What Is a Machine Tool? A Comprehensive Guide

What Is a Machine Tool? A Comprehensive Guide

In the strong development of the current industrial production industry, the application of machine tools is extremely necessary to increase competitive advantages, optimize processes, improve product quality or improve factory productivity. However, some businesses do not fully understand the types of machine tools, how to distinguish them and their specific benefits. Let’s find out with RX Tradex “What is a Machine Tool? What do you need to know about machine tools?” at the following article.

1. What is the concept of machine tools? What to know about machine tools?

Learn about machine tools and CNC machine tools.

1.1. What is a machine tool?

Machine tools are devices and machines commonly used in the mechanical industry that can change the shape, size and accuracy of machine parts and parts. Popular types of machine tools or metal cutting tools today such as: Lathes, tooth cutters, hole drilling machines, boring lathes, milling machines, cutting machines, planers,… Traditional machine tools are often used to process sheet metal, metal billets such as iron, steel,.. or other solid materials such as wood, glass,… Machine tools are also called “mother machines” because they are the “birthplace” of the machine parts that make up a complete machine. The machine is applied to create products for engineering, production, defense and human life.

The mechanism of action of the machine tool follows two main movements: circular motion, rotation or translational movement. The movements can be of tools performing machining such as: Milling cutter, turning cutter,.. or of the material itself, the workpiece is placed on the machining table and clamped fixed by the jig. To create finished products, movements combine each other and are performed directly by engineers or automatically programmed by machines (with modern technology).

If divided by technology or ability to perform machining in terms of accuracy and productivity, there will be two main types of machine tools: traditional machine tools and CNC machine tools.

According to Vietnamese standards (TCVN), machine tools are divided into 5 basic types as follows:

· Metal cutter.

· Woodworking machine.

· Pressure machining machine.

· Welding machine.

· Casting machine.

· …

1.2. What is CNC machine tools?

CNC machine tools (CNC machines) are a form of machine that is controlled automatically with the help of a computer. The phrase CNC stands for the phrase “Computer Numerical Control”, which can be understood simply as “computer control”. Includes numerical control devices (abbreviated as CNC). CNC machine tools are capable of performing various processing processes such as: Cutting, peeling or milling,… This processing is usually done on different materials such as: Iron, steel, copper, aluminum,… To create a detailed product shape, the machine part has the desired shape.

Popular CNC machine tools such as:

· CNC milling machine.

· CNC lathe.

· CNC drilling machine.

· CNC grinder.

· CNC waterjet machining machine.

· Laser CNC cutting machine.

· CNC Plasma Cutting Machine.

· CNC – EDM discharge machine.

· CNC router.

· …

2. Things to know about machine tools

2.1. Comparison of machine tools and CNC machine tools.

  1. Sames:

Machine tools and CNC machine tools have the same basic characteristics. Includes: machine table, cutter, jig and spindle,…

  1. Differences:
 Machine toolsCNC Machine Tools
According to the machine control:+ Manual control based on drawings, workpieces, cashew cutting tools are manipulated manually.+ The operator must manually measure and check the details.+ With the support of technology programmed and operated through machines.+ Control and automatic testing through available programs. The operator does not need much intervention.
By accuracy/tolerance:+ Normal machining is usually at ±1 μm.+ Precision machining is set at ±0.01 μm.+ Ultra-precision machining is ±0.001 μm.If no tolerances are specified, parts will be machined to a typical level of ±0.125mm (±0.005″). Tolerances as tight as ±0.025mm or ±0.001″ can be achieved.
According to the machining benefits on the machine:+ The scope of technology, the scope of adjusting the processing size on the machine is wide. Can handle different products.+ The machine is used in many industries such as machinery manufacturing and other technical industries.+ The machine can automatically perform many different actions simultaneously thanks to the automation feature.+ Most CNC machines can perform many different operations without changing the position of the part.

2.2. The history of machine tools.

Due to the need for precision machining, the first mechanical watch was invented in the 14th century. The emergence of machine tools was strongly marked by the invention of the steam-powered machine in the 18th century, ushering in the era of high-precision cylinder and piston machining. With the invention of the computer in the first half of the 20th century, the automatic control of machine tools took a new step (robotization).

2.3. Popular types of machine tools today.

Machine tools are widely used in industrial production and life, some types of machines are commonly used such as:

· Lathe, lathe knife (Tract lathe).

· Milling machine, milling cutter, Endomiru knife.

· Horizontal planers, horizontal planing knives.

· Planers, planing knives.

· Machine drills holes, drill bits, lubrication drill bits.

· Lathes amber holes.

· Electric pulse processing machine (Wire cutting electrical pulse processing machine, etching electric pulse processing machine).

