WRV – Waste and Recycling Expo Việt Nam

What is Occupational Environmental Monitoring? How Often Should Businesses Conduct Occupational Environmental Monitoring?

What is Occupational Environmental Monitoring? How Often Should Businesses Conduct Occupational Environmental Monitoring?

With the continuous development of various industries today, the generation of waste that affects the environment is increasing. Therefore, environmental monitoring is a mandatory measure that manufacturing enterprises need to comply with. In this article, RX Tradex Vietnam will provide information on what occupational environmental monitoring is and how often businesses should conduct it.

1. What is Environmental Monitoring?

Environmental monitoring is the process of collecting, analyzing, and evaluating environmental parameters at a specific location to determine the level of pollution or environmental changes. This helps to identify and monitor factors that adversely affect human health, animals, plants, and the ecosystem in general.

More specifically, occupational environmental monitoring focuses on environmental factors at the workplace such as air quality, noise, lighting, temperature, humidity, and the presence of chemicals. The main goal of occupational environmental monitoring is to ensure that working conditions do not harm the health and safety of workers.

2. Why is Occupational Environmental Monitoring Necessary?

  • Protecting Workers’ Health: An unsafe working environment can cause occupational diseases and negatively affect workers’ long-term health. Environmental monitoring helps to detect harmful factors early, allowing for timely preventive measures.
  • Legal Compliance: According to legal regulations, businesses must conduct regular occupational environmental monitoring. This not only helps to avoid penalties but also enhances the company’s reputation and social responsibility.
  • Improving Work Efficiency: A safe and comfortable working environment helps employees work more efficiently, reduces sick leave, and increases labor productivity.

3. Legal Regulations on Occupational Environmental Monitoring

According to Circular 19/2016/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam, businesses must conduct occupational environmental monitoring at least once a year. Additionally, in cases of production technology changes, new construction, or production scale expansion, businesses must also conduct monitoring to ensure environmental factors do not harm workers’ health.

4. The Role of Occupational Environmental Monitoring

  • Early Detection of Risk Factors: Regular monitoring helps to detect environmental factors that may cause harm early, allowing for risk control and mitigation measures.
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Safety Measures: Through monitoring results, businesses can evaluate the effectiveness of implemented safety measures and make adjustments if necessary.
  • Developing Worker Health Protection Plans: Monitoring results serve as a basis for developing worker health protection plans, including preventive measures, safety training, and regular health care.

5. Steps to Conduct Occupational Environmental Monitoring

  • Step 1: Planning: Before monitoring, a detailed plan including factors to be monitored, monitoring methods, and the timing and frequency of monitoring should be developed.
  • Step 2: Preparing Equipment and Personnel: Suitable measuring equipment and a qualified team should be prepared to carry out the monitoring work.
  • Step 3: Conducting Monitoring: Measure environmental factors according to the established plan, adhering strictly to technical standards and regulations.
  • Step 4: Analyzing Results: After data collection, analyze and evaluate the results to determine the safety level of the work environment.
  • Step 5: Reporting and Proposing Measures: Prepare a monitoring report and propose remedial measures if harmful factors are detected. This report should be submitted to relevant authorities and stored at the business.

6. Managing and Storing Occupational Environmental Monitoring Results

Monitoring results should be carefully stored for easy tracking and reference. Businesses need to have a scientific data management system that ensures the security and integrity of information. Additionally, these results should be periodically updated and reported to state management agencies upon request.

7. Duration of Occupational Environmental Monitoring

The duration of occupational environmental monitoring typically depends on the scale and nature of the business. Generally, the monitoring process lasts from several days to several weeks. For large-scale enterprises or those operating in high-risk industries, the monitoring period may be longer to ensure comprehensive data collection and accurate evaluation.

8. Qualified Units for Occupational Environmental Monitoring

  • Institute of Occupational Health and Environment: This is the leading unit in occupational environmental monitoring and research in Vietnam, with experienced experts and modern equipment.
  • Preventive Health Centers: Provincial and municipal preventive health centers also perform occupational environmental monitoring to ensure worker safety in their areas.
  • Environmental Consulting Companies: Many environmental consulting firms now offer occupational environmental monitoring services. These companies often have highly specialized staff and advanced measuring equipment.


Occupational environmental monitoring is an important and necessary task to protect workers’ health and ensure compliance with legal regulations. Proper implementation of the process and scientific storage of results will help businesses improve work efficiency and create a safe, sustainable working environment. Additionally, in Vietnam, there are many related activities such as waste treatment technology, recycling energy, and waste treatment solutions organized at the WASTE AND RECYCLING EXPO VIETNAM by RX Tradex Vietnam. Interested businesses can learn more and register to participate.