WRV – Waste and Recycling Expo Việt Nam

What waste treatment technologies are available?

What waste treatment technologies are available?

Waste treatment technologies in our country include: landfill, incineration, power generation, fertilizer production, which are quite rudimentary and outdated. “According to information from the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, HCMC is also prioritizing the transfer of waste treatment from landfill to incineration. The goal is to reduce landfilling to only 20% of the total garbage by 2025.” To achieve this goal, businesses need to acquire and apply more advanced technologies.So, what waste treatment technologies are available in Vietnam and around the world? Let’s find out with RX Tradex through the article below.

6 methods of waste treatment in production and life.

Currently, waste treatment includes the following common methods:

· Mechanical treatment of municipal solid waste.

· Mechanical treatment of industrial and mining waste.

· Biological treatment of organic waste.

· Heat treatment of municipal solid waste.

· Heat treatment of industrial waste and by-products.

· Physicochemical treatment of hazardous waste.

· …

These waste treatment processes are widely applied today.

· Landfilling: This process is applied to types of waste such as: Domestic solid waste, construction waste, industrial waste, biodegradable waste,… produces landfill gas in high concentrations.

· Incineration: This process is often used to treat combustible wastes such as municipal solid waste, some hazardous wastes, medical waste and certain industrial waste.

· Composting and anaerobic digestion: An aerobic treatment process that uses microorganisms to decompose compost. This process is often used to separate solid wastes into carbon dioxide and water, thereby creating valuable products for soil conditioning in agriculture or soil improvement and cultivation.

· Recycling: This is the process of recycling municipal waste with components such as paper, plastic, metal and glass,… in different proportions for different types.

Top 10 waste treatment technologies in Vietnam and the world.

Waste incineration technology to generate electricity in Vietnam and many countries around the world

Our country generates an average of 64,658 tons of domestic solid waste, of which urban areas account for 55%, rural areas account for 45%. To treat this amount of solid waste, there are currently 1,322 treatment facilities nationwide with more than 381 incinerators, in which the method of burning energy to recover electricity generation is commonly applied. Garbage electricity or incineration is an advanced technology that converts waste into resources and is applied by many countries such as Vietnam and surrounding areas, they can thoroughly treat a large amount of waste, helping to reduce environmental pollution. This technology is applied to the treatment of wastes such as: Wastewater, ash, gas and odor,  which are also detoxified before being released into the environment.

MET Technology – The best wastewater treatment technology in Vietnam.

This technology of wastewater treatment is based on electromechanical processes with the principle of pressure circulation through the installation of plastic pipe systems. As a result, the technology can separate the water flow and form a natural filter, bringing clean water after treatment. MET technology developed by Vietnamese not only brings high efficiency, simplicity but also saves installation space. In addition, MET is also applied to filter borehole water with low cost, absolute safety and high efficiency. MET technology is widely applied in: Industrial wastewater treatment, medical wastewater treatment, domestic wastewater treatment,…

Biotechnology recycles Austrian PET plastic.

PET is a thermoplastic that is often recycled by melting or shredding, so the resulting product is of poor quality. But a small country like Austria has made a breakthrough in treating this type of waste with PET plastic recycling biotechnology. The technology uses an enzyme extracted from fungi to recycle PET plastic. Under the action of enzymes, this plastic will be broken down into small molecules and transformed into high-quality plastic.

Water treatment technology with ZeeWeed ultrafiltration membrane.

ZeeWeed ultrafiltration membrane is one of the advanced technologies chosen in the water treatment industry of the world in general and Vietnam in particular. ZeeWeed uses ultrafiltration hollow fiber technology to treat virtually any type of water, including: raw water, drinking water, wastewater and industrial water,…

Japanese CFB fluidized bed liquefaction combustion technology.

CFB (Liquefied Combustion Technology) treatment technology is the process of burning furnaces to destroy waste. This is considered a very effective solution, because it is possible to bury a large amount of waste in a layer of sand and then use airflow and some other chemicals to treat it. In addition, CFBs burn even the most difficult materials more quickly and inexpensively than many other methods. In addition, harmful gasses are released into the environment such as: NO, SO2,… much less than other incinerator methods, due to the low combustion chamber temperature, which only needs to reach about 800 degrees Celsius. On top of that, the heat emitted by this technology can also be used to generate electricity.

Monsal Biotechnology of American Veolia.

Monsal Biotechnology is a waste treatment and renewable energy solution developed by Veolia Environmental Services. Monsal uses anaerobic decomposition to convert organic waste into biogas (a form of energy) and solids into fertilizer. In addition, the treatment of sewer sludge helps to create clean compost while killing harmful bacteria, avoiding waste and environmental pollution.

Swedish garbage treatment technology.

The amount of waste that needs to be landfilled in Sweden accounts for only about 1%, while 47% is recycled and 52% is burned to produce heat and electricity. Up to 50% of Sweden’s electricity consumption comes from renewable energy. The Swedes set up a garbage incineration network to capture electricity, creating the National Grid. The country has been implementing a very scientific garbage sorting process since the 1970s. Therefore, to meet this “demand for garbage”, Swedish still have to import garbage from other countries.

Waste management technology in Belgium.

75% of Belgium’s garbage is reused or recycled or composted. The nation’s resources are reused as cycles. Belgian waste treatment technology has 2 extremely advanced waste management processes: Ecolizer and Green Events.

Ecolizer Technology: Apply production management system to ensure low and clean waste levels. This system will calculate production, transportation, consumption, energy and waste treatment. Allows manufacturers to assess the environmental impact of products to reduce negative environmental impact.

Green Events Technology: A system for managing and evaluating the amount of waste or items that are no longer used at event venues. This technology works directly on the same website as Ecolizer. In addition, other individuals and event organizers can rent or reuse to avoid causing waste.

AOP wastewater treatment technology.

AOP (Advanced Oxidation Processes) technology is applied by GREE to thoroughly treat persistent organic pollutants in industrial and domestic wastewater. This technology uses advanced oxidation by producing a stronger secondary oxidant, hydroxide (OH), which selectively decomposes the most stubborn organic substances. This process continues until the pollutants are completely mineralized into carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O) and other inorganic acids,…


Through the above article, RX Tradex hopes businesses will grasp what waste treatment technologies are popular today. The content also provides a lot of information and new perspectives on the current status of waste treatment in Vietnam. If you are interested in the field of environment and waste management, you can learn more about new trends and advanced technologies in the industry at the first International Exhibition on Waste and Recycling Technology Vietnam 2023.

The exhibition will be an ideal destination for businesses to meet, connect, learn or experience waste treatment technologies and solutions from leading international brands in the field of environment. In addition, RX Tradex also organizes other international exhibitions in 2023 such as Vietnam Manufacturing Expo, METALEX Vietnam, NEPCON Vietnam to help businesses expand relationships or find quality partners and trade with potential customers.