VME – Vietnam Manufacture Expo

When can an electric motor catch fire? Some common errors

When can an electric motor catch fire? Some common errors

Electric motors are important equipment in many industries, however, they also pose a potential risk of fire and explosion if not properly maintained and operated. Understanding the causes of problems and knowing how to check the engine when a problem occurs is extremely important. To master this knowledge and ensure safety and operational efficiency, let’s RX Tradex explore in detail the causes of when electric motors can catch fire and how to check when the motor is on fire in this article. 

1. When can an electric motor catch fire? What is the cause?

Electric motors are important equipment in many industries, however, they also pose a potential risk of fire and explosion if not properly maintained and operated. Here are some common causes of electric motor fires:

1.1. Engine burns out due to overload

This is the leading cause of electric motor fires. When the motor is overloaded for a long time, the internal temperature rises, damaging the insulation of the winding wire and leading to a short circuit.

1.2. The electric motor burns out due to frictional part wear

Excessive friction between the mechanical parts in an electric motor can generate large amounts of heat, heat the engine, and lead to an explosion. The main cause of this phenomenon is usually a lack of lubricating grease, worn or damaged bearings.

1.3. Electric motor failure due to working in an overheated environment

If the electric motor operates in a high-temperature environment, the insulation of the winding wire will quickly age and lead to a short circuit. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a motor with a power suitable for the working environment conditions.

1.4. Electric motor burns out because of overcurrent, unstable voltage

The current or voltage supplied to the electric motor is unstable which can result in overload or short circuit of the motor. Therefore, it is necessary to use a stable power supply and install overcurrent and overvoltage protection devices for the motor.

1.5. Electric motor burns out because the motor winding wire

Electric motor winding wires if they get wet, peel off the insulation, or due to poor quality can also lead to short circuits. Therefore, it is necessary to store the engine carefully, avoid exposing the engine to water or chemicals, and use an engine with a clear origin and ensure quality.

1.6. Electric motors burn out due to frequent prolonged overloads

Prolonged overloading will shorten the life of the engine and increase the risk of fire and explosion. Therefore, it is necessary to use the correct engine of power and load, and maintain the engine periodically to ensure efficient and safe operation.

1.7. Electric motor fire due to phase loss

When the electric motor works out of phase, the current in the remaining phases will increase, leading to overload and engine fire. Therefore, it is necessary to install phase loss protection devices for electric motors.

1.8. The motor touches the shell

The electric motor housing, if exposed to the power supply, will result in a short circuit. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the motor housing is securely grounded and not damaged.

1.9. The electric motor burns out due to the wire explosion

Due to the impact of external forces or due to aging insulation, the electrical conductors in the engine may explode, resulting in a short circuit. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically inspect the electrical system and replace the conductors if there are signs of damage.

2. How to check for a burnt out electric motor

In order to detect the risk of electric motor fire early, it is necessary to carry out periodic inspection measures as follows:

  • Check the engine temperature: Use a specialized thermometer to measure the surface temperature of the motor. If the engine temperature is too high, it is necessary to find the cause and fix it in time.
  • Noise and vibration test: When the engine is running, attention should be paid to listening to the noise and vibration. If abnormal noise or vibration is detected, the engine should be stopped and checked.
  • Check the insulation condition of the winding wire: It is necessary to check whether the insulation of the winding wire is peeling, swelling or cracking. If any signs of damage are detected, the wrap should be replaced with a new one.
  • Check the bearings and bearings: It is necessary to check whether the bearings and bearings are worn, damaged, or lack lubricating grease. If any abnormal signs are detected, it should be disassembled and inspected thoroughly.
  • Check the electrical system: It is necessary to check whether the electrical system supplying the motor has electrical leakage. If any signs of electrical leakage are detected, it should be corrected in time.

In addition, it is also important to keep an eye on the operating parameters of the motor such as current, voltage, power, etc. If any abnormal signs are detected, the engine should be stopped and checked.

3. Conclusion

Electric motors are important equipment in many industries, but if not properly maintained and operated, they can pose a fire and explosion hazard that poses extremely serious risks. In order to improve operational efficiency and ensure the safety of your factory, it is extremely necessary for you to understand the causes of when electric motors can catch fire and preventive measures.

To understand the importance of factory safety and efficiency in operating electric motors or other modern machinery and technology equipment to support the production process, participating in specialized events such as the Vietnam Manufacturing Expo will be a great opportunity for your business. This exhibition is not only a place to update the latest technologies and trends in the manufacturing industry, but also an opportunity for you to connect with leading experts. Here, you will be able to find optimal solutions, improve maintenance capacity and safe operation of your machine system.