· Broachers, broaching knives.

· Tooth cutters (tooth roller milling machine, tooth roller milling cutter, tooth forming machine, tooth cutter, tooth shaft type cutter).

· Grinder, grinding stone.

· Belt saw.

· Saw.

· The machine has a turntable, CNC lathe.

· Waterjet machining machine.

· Laser processing machine.

· Electron Machining Machine.

· Mold grinder.

· Electrolyte processing machine.

· Shaver bav, bevel cutter.

· Electrolyte stocking scraper.

· Punching machine, punching, making holes in metal, CNC punching machine.

· …

2.4. Characteristics and benefits of machine tools in industrial production.

In industry, machine tools usually have 3 characteristics and benefits as follows:

· Production automation: Improve productivity through the application of advanced metal cutting technologies.  At the same time, it allows mechanical allows to perform mechanical processing to work works according to the process continuously. Thereby improving mechanical automation capacity. of the enterprise, fewer operators and fewer failures due to operational errors, accurately predicting processing time,…

· High accuracy and repeatability of products: CNC machine tools can process products with high precision and high complexity such as: Aircraft parts, equipment in the defense industry, and medical,… After the machining program has been tested and calibrated, a wide range of products of uniform quality are guaranteed to “ship”. The assembly line production process is more professional.

· High flexibility: Machine tools are one of the machines with high flexibility because of their ability to handle products in a variety of ways and easily change if problems arise. It is a great support tool to help businesses adapt to rapid and continuous changes in customer designs and product categories.

3. 09 points that businesses when using machine tools should pay attention.

When using machine tools for production, enterprises should note:

· Ensure voltage and amperage.

· Compliance with occupational safety regulations in factories and production.

· Take measures to overcome the situation when the grid parameters fluctuate beyond the permissible range of the machine.

· Check the lubricating parts of the main bearing, screw system and other drive components.

· Follow proper bearing lubrication procedures and regularly check the oil level in the lubricating oil tank.

· Routine maintenance is also a way to extend the life of the machine. Detect damaged parts and details of the machine and handle them promptly, avoiding damage affecting damage parts affecting other parts and details.

· The cutting or machining method must be controlled within the allowed range, must not increase productivity and shifts, but increase cutting speed or cutting depth, causing the actuator to overload, reducing the service life of the machine.

· Dirt is also a factor that reduces the service life and affects the machining accuracy of the machine. Dust particles attached to the surface of electronic circuits when encountering humid air can connect components, causing damage to the control unit.

· In addition to the above factors, noise caused by magnetic fields and external factors also has a great influence on machining accuracy.

4. Application of machine tools in industries.

Machine tools are indispensable parts in any industry. They are used everywhere, and are the basis for the construction of other industrial production machines. Specific machine tool application industries such as:

· Aerospace industry: The applications of machine tools in the aviation industry are very extensive. Some components need machining such as: Engine racks, landing gear components, fuel flow components and fuel access plates.

· Automotive industry: Nowadays the automotive auxiliary industry is increasingly popular, many enterprises apply machine tools in prototyping,  mold processing and manufacturing of automobile parts. Components that need to be processed in the automotive industry such as: cylinders, gearboxes, valves, axles, dashboard, custom parts, gas gauges and others.

· Consumer electronics industry: Machine tools also help in the production of consumer electronics products. For example: Frame components of Macbooks, PCBs, housings, jigs and other components.

· Defense industry: Machine tools are also used in the military field, one of the fields that need certainty, accuracy, security and durability. Components are manufactured such as: Housing, engine rack, fuel flow component and fuel access plate,…

· Healthcare, medical: Machine tool processing is also capable of providing materials with high safety with one-time customized parts. Machined parts include: Surgical instruments, electronic shells, orthopedic loads and implants,…

· Oil and gas industry: In addition to the above fields, oil and gas is also an application of many machine tools. With components to be machined such as: Pistons, cylinders, rods, dowels and valves,… used in pipelines and oil refineries.

5. Summing up.

RX Tradex believes that the article “What is a Machine Tool? What do you need to know about machine tools?” will help businesses better understand machine tools as well as their classification and benefits and applications in the manufacturing industry. In recent years,  machine tool manufacturers have applied scientific achievements in information technology, numerical control, automation, cutting tools,… To create more modern machines, there are various technological functions. In order to serve the increasing needs of people. RX Tradex organizes the annual Metalex exhibition to help businesses have the opportunity to access trends, update new technologies in the machine tool and metalworking industry. In addition, businesses can refer to other events taking place in 2023: Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, Nepcon  Vietnam and Waste and Recycling Vietnam.