What is metal fabrication technology?

What is metal fabrication technology?

Our economy is highly dependent on metal fabrication. Most industries use tools and machines manufactured from metal fabrication technology. And to help businesses better understand the  concept of metal fabrication technology, the history of formation as well as the precision manufacturing process. Let’  s  find out all this knowledge with RX Tradex through the article What is metal manufacturing technology!

What is the concept of metal fabrication technology?

Learn about metal fabrication technology.

Metal fabrication is a manufacturing process used to shape metal into parts or final products through: Metalworking (including: Stamping, forming, folding, welding,…) incorporates electrical and electronic devices into microprocessors, circuit boards and subassemblies for navigation components. [1]

Products made from metal fabrication technology, including:

· Hand tools.

· Bolts, nuts and screws.

· Cutlery.

· Pipes and pipe fittings.

· Metal windows and doors.

· Attachment device.

· Engine parts.

· …

The process of formation of metal fabrication.

Metallurgy dates back to 7000 BC, when some Neolithic communities in Turkey began forging copper into rudimentary knives and sickles. Humans have been mining and processing metals for the past 10,000 years, as evidenced by the copper pendants found in northern Iraq dating back to around 9000 BC.

Fabrication shops as we know them today began to exist during the Industrial Revolution, when the demand for sheet metal was much higher than in the past. The invention of the hydraulic press transformed the metal fabrication industry by allowing manufacturers to create unprecedented pressure on metal parts. Today, the most commonly used metals in industry include: Aluminum, brass, copper, gold, iron, nickel, silver, magnesium, tin, titanium and some other steels.

4 common types of metal fabrication technology.

Metal manufacturing technology is widely applied and occupies an important position in life and industrial production with a variety of products. However, this technology has 4 main types as follows:

· Industrial metal fabrication: The process of integrating parts or assemblies into industrial products. Manufacturing is used in many industries including: Aerospace, energy, material handling and automotive,… Products created for industrial purposes in larger quantities and sizes such as: Large storage tanks, heavy machine parts, iron smelters and ring saws,…

· Structural metal fabrication: This technology involves the creation of structural metal parts used in construction and commercial, industrial, and residential projects. Applications of  structural metal fabrication such as: Stairs, walkways, towers, pedestals, trusses and beams,… Structural fabrication is also applied as part of the construction process or large-scale fabrication projects such as shops, factories and skyscrapers.

· Commercial metal  fabrication: Compared to industrial and structural products, commercial fabrication products tend to be smaller and more accurate. Commercial applications such as: Restaurants, retail stores, public spaces,… With products such as: Awnings, shelves, railings, sinks, appliances and conveyors,… designed to fit consumer needs.

· Custom Metal Fabrication: The metal fabrication possibilities are endless and sometimes projects need to be customized to meet the unique needs of businesses or individuals. Therefore, metal fabrication technology can often be customized according to requirements.

What are the common materials in metal fabrication technology?

Here are some common types of metals used in metal fabrication:

· Steel: An alloy made of iron and carbon, properties can change when changing the composition of carbon. They have many innovative properties and are used extensively in metal fabrication works.

· Aluminum: As the metal  with the highest output on the Earth’s surface, they are one of the low-cost raw materials, used mainly for metal production projects. With its light weight, aluminum is ideal for applications that require lightweight but sturdy materials.

· Magnesium:  This metal has a low density but high tensile strength. This is why they are used to manufacture aircraft. Today, magnesium is also used to create high-quality laptop bodies.

· Sheet metal: Is the raw material in the manufacturing process including: Sheet metal and metal foil. They can be put into any use imaginable by processes such as cutting, bending, stamping…

· Welding wire: Although not directly part of the metal workpiece, welding wire is used to create welds that connect two parts of the workpiece together. The type and size of the wire is varied depending on the welding method used.

Why  is metal fabrication important?

Most of the metal objects we see are the result of metal fabrication. They have applications in many industries. Due to the versatility of tools and processes, they are used to create parts for various industries including: Agriculture, spa, military, and automotive,… Specifically: [4]

Some of the industrial applications for metal fabrication include:

· Commercial and military aircraft parts.

