WRV – Waste and Recycling Expo Việt Nam

What is industrial waste? Common processing methods?

What is industrial waste? Common processing methods?

With the trend of industrialization and modernization, the State also creates maximum conditions for enterprises to focus on strongly developing production and business activities. At the same time, there is also an increasingly serious problem: The amount of industrial waste generated is increasingly large and complicated. These types of industrial waste directly or indirectly cause severe consequences to the living environment and human health. So “What is industrial waste? What are the current methods of industrial waste treatment ?” RX Tradex would like to share with specific readers in the following article.

1.  What is industrial waste?

They are all types of waste generated from production and business activities of companies in the industry. Each industry group will create its own unique types of waste that need specific treatments. Waste groups such as: Soil, concrete, cement, scrap wood, metal, electronic or food devices, printing waste, garments, solvents or chemicals,… are all industrial waste.

2. Types of industrial waste today.

The more industrialization and modernization develop, the more and more waste in general and hazardous waste in particular are released into the environment. Therefore, properly understanding these types of waste and proper classification will help to properly dispose of them as well as prevent harm to health or destruction to the environment,…

Depending on the industry and the nature of each type of waste, it is divided into 2 main categories: hazardous industrial waste and ordinary waste.

Ordinary industrial waste.

Waste generated in the production and business process of an enterprise does not contain substances that are directly dangerous to humans. Although not harmful to humans when exposed, if handled improperly, it will still cause pollution and later harm to humans and the living environment. Common ways of segregating waste include:

Common waste classification includes:

·    Solid waste can be recycled and reused such as paper, plastic, glass, ceramics and metals,…

·    Organic solid waste can be decomposed such as shells, carcasses of animals and plants in the process of food production and processing.

·    Solid waste can be reused as soap or other raw materials for production: Soil, broken bricks, cement, concrete, scrap wood, wood chips,…

·    Industrial waste left for disposal such as landfill, incineration,…

·    Wastewater is non-toxic from factory sites. Many industrial activities generate wastewater such as: Production and processing of agricultural, forestry and fishery products, other foods, construction, healthcare, consumer goods, household appliances, fashion, printing, electronics,… In addition, water used to sanitize machinery or domestic water of factory workers also needs to be treated appropriately.

·    Emissions from industrial parks: Production exhaust fumes, dust generated such as: Paper dust, metal dust, fabric dust,… or other harmful gasses affect the respiratory system in particular and human health in general.

Hazardous industrial waste.

Are groups of industrial wastes containing a hazardous substance or compound or, when combined, interacting with other substances, causing harm to the living environment, directly affecting human health. Examples of hazardous substances such as: Flammable, explosive, corrosive, poisonous or infectious substances,…

Hazardous waste classification:

·    Corrosive: Causes corrosion when in contact with this substance. Harmful to the skin, eyes, organs of humans and organisms.

·    Flammable: Liquid or compressed gas, oxidizer, flammable when subjected to friction.

·    Reactive, explosive: When mixed with water or other substances to create harmful poisons or gasses, even explosive.

·    Toxic substances: There are excessive levels of toxicity regulated. There are often types of wastewater from units producing chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, pharmaceuticals ,…

3. Industrial waste treatment process.

Screening and treating all kinds of waste from industrial activities is a task that requires a lot of effort and money. Therefore, it is necessary to follow a specific process to facilitate waste disposal as well as save time and costs.

The common industrial waste treatment process  is as follows:

·    Step 1: Basic classification  of industrial waste at the source. The classification can be the same as above or according to the prescribed way and available methods of each enterprise, convenient for later processing.

·    Step 2: Collect  sorted industrial waste. It’s best to have separate container type or color regulations. Separate considerations for hazardous waste require identification signs and appropriate containers.

·    Step 3: Transport industrial waste to the treatment site.

·    Step 4: Treat each type of waste in an appropriate way.

Depending on the quantity and nature of waste of each enterprise, the management will have more regulations and different steps.

