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What is an infrared sensor? Applications of infrared sensors

What is an infrared sensor? Applications of infrared sensors

One of the most commonly used technologies today cannot fail to mention infrared sensors. Today, infrared sensors are applied in systems and many different fields such as security, healthcare, industry, transportation, electronics,… and are widely used worldwide. So what is an infrared sensor and what are the applications of an infrared sensor? Find out with RX Tradex in the article below.

1. What is an infrared sensor?

What is an infrared sensor? An infrared sensor, also known as an infrared sensor (IR sensor for short), is an electronic device capable of detecting and measuring infrared signals emitted from heat sources known as infrared radiation.

Infrared radiation is the source of light that cannot be seen by the human eye, since infrared wavelengths are greater than variable light.

Infrared sensors work on the principle that materials and objects at higher temperatures than the surrounding background emit infrared light. Therefore, when an object emits a temperature greater than 5 degrees Celsius, it emits infrared wavelengths.

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2. Structure and principle of operation of infrared sensor

Infrared sensors work on the principle of light sensors and are quite similar in structure to light sensors. Here is the structure and principle of operation of the light sensor:

2.1. Structure of infrared sensor

The infrared sensor is composed of the following components:

Infrared led: This is a type of lamp designed to emit infrared light, whose wavelength corresponds to the infrared range of the spectrum. This light is used to hit the target area or space that the sensor is monitoring.

Infrared detector: A component that receives a signal and detects infrared radiation reflected back from the target. This detector is capable of converting the received light into the corresponding electrical signal, allowing the machine to measure and process information from the target.

Resistance: The resistor is used to limit or regulate the current passing through the LED. This helps protect the LED from short-circuiting due to current overload.

Electrical wires: Electrical wires are used to connect the components of the sensor together, creating a stable operating system. Electrical wires are often used to transmit electrical signals from detectors to information processors or other control devices.

These components work together to create an effective infrared sensor capable of detecting and measuring objects or phenomena based on infrared radiation.

2.2. Working principle of infrared sensor

The principle of operation of infrared sensors relies on the use of infrared rays to detect the presence of objects in the environment, which are classified into 2 main types:

Active infrared sensor: Uses an infrared emitter to emit light rays, while also using a tuner to pick up light rays reflected back from objects. When the object is within range of the sensor, the light rays are reflected back and picked up by the tuner. This signal is then converted into electrical form and processed by the electronic circuit in the sensor to determine the distance and calculate if necessary.

Passive infrared sensor (also known as photoelectric infrared sensor): Works by using sensing elements to pick up infrared rays from surrounding objects. Sensing elements are usually made of semiconductors such as silicon, germanium, and cadmium selenide. When infrared rays hit these elements, they generate a corresponding voltage, indicating how reflective the infrared rays are. This voltage is then converted into an electrical signal and processed by the electronic circuitry in the sensor to determine the presence of the object.

The principle of operation of various types of infrared sensors may vary depending on the specific type. However, they are all based on the use of infrared to detect the presence of objects within the sensor’s operating range.

3. Pros and cons of infrared sensors

Infrared sensors are widely applied in daily life and industrial production, including applications such as: anti-theft systems, sensors that automatically turn on and off lights, surveillance cameras operating in low light conditions, automatic door opening sensors, automatic on-off signal transmission and many other applications. In addition, infrared sensors are used in medicine, military, astronomy and art.

infrared sensor
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Infrared sensors have a number of notable advantages such as:

  • High sensitivity in detecting objects emitting infrared radiation in space.
  • The design allows to determine the exact distance of the object emitting infrared radiation.
  • Simple design and structure, reasonable price.

However, in addition to the above advantages, infrared sensors also have some disadvantages to note such as:

  • Depends on ambient temperature conditions, reducing operational performance in environments with high temperatures.
  • The angle and scanning range of infrared sensors are often limited, causing “dead angles”.
  • High sensitivity can lead to errors when detecting motion.

4. Application of infrared sensor in life

Today, infrared sensors are applied in many fields such as industry, healthcare, electronics manufacturing ,… and especially in our daily lives. Here are some applications of infrared sensors in life:

Security and anti-theft systems:

Infrared sensors are widely used in security and anti-theft systems. They can detect the movement of people or objects within range of the scan, activate an alert system, or send a notification to the homeowner or supervisor.

Lights automatically turn on/off:

Infrared sensors are integrated into the lighting system that automatically turns on / off to detect the presence of people or vehicles. This saves energy and enhances utility for users.

Surveillance cameras:

In low-light conditions, surveillance cameras can use infrared sensors to improve visibility and image recording. The infrared sensor enhances visibility in low light conditions and reduces image noise.

Automatic doors:

Infrared sensors can be used to trigger the system to open the door automatically when someone approaches. This improves convenience and safety for users, especially in public buildings and high-density areas.

Remote Control:

In smart electronics, infrared sensors can be used to remotely control devices such as air conditioners, lights, or entertainment equipment. The user can adjust the operation of these devices through infrared signals from the sensor.

5. Some notes when buying and using infrared sensors

When buying and using infrared sensors, in order to take advantage of infrared sensors thoroughly and effectively, we need to keep in mind some of the following points:

  • Choose the right sensor type: Make sure to choose the right infrared sensor type for your specific application. There are many types of sensors with different detection capabilities and features, such as anti-theft sensors, sensors that automatically turn lights on and off, or surveillance sensors.
  • Determine the installation location: Determine the sensor  installation location to ensure correct and effective infrared coverage. For anti-theft sensors or sensors that automatically turn lights on and off, placing the sensor in a strategic location can determine the performance of the device.
  • Check the scanning range and angle: Before buying, check the range and scanning angle of the sensor. This is important to ensure that the sensor can detect objects at desired angles and distances.
  • Environmental Condition Assessment: Considers the environmental conditions where the sensor will be used. Temperature, humidity, and ambient light can affect sensor performance.
  • Check for extras: If necessary, check for extras such as water resistance, the ability to work in low light conditions, or the integration of other sensors such as temperature sensors.
  • Follow the instruction manual: Always follow the manufacturer’s instruction manual to ensure proper and safe installation and use of the sensor.
  • Routine inspection and maintenance: Perform periodic inspections and maintenance of sensors to ensure equipment performance and reliability over long periods of use.

6. Summary

It can be seen that infrared sensors play an extremely important and necessary role in many fields, bringing countless positive benefits in daily life and in the manufacturing field. Hopefully, the above information has helped you better understand what an infrared sensor is and the applications of common infrared sensors. And do not forget,  register to attend the NEPCON Vietnam 2024 exhibition event to know more about technologies as well as update the latest trends in the electronics manufacturing industry today.