What is CNC Machine Frame Machining? Types of Machines are Used for CNC Machine Frame Machining?

What is CNC Machine Frame Machining? Types of Machines are Used for CNC Machine Frame Machining?

CNC machine frame machining plays a crucial role in the manufacturing industry, particularly in fields that demand high precision and flexible customization. Understanding this machining process and the types of machines used can help businesses and engineers optimize their production processes. In this article, RX Tradex provides an overview of CNC machine frame machining and commonly used machines today.

1. What is CNC machine frame machining?

CNC machine frame machining (Computer Numerical Control) involves using computer-controlled machinery to cut, grind, drill, and shape machine frames from various materials such as metals, plastics, wood, and composites. CNC technology enables the production of highly precise products with complex details that are difficult to achieve using manual machining methods.

The CNC machining process includes programming the CNC machine with specific technical parameters. These parameters define the shape, size, and details of the machine frame to be machined. Once programmed, the CNC machine automatically performs the machining operations according to the entered commands, minimizing errors caused by human factors and enhancing product quality.

2. Types of Machines Used for CNC Machine Frame Machining Today

There are various types of CNC machines used for machining machine frames, each with distinct features and applications. Here are some of the most common types:

CNC Milling Machine

This widely used machine can cut, drill, and grind material surfaces with high precision. It is often used for machining complex-shaped parts that require high accuracy.

CNC Lathe Machine

Used for machining cylindrical parts such as shafts, bearings, and other round components. CNC lathes operate at high speeds and offer significant precision, saving time and production costs.

CNC Laser Cutting Machine

Utilizes a laser beam to cut materials with high precision. This type of machine is ideal for cutting sheet metals and high-hardness materials, producing smooth and accurate cuts suitable for small and complex parts.

CNC Plasma Cutting Machine

Uses a plasma torch to cut electrically conductive materials such as steel, aluminum, and copper. CNC plasma cutters operate at high speeds and offer high precision, making them suitable for machining machine frames from thick metals.

CNC Waterjet Cutting Machine

Utilizes high-pressure water to cut various materials including metals, stone, wood, and composites. CNC waterjet cutters can cut materials without altering their thermal properties, ideal for machining machine frames requiring high precision and thermal stability.

3. Benefits of Using CNC Machine Frame Machining Services

Using CNC machine frame machining services offers several benefits to businesses, including cost savings, reduced lead times, and assured product quality.

3.1 Cost Savings

CNC machine frame machining reduces labor costs due to its high level of automation. Instead of requiring multiple workers for manual machining operations, only one engineer is needed for programming and supervising CNC operations. Moreover, CNC machines can operate continuously 24/7 without breaks, optimizing production efficiency.

3.2 Time Savings

With precise and rapid machining capabilities, CNC machines reduce production times. Complex parts can be machined quickly while maintaining high accuracy, which is crucial for industries with short production cycles and high reliability requirements.

3.3 Meeting Customer Requirements

CNC machines can achieve machining operations with precision up to micrometers, ensuring that final products meet customers’ technical specifications. Furthermore, CNC programming allows for flexible customization of technical parameters to meet specific and complex customer requirements.


CNC machine frame machining plays a crucial role in modern manufacturing industries, offering significant benefits in cost, time, and product quality. Choosing appropriate CNC machines helps businesses improve production efficiency and effectively meet stringent customer requirements. In the context of Industry 4.0, investing in CNC technology and utilizing CNC machine frame machining services strategically positions businesses for competitiveness and sustainable development.

Additionally, RX Tradex organizes reputable international exhibitions in the manufacturing industry such as METALEX Vietnam. Interested businesses can participate to explore the latest advanced machining technologies and machinery. Other exhibitions include NEPCON Vietnam, Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, and Waste and Recycling Vietnam, aimed at connecting businesses within the industry.