4. Popular methods of industrial waste disposal today.

The heavy impact of environmental pollution is affecting more and more seriously the lives of each of us. The rising greenhouse effect, climate change, global warming entail many consequences. The issue of waste disposal is no longer the responsibility of agencies. Each individual and business needs to be equipped with knowledge and effective waste treatment solutions. Currently, there are some popular industrial waste treatment methods  as below:

Reuse matter.

Once materials have been sorted, additional types can be broken down that can be reused for other purposes, for example:

·    Soil, stones, humus, broken bricks, ceramics or broken glass can be used as soaps or handicrafts,…

·    Sturdy plastic or paper can be used as barrels, shelves,…

·    Wood can be used for plywood making units,…

·    Metal can be used as a millet or as a support,…

Waste recycling.

Scrap can be sent to concentration yards and recycling areas using suitable methods to process it into other useful items for human needs. Industrial wastes can be classified smaller into different types of materials such as plastic, paper, metal, glass,… Depending on the specific technology, which waste will be used as the input of the recycling equipment. Some popular recycling technologies such as: recycling plastic waste, recycling batteries, …

Biochemical annealing method.

Some fast-decomposing, organic waste of the food and agricultural industries often uses biotechnology to form chemical fertilizers or soil improvement materials. This method has the advantage of both solving a large amount of organic waste and creating new products that bring economic value. Some outstanding technologies of this method such as: Energy exploitation and management of biosolids flow, solutions to decompose organic matter and generate biogas as fuel and fertilizer from Suez – Veolia company, Sludge boiler of Mac  Tich industrial park (Martech), …

Industrial wastewater treatment technologies.

Currently, there are many diverse methods of industrial wastewater treatment, using chemical, biological, mechanical, physicochemical technologies. Some  current advanced wastewater treatment technologies  such as: Decentralized wastewater treatment  solution of  WSS company – Water Solutions SEA; biological water treatment and processing machine of Suez – Veolia Group; filtration, sterilization and oxidation technology from Mattenplant company, …

Heat combustion method.

This is a very popular method because it can be used for most types of industrial waste, especially those that are difficult to treat by the above methods. Thermal burners will have many different technologies, have very optimal methods and minimize many negative impacts due to the creation of many by-products after burning.

Landfill method.

This is the last method when each type of industrial waste that can be treated has been implemented using other technologies. The rest of all garbage and every other method will be taken to the landfill. Currently, the world is shifting towards reducing the landfill rate to the maximum. In advanced countries, the landfill rate is very low, only about 10-15%. While in Vietnam, this rate is up to 70%, only 13% is burned to generate energy. [1]

Each of the above-mentioned methods will have accompanying technologies suitable to the characteristics of each industry, as well as the financial situation and size of the business. To understand and find possible solutions for your unit, you can learn deeply about each method or participate in the first International Exhibition in Waste and Recycling Technology Vietnam 2023 in November.

At the event, visitors will learn about the most modern machines, equipment and technology in the field of waste management. Some of the leaders in industrial waste treatment solutions  such as Suez – Veolia, WSS – Water Solutions SEA, Matten Plant and Martech are also present at WRV23. At the same time, listen to advice and share directly from leading experts, update the latest trends in the field of environment to find  suitable industrial waste treatment methods  .

5. Summing up.

Thus, the article has just sent readers information to answer the question “What is industrial waste? What are the methods of industrial waste disposal?” RX Tradex hopes to partly help businesses get ideas to find suitable methods to solve the problem  of industrial waste in the unit’s production. Also at  the upcoming Waste Treatment and Recycling Technology Exhibition, you will find answers to other questions related to waste treatment in your own production facilities. In addition, RX Tradex also organizes 3 other prestigious international exhibitions,  Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, METALEX Vietnam, and NEPCON Vietnam to support Vietnamese businesses to find potential networking opportunities.


[1] Current situation of waste in Vietnam and the world