· Agricultural equipment and accessories.

· Alternative energy components for solar, wind and geothermal.

· Individual parts for cars and recreational vehicles.

· Materials, tools and supports for construction projects.

· Food processing and packaging equipment to ensure food safety.

· Create consumer products from household appliances to car seats.

· Defense military equipment, communication equipment and vehicle components.

· Tanks and Fracking pumps.

See more applications of metal fabrication technology to better understand the importance of the industry in industrial life and production.

Current metal fabrication processes.

Each industry has different needs and each part is manufactured to its own specifications. The metal fabrication process  can include a variety of methods for collapsing, shaping, and joining materials together.

Collapse process.

Some of the most common metal fabrication processes are reduction techniques. These processes remove part of the metal to create parts that are precisely shaped and sized such as:

· Cutting: Best suited for flat sheet metal and only need to make straight lines but can produce products of various shapes.

· Perforated: Most suitable for bulk production. Perforation is the practice of gouging holes into hard metal that is placed above the metal and helps remove excess material from the work surface.

· Stamping: Stamping is a manufacturing technology that can make metal sheets of different thicknesses into the desired shape.

· Engraving: Used to create detailed cuts and corners that are not possible with a standard cutting process, engraving can be used on a wide range of metals.

Shaping process.

Sometimes metal needs to be shaped rather than simply cut. In the manufacturing process, metal is usually cut first and then shaped, including:

· Mold: Creates one or more raised metal parts. Often used when fabricating medium to large batches of parts, stamping can refer to progressive, shallow, or deep mold drawing.

· Folding/Bending: Creates corners in the metal sheet during fabrication.

Other processes.

There are several other processes used in  metal fabrication technology to  join sheets of different materials together or to form large pieces of metal, such as:

· Welding: Is one of the most common ways to join pieces of metal. They are often used when processing very thin materials or when it is important not to deform the metal.

· Machining: Helps shape metal blocks instead of sheet or rolled metal. Machining removes metal pieces from the block to shape the final product. There are several tools used in machining such as: Lathes, milling machines and drills,…

· Drawing: The process of using traction on metal to stretch. This process is done by passing metal between two molds and stamping the mold on the available metal.

· Casting: The casting process involves giving the metal the desired shape by melting the metal at high temperatures and pouring it into a hollow mold. When metals fill the cavity and allow it to cool, they take on the shape of a mold.

The implementation process of  metal fabrication technology.

· Design: Identify project requirements, manufacturing methods and areas of improvement and use CAD software to create designs.

· Prototyping: Typically a rapid prototype is created using 3D printing or rapid sheet metal prototyping.

· Programming: As soon as the CAD design for the product is finalized, they will be turned into programming for any computer-controlled machine that will be involved in the fabrication process.

· Fabrication: The time required for fabrication depends on the complexity of the part, the processes involved, and the needs of the machine shop. The fabrication process itself can include many different steps such as: Cutting, punching, folding, machining and welding,…

· Finishing: Once the fabrication process is complete, the  fabrication service can complete the product, including: Refine surfaces and edges or apply various coating options.

· Assembly: Some fabrication services also offer assembly services, which may include welding or electrical integration. [5]


So  is metal fabrication considered manufacturing? Metal fabrication and manufacturing are 2 completely separate processes. Fabrication turns raw materials into parts of different shapes and sizes. Manufacturing involves the fabrication and assembly of finished metal parts.

RX Tradex expects the article “What is metal fabrication technology?” will help you better understand metal fabrication and related information. Visit leading international exhibitions such as  the Metalex Exhibition organized by RX Tradex. The exhibition will introduce you to the leading advanced manufacturing technologies and an ideal place to exchange and learn about great advances in the industry. In addition, businesses can refer to other events organized by RX Tradex in 2023 such as  Vietnam Manufacturing Expo,  Waste and Recycling Vietnam and NEPCON Vietnam to increase learning opportunities and  expand trade connections.

Bibliographic references:

[1] Source:

[2] Source:

[3] Source:

[4] Source:

[5] Source: