrical circuits.

4.3. LED lights

LEDs are a type of electronic light source that, when activated, emit light in a specific color range. LEDs are widely used in lighting applications due to their high efficiency, long service life, energy savings, and ability to produce high-quality color light.

LEDs can be integrated into electronics, lights, displays, and many other applications.

4.4. Transistors

A transistor, also known as a transistor, is an active electronic component used to amplify or convert electrical signals.

The basic structure of a transistor consists of three semiconductor layers (conduction electrode, shear electrode, and basic electrode) and can be bipolar transistors (including NPN and PNP transistors) or field-effect transistors (FETs).

Transistors are one of the most important components in the electronics industry and are used in a variety of applications from industrial to consumer electronics.

4.5. Inductor

An inductor is a passive component, composed of an electrical conductor wrapped around the core ring (either an air core or an iron core) for the purpose of generating a magnetic field when an electric current flows through.

The main characteristic of the inductor is its ability to create magnetic induction when an electric current flows through. Inductors are widely used in electrical and electronic circuits such as filter circuits, oscillating circuits, and transformers.

4.6. IC

An IC, also known as an electronic microchip, is a system of electronic components integrated on a printed circuit board. These components are combined and interconnected in a specific way to perform electronic functions and features such as data processing and device control.

5. ConclusionsAbove is all the information compiled by RX Tradex on the topic of what electronic components are and some basic types of electronic components today. For more new solutions in the field of electronics industry, you can register to participate in  the NEPCON Vietnam exhibition event to update the latest trends in the industry and discover the latest electronics and manufacturing technologies available today.